Chapter Two

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[ A few days later ]

It was after work hours and [Your name] was ready to head out, she grabbed her work bag and began to head for the door when Madara walked out of his office. The two bumped into each other, [Your name] instantly started to panic and apologize on impact. While the boss stared down at her unfazed.

"Hey it's late, how about we go for those drinks you suggested", he said softly as he locked his office door. [Your name] took a moment to calm down and smile at her boss, "O-Oh yes ! Of course we can!".

The two walked out of the building in silence and Madara walked her over to the black car that was parked under the reserved CEO parking space. "Come I'll give you a ride...", Madara said while opening the passenger side. [Your name] shook her head, "O-Oh I couldn't Mr. Uchiha! I have my own car a couple parking spaces down I can just meet you at the-".

"I said I'll give you a ride.. get in", he narrowed his eyes a bit [Your name] got the chills from his response and quickly got in the car. When Madara closed the door he gently face palmed and muttered to himself, 'idiot'. He walked over to the drivers seat and reversed out of the parking and drove down the street.

The car ride was silent, [Your name] was to nervous to say anything and Madara was still angry about how demanding he sounded earlier. He drove pass the nearby cafe and continued down the road.

"Ahh uhh Mr. Uchiha we passed the cafe...", she said softly and looked out the window as the cafe passed by. Madara just kept driving for a few more minutes until they arrived at a fancy looking restaurant.

"Mr. Uchiha please i'm not dressed for this sort of place...", she said softly and was shocked from the sudden change of plans. He parked the car and got out, walking over to the passenger side he opened the door and extended his hand to her, "If anyone mentions your attire they will have to take it up with me... I personally think your everyday work look is quite beautiful".

With a blush she took his hand and Madara escorted [Your name] towards the entrance. The person at the door looked at [Your name] and then towards Madara. "She is my guest for this evening..", he simply said, the guard nodded and let the two of you inside.

Once inside the atmosphere took a 360, there was a bright sparkling chandelier, red velvet seats and people dressed up in fancy clothing. Madara had escorted [your name] to a private area that was empty, he opened a seat for her and the two sat down.

Looking over the menu [your name] began to panic as she saw the prices for small dishes that wouldn't fill her up. Madara kept his eyes on the menu, "Do not worry I'll be paying... you can treat me the next time we go somewhere".

'Next time? He wants to go somewhere with me again?', she blushed at her own thoughts.

[After Dinner]

The dinner was quiet but nice, the food was good and satisfied them both. After walking out the restaurant an on goer looked at [your name], "Why would she come to a place dressed like that?". Madara stared at the woman and grabbed [your name] and pulled her close to his body, "Don't listen to her shes just jealous of your beauty...".

The woman scoffed and went back to her glass of wine, Madara kept [your name] close to his body until they reached the car. "It is late... I'll take you to my place since your car is back at the company... and I will not take no for an answer ", he said while opening the car door.

[Your name] sighed at his stubbornness and decided to smile and take up his offer. "Alright Mr. Uchiha if you insist I will take your offer", she got in the car and took a deep breath. Madara closed the door and blinked a few times and thought to himself, 'I didn't expect her to actually say yes...'.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a few numbers before the phone began to ring, after a short moment another male voice was heard over the phone.


"Yes can you clean up the house... there is not much to clean but make sure its spotless... I'll give you twenty minutes".

And with that he hanged up, Madara still couldn't quite pinpoint the reason he was going to such lengths for a woman that he would occasionally see at the office. Though he acknowledged her beauty and hard work ethic he still couldn't piece together what made him want to get to know her better.

He let out a small sigh and walked over to the drivers side and began to drive out of the parking once again, "I will be taking you to one more place....". [Your name] tilted her head at his words but decided not to say anything he was just going to do what he wanted anyways.

They drove for awhile until they came to a stop on a dirt road where no one usually drove by. Madara parked the car and stared at the moon, "I like to come here everyday after work... it calms me....".

[Your name] looked over to Madara and then over to the moon, she saw a soft expression that she'd never seen before on his face. "Mr. Uchiha is this somewhere special to you?", she said with a small smile on her face. "Yes it is I usually come here after a long day... to release my stress, family issues and overall just to remember that I am... well human not just a boss haha...", he laughed at the last part he said but she could feel the sadness in those words.

Instinctively [your name] reached over her hand and placed it on his, "Well if my opinion means anything to you... you are a great boss and you stay late to do what needs to be done... but I can tell you are a very kind, understanding and sensitive person as well". Madara once again felt a weird sensation in his chest, so did [your name].

[Your name] blushed at her words and pulled her hand away, "S-Sorry I must have over stepped my boundaries Mr. Uchiha...-". She was cut off by him reaching over to grab her hand, "No... uhm... I really appreciate that you think of me as such a good person... but you should know... just because I'm kind to you doesn't mean I treat others the same", he used her arm to pull her a bit closer to himself.

"Ms. [Last name] I think I may have feelings for you...".

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now