Chapter Nine

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[Last Night]


Madara arched his brow at the name "Hashirama Senju?". 

His brother replied with a hum, "Yes, he has returned from his overseas company.. he might cause us a loss in profit..". 

Madara sighed and looked at the bedroom door where his lover was sleeping.

 "Fine, we will have a meeting on this coming Monday make sure to send out emails to our staff.." and with that he hung up the phone.

[The Next Morning - Madara's home]

[Your names] eyes opened to the bright light that spread across her face from the small crack in the curtains, she turned her head groggily and came face to face with her boss. 

She blushed at the memories of the previous night and had silly thoughts running through her head, 'it feels quite scandalous to have such a relationship with the CEO of the company, relationships aren't permitted yet here we are in bed with one another...', she giggled in response to her own thoughts. 

This cause Madara to slightly stir and open his eyes groggily, he then wrapped an arm around his lover and pulled her into his chest, "It is a delight to wake up to such a beautiful sight when you've been wanting to see it for so long".

'for so long?' [your name] thought to herself, this made her face redden as she tucked herself into his chest.

And just as if he read her mind he spoke once again, "Yes, I think I've been infatuated with you for awhile now... though at the time I never thought of it as love.. I know better now". 

[Your name] blushed at this response, she looked up at him but then back down too nervous to look him in the eyes for too long.

Madara wasn't really one to express his feelings but now more than ever he had to be upfront. 

"Listen, you've been with the company for awhile but have you heard of S Company?".

She shook her head in response to his question, she knew of the name but it was more of an overseas company.

"S Company is owned by a dear old comrade of mine.. though we aren't on the best of terms as of now.. we used to have the idea of owning a company together however, when it came to who would be the owner he was decided by investors to be better suit than I.. I've been in his shadow for many years, being compared, being shut down, so I had enough, I made my own company and my own products and that's where we are today".

[Your name] was shocked by this information she would have never imagined such a small company in their area would come with this backstory. 

"So he's returned.. my old friend, he had such success overseas they decided to bring him over to this branch that is owned by his younger brother... so me and Izuna are going to have to start to prepare for these changes, we might be very busy from now on", he said caressing her cheek gently.

[Your name] new it was childish to feel sad about the news, she was an adult she could handle her boyfriend being gone, it's not like they were in the same office together anyhow. 

She nodded in response and smiled, "no problem boss! we have to crush the competition right?" she laughed it off.

Madara slightly smiled to her response, he hummed in response and gently kissed her on the forehead. "Well if that's that then, let's eat breakfast shall we?". 

[Evening - Outside [your names] Home]

"Sorry that we spent most the day in bed" [your name] blushed, she didn't want to admit it but Madara had already known. Last night had strained her body in many more ways than she could have thought.

She was still having a difficult time just sitting in Madara's passenger seat the drive over.

"My apologize my dear, next time I will take more time to prepare you I was unfortunately too mesmerized by you last evening that I ended up doing it faster than I had planned", he chuckled lightly. 

[Your name]'s face darkened at his words and she slightly punched him in the shoulder, "i-it's okay that you were rough", she bit her lip gently and looked away from him. "W-Well anyways! I have to get back home I have to catch up on some work for the team!", she opened the door and got out of the car.

Madara look at her through the opened door, "I hate to see such beauty leave.. maybe you should consider moving in with me in my home, it's much too big for me on my own".

[Your name] was surprised by his sudden proposal, it would be like if they were a married couple, she quickly shook her head.

"We've only been together two weeks Mr. Uchiha you could get bored of me soon, or meet someone better...".

Madara was about to reply but was interrupted by her, "Well anyways, thank you for the ride! I will see you at work monday!" and she slammed the door before quickly walking towards her home.

She did not deny that she would love to live with him, but was still scared that he would bore of her soon, she still had to protect herself from that. 

[That same evening - S Company]

"What's that?! that prudish guy got a woman? Like for real this time?! Maybe you should ask him for some tips to help you get one too!" his laughed echoed throughout the room, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. 

The white hair male narrowed his eyes to his brothers response, "Hashirama am I one to spread a false lie?".

Hashirama stopped his laughter.

"no Tobi but it is quite the news, and you even said M Company has been doing extremely well in sales here? ".

Tobirama nodded his head in response.

A sly smile found its way onto the tanner males face.

"Well then should we pay them a little visit...?"

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now