Chapter Fifteen

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[Sometime Later...]

"Madara you have to give him this", she handed over the baby blanket towards him. Madara quickly grabbed the blanket and gently handed over to the baby that was now a few months old. The baby grabbed the blanket and immediately stopped its crying.

Madara let out a small sigh and looked over to his fiancee. "How do you always know what he wants you both plot against me don't you?". She giggled at his response, "Call it mother's intuition I guess" she smiled.

[Your name] handed the baby a bottle, which he quickly began to drank as he slowly fell to sleep. She sighed softly, "Looks like we have a break he will be out for awhile". The Uchiha let out a small sigh of relief and walked over to his now fiancee and kissed her gently on the cheek, "how about we take this moment to relax ourselves?".

She nodded in agreeance, the two of them left the baby room and went towards the living room. It had been sometime since the two began to live together. At first it was a bit of a challenge with the differences in life styles and the stress and mood swings of a new baby coming along but it worked out in the end.

The two sat back into their comfy sofa and let out sighs. They smiled at one another happy just to enjoy one another's company. [Your name] gently cuddled into Madaras arms, she was especially tired, she took a long leave from work at least for the first few months to take care of the baby and Madara had to continue to work to keep the sales up. 

But today was a family day for the three of them, they spent the day together. [Your name] teaching Madara how his son played, ate and cried. Madara though struggled tried his best and [your name] appreciated every bit of it. 

"It's been awhile since we had a moment to ourselves huh?" she said softly while looking up at him. Madara gently wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer to himself. "Yes it has been..." he said softly looking at her with loving eyes.

The two shared a moment to stare at one another and then leaned in for a kiss. The moment heated up and their breath heightened at the loss of breath. [Your name] pulled away slightly from the kiss, the two leaning against each others foreheads and breaths softly tickling one anothers faces.

They both stared into one another's eyes, Madara pulling [your name] onto his lap gripping onto her hips gently. "Are you sure you're not too tired for this?" he said softly as he leaned in and muttered against her lips. She looked down at his lips softly and panted gently, "No..." she leaned in pressing their lips against one another. 

Their lips were tingling, it had been awhile since they had a good moment to themselves, one would always be tired from taking care of the baby or working late at the office. 

[Your name] felt a bump underneath her and she began to slowly grind up against him, Madaras hand sliding up her shirt gently grasping at her breast as he began to kiss down the side of her neck. 

The kisses earned moans from the mouth of [your name] and she felt herself about ready to tear at the others clothes, but before she did he began to take off his own shirt and hers as well. 

Madara shoved her onto the sofa and took off the rest of their clothes quickly and swiftly, he stared down at her body admirning every piece he could. [Your name] had gotten used to his stares at this point and gently snaked her arms around his neck waiting for him to continue.

He gently pushed himself into the others entrance, she moaned out loudly as he did so. Madara gently placed his palm upon her mouth and leaned forward. "You know the baby he's asleep... you can't be to loud my love..." he whispered as he kept pushing himself deeper into her.

She clasped her eyes shut feeling both pain and pleasure from his length going into her. She moaned softly against his hand and wrapped her legs gently around the others waist. Madara groaned softly under his breath as he pushed inside. 

"How about... we make another?" he chuckled softly beneath his breath as he began to thrust in and out of her softly. He then removed his hand so he could keep himself up as he pulled out slowly and then thrusted roughly into her.

She quickly opened her eyes wide as he said that and was about to respond until he slammed into her, she quickly covered her mouth before she could moan loudly. The muffled moan came out and Madara smirked at this, he continued going at a pretty rough pace to keep her reactions the same. 

Eventually the two of them felt close to their end, Madara quickly switched positions so that he would be sitting and she would be sitting on top of his lap. He gripped onto her hips tightly and continued to thrust upwards into her.

[Your name] felt herself moving up and down pacing herself with his movements. After a few more thrust she felt herself release and tighten from her high. Madara came soon after she tightened around him and released inside her.

The two panted, [your name] leaning her head against Madaras shoulder and Madara leaning his head back onto the sofa. [Your name] muttered softly under her breath, "if we have another kid it's your turn to take care of it" she laughed softly. 

Madara chuckled, "noted". He lifted her head up with his hands and gently kissed her on the lips.

Just as the two had gotten up, cleaned up and put their clothes on their babies cries could be heard from the other room. The two looked at one another.

"Your turn Mr.Uchiha".


// HELLO EVERYONE! I'd like to say thank you so much for the support on this story, I honestly lost interest in it so many times and for that I kept everyone waiting and I am so sorry for that. But thank you so much if you reached the end!

I will be publishing another story soon within the next few weeks and I look forward to see you guys there thank you so much again for the support and see you guys soon! --trashcangee //

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