Fight Me

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The sun had not yet risen, but the sky was starting to lighten as the company assembled together silently, tying their newly acquired packs to the ponies Beorn was lending them.

Thorin could feel the tension rolling off many of his company members and the master of the house himself.

Dwalin and Bofur in particular had not taken the news cheerfully. Their narrowed eyes and furious scowls followed Thorin's movements. Low curses in Khuzdul reached his ears whenever he was close to them.

But he would not be swayed.

Mistress Baggins-who still slept peacefully-would remain behind with Beorn until Gandalf (who was travelling south) could see her safely back to the Shire when it was convenient.

When Thorin approached Beorn concerning his wishes, the giant went into a rage and nearly attacked the king had not Dwalin and Bifur stepped forward to protect their king.

"You'd have me betray her?" Beorn growled infuriated.

"I only ask that you protect her. She shouldn't come on such a perilous journey." Thorin argued, trying to keep his own temper in check, "A woman has no place in such a company."

Beorn scoffed, "Clearly you do not understand the worth of a woman."

But the giant's growing affection for the hobbit won out over his ire at the dwarf. Beorn didn't want further injury to befall the Halfling and begrudgingly agreed that he would keep her safe.

"Don't think though, dwarf," He hissed, "that your concern for the hobbit has won you favor in my sight. I know it is not your heart that governs your actions. Something festers in you that clouds your judgment."

Beorn glared at the king who tried his best to keep his resolve firm.

He'd received plenty of spiteful comments. What was one more?

"I cannot dictate your actions," Beorn finally sighed, "I will keep her safe so long as she permits it. But, should she desire to chase after you, I shall not stop her."
Thorin started to protest, but a growl from the giant stopped him.

"I will not take that choice from her. I don't know what you've done to deserve her loyalty, but she gives it to you freely and I will not impede upon her happiness. If it is you she seeks, then I shall not stand in her way."

Thorin sighed. He knew it was a fruitless endeavor to argue with Beorn on the subject further. This giant had no care for the dwarves (that much was obvious) nor was he
confined by allegiance to Thorin's status as a king. No. Beorn could do as he pleased.

'So could the hobbit' his voice whispered, 'yet you take that from her.'

Even as he thought those words, the image of the small hobbit floated into his mind and a pain radiated in his chest.

He knew she didn't want to be left behind.

He knew his company wanted her to stay.

But he needed her to be safe. He couldn't risk another-

Thorin shook his head to dispel the thoughts.


The hobbit lass deserved far better than a harried group of dwarves in search of their homeland.

He turned back to securing his provisions, determined to push his doubts aside and get ready to depart within a half hour.

Lyla stared at the looming forest with trepidation, fingering the leather strap around her neck where Kili's ring sat.

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