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Future - Tachibana Naoto





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"So, you can change the future and save Hina?" They can see the [eyes color] eyes shine bright as she heard about saving Hina.

"Yeah, If I and Naoto shake our hand, I can go back to the past." Takemichi explains as he tries to stand up.

"So stop joking around and be more serious about it!" Naoto said as he know the man just keep playing around.

"Gosh, the firework is so pretty. Hina too." Takemichi reply as he start to smile as he remembered the moment He was with Hina.

"Did you mean when you hold naoto's hand?." The [hair color] hair woman try not to laugh as she remembered what happened 12 years ago.

"You still remember that?!" Takemichi asks as he knows someone remembers his embarrassing moment. He is also shocked by the woman's strong memories.

"Yeah, after all, you scream and leave us just like that. How could I forget." The woman can't help but end up bursting out laughing.

"Be serious,[name]." Naoto said as he pinches the woman's cheeks that making her laughing turn to ouch.

The woman pinches the black hair male back. They now pinch each other cheeks as they wish one of them released first.

"Uhm, let's start making a plan." Takemichi said as he see both of them don't want to lose.


The [hair color] hair woman is doing some research about the criminal organization while she waiting for Naoto and Takemichi to come back.

"It's already late, just stay In-office while we met atsushi sendou." naoto told her before he and Takemichi go out.

"Geez, I'm not a little girl. Who is him to tell me what to do?" The woman let out a small sigh.

The door suddenly opens up as she sees Naoto enter the office. The woman stands up and walks to Naoto.

"You get something?" The woman asks as her [eyes color] eyes look into the male eyes.

"Not much, he committed suicide." Naoto let out a small sigh. His eyes look tired.

"Where's Takemichi?" The [hair color] hair woman was still shocked at what she heard. She knows that takemichi and atsushi sendou used to be a good friends in past.

"He's outside, taking some fresh air." Naoto reply. The woman let a small out and start to walk to her table.

She suddenly felt a hug from behind. She try to turn around but she felt the face already in her neck.

"Are we willing to save my sister?" The male mutter as his face is still on her neck.

"I'm sure we can do it." The woman reply. Her face turns to pink shade as the male sudden action.

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