Chapter Seven - Valentines Edition (not cannon)

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// Sorry ! I was planning to write this for valentines day but I ended up being super busy with work and school but I will still deliver ! Happy (late) Valentines day to you Madara Whores~! -trashcangee //


[The office]

It was early in the morning, Izuna's department starts way earlier than Madara's had. But today was Valentine's day and now that [your name] has a handsome, rich ceo boyfriend she expected something good to happen today. 

Izuna stepped out of his office and cleared his throat, "alright everyone I'm not a heartless fool and I appreciate the work and time you've done today but go ahead and get outta here! It's Valentine's we can continue work on Monday". And with that said the workers around [your name] quickly grabbed their stuff and packed into the elevator leaving just [your name] and Izuna behind. Izuna looked over to her and tilted his head, "you aren't going to get out like everyone else?" he laughed a bit. [Your name] continued typing on her computer, "Well Madara is still working so it would be pointless for me to leave wouldn't it?" she giggled a bit and continued her work. Izuna shrugged and went back into his office, "well suit yourself".

[Lunch time]

[Your name] looked over to her phone, she still hadn't received any text from Madara and sighed. She looked over to the elevator, her boss did say she could leave and she had finished her work. She gathered her items and got up, "Mr. Izuna I will be heading out right now" she said gently. Izuna was passed out on his desk, she guessed there was no harm in just leaving when he gave everyone permission too. She went into the elevator and headed towards Madara's floor. 

When she got to the floor she walked over to Madara's office and knocked on the door. There was no answer, she decided to opened the door, the lights were off and no one was inside. One of her former desk mates walked up to her, "Mr. Uchiha has been gone for about two hours now he didn't say where he was going but he said he wasn't returning today". [Your name] was slightly hurt by the message, "Oh well thank you". She walked back over to the elevator. 'How could he leave and not tell me anything?', she thought to herself.

[ [Your name's] Home ]

She sighed deeply, maybe she thought at least some flowers like he had done before. Maybe he wasn't the type to celebrate a stupid 'holiday' like this. While she was thinking all these thoughts she drifted off to sleep in her bed. 

A few hours passed and [your name] woke up to her phone vibrating. She looked at the clock, she had slept for about four hours, the call that was coming in was from Madara. Quickly she picked up the phone, "H-Hello?". The phone was silent for a moment but on the other end Madara finally spoke up, "Come outside, I know it's almost late but I have something for you". And with that he hung up not even waiting for a reply. 

[Your name] quickly fixed up her hair and put something nice on. She quickly went outside and Madara was standing in the lobby. Madara was wearing a long tanish coat, with a black turtleneck and black slacks, he looked incredibly sexy. He walked over towards [your name] and gently grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it. "Sorry for being late my love... I had some things to work out for tonight", he said gently as he led her to the car. Once they got to his car, he held open the door for her to get inside, he went back over to his side and started the car. "Where are we going?", she asked softly. "My place... and you will be staying the night, I've already got some clothes prepared for you for tonight and tomorrow so do not worry", he said softly.

[Madara's Home]

[Your name] had already been to Madaras place before but this time it was different, she blushed as she entered into his home. Upon entry she saw red and pink balloons in shapes of hearts spread across the living room. There were some red flower petals spread across the floor leading down the hall to a room, there was wine on the table and some chocolates. [Your name] gasped in response to the scene before her and blushed, "i-is this why-" she was cut off by Madara. "Yes... again I'm sorry for staying quiet all day but I had to have some time to put this together", he said. He then walked over to the table and grabbed two glasses of wine and handed one to her. 

A few hours and drinks later, the two were both pretty good at handling their liquor and were only slightly tipsy. Madara rose from his sofa and extended a hand over to [your name], "I think it's about time I take you over to our bed" he chuckled gently. Her face flushed red in response to 'our', she nodded and took his hand. The two followed the rose path on the ground and Madara opened the door revealing Madara's room.

They entered his room, it was dark; there were blackout curtains that made the room almost pitch black, but there were candles spread around the room and she could see his king sized bed filled with rose petals as well. Madara gently led her over to the bed and laid her on the rough grey sheets. 

Madara gently placed his lips against hers, they kissed for what seemed like hours. Somehow along the way their clothes found their way to the floor and [your name] felt the heat of Madara's skin against her body. Madara toward over her figure and reached over to his night stand to grab a condom. [Your name] flushed a crimson red and looked over Madara's body. She always was surprised that such a built body was hidden behind a work suit. Madara had placed the condom onto himself and positioned himself to her entrance. "Don't worry I'll be gentle tonight..." he said softly as he entered into her. She let out a small noise and flinched as he went inside her, this was not their first time but it was always rough to adjust to his length.

The rest of the night the two spent hours moving and sweating in Madara's bed. 

"Happy Valentine's Day sweet heart" he muttered as the two went to sleep in eachothers arms.

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