Chapter Five

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[Three days later]

It had been three days since Madara had been gifting items towards [your name], She had already forgave him about the incident but he kept persisting on gifting her with items. 

[The end of the work day/ The office]

On the way back to her office desk she caught the eye of the Uchiha. "Ms. [Your Last Name] please come into my office I want to have a word with you", and with that he went into his office without another word. [Your name] looked around the office space and noticed almost everyone had gone home, even with the speech Madara had given about the extra work, she had still fallen behind on most of her own work and had to stay late to finish up.

She sighed and walked over to Madara's office, he was sitting in his chair facing towards the city lights out the window. "Please take a seat", he said in a low voice. [Your name] walked over to his desk and took the seat to her left and nervously messed around with the hem of her skirt. There was silence for a short while before [your name] had decided to break it.

"M-Mr. Uchiha look I know you think giving me gifts will earn my forgiveness... but the problem is there was nothing to forgive you for... I-I mean it's not like we were ever together in the first place... why would I be mad at you.. maybe I was a bit jealous and hurt, but there was no need for the flowers, the new office chair and the coffee from this morning...", she looked down nervous to what he would say.

Madara turned over towards her and gently lifted himself from his chair, he walked over to her and placed his hand on the arm of the chair and leaned towards her. "Even so, if we were not together but I felt this way about you why would I do such a thing to hurt the one I love?", he looked into her eyes. [Your name] immediately turned bright red and looked at him with shock before turning away. 'L-Love?! Did he say that?', she thought to herself before starting to feel sweat forming in her palms.

"W-Well maybe... i-if we were together...-" she stopped herself from finishing her words. She remembered the company policy of not being able to date anyone from the same company. Madara saw her hesitation and grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him, "I am the owner of this company, I could over look some rules for a certain woman if I wished" he said while looking at her lips.

He slowly pulled away from her and turned back towards the city view, "Ms. [your last name] if we are going to pursue an intimate relationship with one another to make it less suspicious I might have to transfer you to another division in the company... I wouldn't know how much I could hold myself back if I have my lover in the same work space as me... I'm already holding back my urges as we speak", she muttered the last part barely audible.

[Your name] blushed at his words and was still red from being so close to him, "Y-Yes sir I wouldn't mind transferring! W-What department did you have in mind sir?". He went back over to his desk and sat down. "Don't worry about it just come in tomorrow and I will take you to your new sector".

She nodded and quickly stood up from her chair, "t-thank you M-Mr. Uchiha I'll do my best!". "[Your name]", he said firmly. She paused in her tracks at hearing her first name once again from her bosses mouth, "You may call me Madara... when we are alone... since we are..EHEM together now". A small blush found it's way onto Madara's pale cheeks. [Your name] began to feel her heart beat rapidly at the word 'together', she nodded and with that quickly left the room to gather herself. 

Quickly she grabbed her belongings and speed walked to the elevator, she clutched onto her work bag and leaned her back against the elevator wall. "I-It's official?", she clutched her bag harder and hid her face behind it. 

[Madara POV]

Madara watched as she ran out of the office room and let out a sigh of relief once she was out of sight. His face lightly became red, 'love huh?' he thought to himself.

After a few moments passed he took out his phone and looked at her contact, pressing the text option he scratched his head thinking of what to write. First he typed out, 'hello' then erased it. Then he typed out, 'did you get home safe?' before erasing it again. He kept writing message after message before finally he sent one with a long sigh.

He put his elbows on his desk and ruffled his hair while looking towards the ground, "Come on now Madara you can be so smooth when it comes to anyone else but why is it so difficult with these feelings".

He stood up from his desk gathered his items and began to head towards the elevator to go home.

[Your name POV/ At home]

After she had returned home she put her belongings on her desk and felt a buzz from her pocket. She grabbed her phone, 'a text from Mr. Uchiha!' she thought to herself excitedly. The text was short and simple, 'Good night'  it read. Thought it was only two words her heart beat with joy, she flopped onto her bed and lightly screamed into her pillow. She stared at the text a little longer before responding with, 'Good night, I will see you tomorrow'.

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now