Chapter Eleven

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AUTHORS NOTE: // sorry guys for the slow updates, i've got college and work. honestly as well I just have a hard time at first i was super excited with this story but lost interest in it over time I just don't think my writing is good Im losing confidence in it but I will try to push myself to at least finish this piece. However it will probably take me awhile in between each upload I appreciate all the love for this story and my other one thank you! And who knows maybe eventually I will regain the confidence while pushing myself! <3 --trashcangee //

A few days later...

[Madara's Office]

Madara sighed heavily as he heard the news from his younger brother. "Are you sure these are the right numbers Izuna? S Company has never had numbers like this before...", he looked down at the papers given to him worriedly. Izuna nodded and sighed, "ever since Hashirama has come around their sales have increased ten fold...". Madara placed the papers on his desk and grimaced at the numbers, "okay... leave me, go get back to work and go tell the sales department it's time to get their asses going". 

Izuna nodded, he gathered the papers he had brought with him and went back to his department. Once back he spoke to his group telling those in sales to get into the meeting room to start a plan.

[Your name] watched as the sales department nervously grasped at their papers and ran towards the room with Izuna. She looked at the others who weren't in the sales department, they all shrugged not knowing what was going on either. 

'It must be Hashirama...', she thought to herself. She then got up and gathered her things, 'My shift is over, maybe I will go ahead and get Madara some food to eat, he will probably stay overtime'.

She walked to the elevator pressing the first floor button, 'Madara and I haven't had the chance to speak properly since the other night he's been busy with the Hashirama situation and we haven't brought up the moving in issue since then'.

The elevator stopped at the first floor, [your name] began to walk out of M Company headed towards the nearby Ichiraku Ramen shop.


[Your name] picked up her order from the shop, as she was leaving she heard on the radio "S Company's profits could surpass long time number one M Company, They better watch out as we interview S Company's second in command Tobirama Senju-".

She quickly exited the store not really wanting to hear the rest, and before her stood her boyfriend's rival company. Senju Corporation. 

The thought suddenly came to her, 'what if I tried to sneak in their company and see what methods they are using and report back to Izuna and Madara...'. She decided act upon her thoughts, heading over to the front of the building she walked through the doors. 

Instantly she met by the overwhelming presence of wealth, the building was decked out with fancy decor, not a single expense was spared. A man walked up to her while she stood agape, "Are you a client?", he looked down at [your names] ID tag and saw M Company plastered on top.

"You shouldn't be here..." he said angrily. "Please see your way out".

But she didn't budge, [your name] didn't come in here for nothing. She wanted answers. She needed to know how she could help her boyfriend.

Before she got kicked out a voice called a few feet away at the secretary's desk. "Ms. [Your Last Name], Mr. Senju said to send you up", the secretary said. The guard backed away and pointed towards the elevator, "top floor" he said. 

She knew she couldn't back out now, Hashirama knew she was here. She went into the elevator and pressed the top floor. She saw the worried look on the guards face as the doors close.


[Senju's Office]

Once she reached the top floor, the doors opened revealing Hashirama standing besides his desk. She stepped out and the door closed behind her.

"Hey [your name] glad to see you came to visit me... what did you need?", he said slowly making his way over to her. [Your name] suddenly felt shivers down her spine, his words were like ice melting down her back. 

"I just came to check on what you guys do here...", she said softly. Hashirama stood in front of her a little too close, "hmm checking out the competition are we?". He placed a hand on her cheek, gliding it down towards her exposed collar bone. 

[Your name] practically puked at his advances, making a face as he did so. "Now now don't be so rude.. I'm just showing my guest some hospitality, would you care for a drink?".

"Offer all the guest you have in here a drink?", she looked over at the conveniently placed sofa with some girls clothes draped over it. [Your name] made a face of disgust. 

"I do it with all my female colleagues so why not my competitors?" he said with a chuckle. 

She slapped his hand aside, "Now I know what you do here, you just get your way by sleeping around huh?". Hashirama's eyes widened but then softened as he sighed, he walked back over to his desk sitting down lisierly, "well not like I could deny it".

"Disgusting, do you know how hard Madara works for his company, and you just throw yourself around to get what you want?".

"Madara did that as well".

[Your name] gasped, she new how Madara's habits were before, "But he's different he never used his body for his work sake! He worked hard to get where he was you don't know what he's been through!", she said fuming.

Hashirama now seemed intrigued, "huh well you're actually kinda boring me... I thought you came to me looking for some fun". He sighed and spun around in his chair, "Well I guess I'll have security take you out".

[Your name] shook her head, "No! I'm not done with you yet!". Hashirama had already picked up the phone, before he could press a button the elevator opened. Tobirama standing there slightly shocked to see the woman standing before his brother. 

"[Your name]?".


[Madara POV - Madara's Office]

It was a long day, he hadn't had the chance to meet up with [your name] since that last time they were at her home. 

He was surprised she hadn't messaged him all day, he knew she probably went home already, and was thinking of a way to make it up to her. 

"Maybe it was too soon to bring up moving in together", he placed his head in his hand and sighed. He gathered his items and began to head home for the day. While he was walking out of the office, Izuna had come running from the elevator. 

"MADARA!" he almost fell before reaching towards his brother grasping at his shoulder. "What is it Izuna?". 

"It's [your name]! She was spotted heading into Senju Headquarters!".

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