Chapter Eight

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// sorry for taking such a long break from this, lots of life events and school has been kicking my butt but I will always love to create stories like these! so thanks for the patience -trashcangee//



[Two Week Later - Madara's Home]

It had been about two weeks since [your name] and Madara had been dating. Besides the occasional gifts and dates they went on nothing had really changed. Was it not how Madara has expected? Was dating her not as he hoped? [Your name] began to worry to much.

"What's wrong [your name]?", Madara's voice quickly snapped her out of her thoughts. 

"Oh! Uhm nothing.. I was just thinking that it's been two weeks since we've started dating!"

"Mhn.." Madara hadn't looked up from his computer the whole time she spoke. 

'I was right maybe he's already grown tired of me... we have only kissed once and haven't done anything else besides that...' , she thought to herself. Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. 

Madara slightly raised his sight from the screen and saw the tears forming, he got up and walked over to his lover. "Whats wrong my dear? Are you unhappy?", Madara had never truly felt concern for a lover before and was confused on what to do. He gently held her in his arms and wiped her tears.

"Am I not good enough Mr. Uchiha? You've been with many others before me right? So how come I'm not enough?" [your name] sobbed gently into her palms. 

Madara's eyes widened at her question, he regained composure and gently lifted her chin and wiped her tears. "[Your name] you are the most beautiful, smartest and kindest women I've ever laid eyes on... I don't want to rush our relationship.. I want to ... do things right", Madara had a slight blush on his face as he spoke.

[Your name] blushed at the sight of Madara showing a genuine expression on his face. "Really?". Madara nodded his head as he leaned in gently to kiss her lips. He gently pulled away and kept his forehead on hers, "My heart also pounds whenever I'm around you... I get a bit nervous you see.." he cleared his throat. 

[Your name] was slightly shocked at the statement 'The Madara nervous?!'. She giggled in response. Madara pulled away from her face and gave a slightly annoyed look, "Hey you better not be making fun of me..." he chuckled. "I wasn't I just thought that you would never be nervous", she smiled.

The two shared a small laugh together, Madara held her close in his arms. "Well since you seem to be wanting to take the next step... shall we.. do something other than kissing?" Madara said as he took a lock of her hair and twirled it with his finger softly. [Your name] reddened at the thought of her being bare in front of him but nodded.

Madara had picked up [your name] in his arms and carried her into his room. He gently placed her onto the bed and began to unbutton his shirt, he placed his knee in between her legs. "If I get carried away... you may tell me to stop..".

He grasped onto the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off over the top of her head, he laid eyes upon her beautiful body and took in every inch of it. [Your name] put a arm over her chest and looked away shyly, "D-Don't stare so much it's embarrassing".

Madara chuckled lowly and leaned forward towards her breast caressing her bras outline with his fingers. This made [your name] shiver, just the slightest touch made her ache for more. 

He slowly traced down towards her pants and pulled them down her waist as he laid tiny kisses down her thighs. 

[Your name] couldn't handle the feeling anymore she let out a slight moan before she clasped her hand over her mouth from embarrassment. 

Madara smiled in response, "No need to be shy my dear... you'll be making much louder sounds by the end of tonight".

He then grabbed his own shirt and pants quickly riding them to the side, he was left only in his boxers. [Your name] had to admire such a body, it was finely toned and was hidden almost 99% of the time. 

Madara had then removed her undergarments as well as his own. She gently traced her eyes down towards his lower region. Her eyes widening at the sight of the length. 

"Don't be scared.. i'll be gentle..".

Madara had grabbed protection from his pant pocket and ripped it open, placing it on himself. Madara however took a moment to appreciate his lovers body, he traced a finger down her now naked figure taking in everything she had to offer. It was truly a feast for his eyes.

[Your name] squirmed from anticipation, "h-hurry... I need you.." she said biting her lip gently waiting for him to make his next move.

Madara chuckled, "anything for you my love...". And with that he pressed himself against her entrance. He pushed inside, her tight entrance making him flinch a bit from pain. [Your name] winched at such a width pushing inside her, it wasn't her first time but it definitely was with someone of this size.

She gripped onto the sheets with a slight tear forming in one eye. Madara gently placed his hand over hers and held onto it softly, "I'm going to start moving... try to relax a bit". With that he moved his hips forward and pressed in and out of her. 

[Your name] was feeling both pain and pleasure, she began to moan from the thrust but still began to shed tears from the pain. Eventually the pain subsided creating a feeling of pure bliss. Madara felt it too.

The two of them moved their hips in unison, both moaning under their breaths. Madara grasped onto [your names] breast as he thrusted, he pinched at her nipple earning a small yelp from the girl. Madara chuckled and felt her begin to tighten around him. "M-Madara I'm close" she mumbled under a few moans.

Madara grunted in response he felt himself closer to his end as well. [Your name] gripped onto Madara's hand as she felt herself pulse below and moaned loudly as she came. Madara thrusted a few more times before he came as well.

Madara gently pulled out and laid besides her, [your name] passed out from exhaustion. Madara chuckled and kissed her cheek, "I guess we can bathe you later then...". He placed the covers gently on top of his lover and kissed her forehead. 

As he put on his boxers and pants he felt the phone from within his pants vibrate.

It was a incoming call from Izuna.

He opened the phone and quietly went outside the bedroom to answer. "What is it?"

"Madara.. he's back from overseas.."

He grabbed a cigarette from his other pocket and lit it smoking a puff. "Hmmm?"

"Hashirama Senju." 

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