Chapter Fourteen

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[Two Months Later]

Hashirama had been prosecuted by the government; after some further research it turns out Hashirama had been faking numbers for sales and taxes abroad as well in his other company. After he had been reported the government quickly took legal action sentencing him to four to five years. 

Tobirama had been put in charge of his brothers company; he closed the main branch and  rebranded it as an official business overseas leaving Madara's business the top as it was before.


Madara had sighed as he entered in his home, it was quiet and void of any persons, he had been quite lonely the past few weeks and very busy with work. He stared down at his phone 'two months huh?...' it had been exactly two months since the last time he saw/ spoke to [your name]. A few days after [your name] had walked out of Hashirama's company they had finally spoken about the future. [Your name] decided she would take a break from work and told Madara she needed some time to think and get over her fears.

After their conversation she had left she stopped replying, stopped calling, it was almost as if she was never there in the first place.

Madara had the urge to find her, keep her all to himself. But maybe this was her way for getting back at him the first time he toyed around with her. He set his briefcase to the side and poured a glass of wine. As he did so he sighed, he pushed the glass to the side not interested in getting drunk. He missed her. He missed holding her. He missed everything they had. 

Maybe this was her way of breaking up with him. 

His phone began to buzz he quickly grabbed it, hoping it was her. Praying it was her. But the name on the screen was his brothers. He picked up the phone slightly disappointed. 

"What is it Izuna?" he said softly with a sigh. 

Izuna had known his brother was upset and would occasionally call to check up on him, "just wondering what you are up too...". 

He sat back on his sofa and played around with his glass of wine still not interested in drinking it. "If you are just going to call for such things, there is no point". He stared at his glass contemplating to hang up the phone or not. 

Izuna's voice got louder from the other end, "well excuse me for trying to cheer you up..." he cleared his throat. "Well in other news, I can tell you that I finally got in contact with [your name] today".

Madara quickly sat up and set his wine down, "really?" he tried not to sound too excited failing miserably.

Izuna smiled at his brothers happier response, "she said she doing fine, and will talk to you sometime tonight". 

Madara felt a wave of emotions, nervousness? excitement? scared? he didn't exactly know but he was definitely looking forward to it. "Thank you Izuna...".

"No problem brother..." he smiled softly at his brothers relief. The two hanged up the phone. 

Now all that was left was for [your name] to contact Madara. He would stare at the phone finally getting a message hours later.

'meet me at this address xxxxxx apt. xx at 8 p.m hope to see you there' 

Madara quickly looked at the time 7 p.m. he quickly fixed himself up and prepared to head towards the destination [your name] had texted.

It was not to far from where he stayed. He pulled up to the address, it was an apartment complex. Not the mini home [your name] had lived in before, did she move? It was an upgrade from her last place but still wasn't much more expensive.

He walked up to the apartment number listed and gently knocked at the door. After a few moments the door opened. [Your name] stood there, she had a mix of excitement but nervousness on her face. 

Madara reached out to her and held her gently in his arms, he didn't care about anything else at this moment, just glad she was safe. "I missed you..." he said softly as he stroked her hair.

She had a small smiled on her face and look of relief, she had also missed him. 

"Madara I..." she gently pulled away from his embrace and didn't quite know what to say. "Come in.

Madara nodded, he stepped inside her place, it was bigger than her last but nothing fancy. She walked him in and sat him down at her small table. 

"Nice place.." he said softly keeping his eyes on her, it had been so long since he last saw her he didn't want to ever let her out of his sight again. They had spent more time apart than they had dating. It had been one month of dating and two months since they last spoke. 

She giggled a bit, "the rent was only three months so I will have to move out soon..." her smiled faded a bit.

She sat across from him, "Madara... I... well.. i'm pregnant..." she said hesitantly. 

Madara felt shocked, was it someone else's? was this her telling him she wanted to be with someone else?

"It's yours..." she said softly. 

He felt a rush of relief but also confusion fall over him. "Mine?" he thought back to three months ago. They had done it about three times, and their very first being unprotected. He mentally slapped himself, he would be so caught up in the moment with her he didn't think about it. 

She nodded, moving her sweater upwards she revealed a small bump. "It's not to big yet but it's there" she said with a small smile.

It finally hit him, he got up and went over to hold her in his arms. "You were scared because of this weren't you...? It was never about money or status... you were scared about this...".

[Your name] began to feel tears well up in her eyes nodding into the embrace. "I found out the day you went to my house... and I just made excuses... I thought you would leave me for another girl if I told you... especially since it was so soon into our relationship..." she sniffled into his arms.

Madara rubbed her back, "I would never leave you on your own..." he said softly kissing her head.

"I was scared and decided to leave to think about what to do on my own but..." she sniffled and rubbed her eyes.

Madara gently wiped her tears, "live with me... I will take care of you and our child.." he smiled softly gently touching her stomach. 

[Your name] nodded, she gripped onto him tightly and stayed in his arms, she felt all her fears go away. The two months away from him were dreadful, but being in his arms again felt as if she never left. 


[[ Authors Note: THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE LAST ONE!! thank you so much for waiting and sticking around see you in the last chapter!]]

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