A Plea

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Lyla didn't dare move from her hiding spot near the pillar. Not for quite some time.

Even after Legolas and the red-haired elf retreated from their position in front of the throne to carry out their king's command for reinforced patrols.

Even after the elf king himself retreated down a long winding corridor, shooting a suspicious glance at the pillar where Lyla stood invisible, his lips pursed and brows knit in contemplation.

She didn't dare move.

She hardly dared to breathe.

How did he possibly suspect her to be standing there? How could he have know?

She was invisible.


But she knew that Thranduil KNEW there was something lurking in the shadows. It was almost as though he could sense it, and she half wondered if the elves would go to so much trouble if they knew that it was a simple little hobbit they were trying to capture.

But, mostly, Lyla wanted to groan in frustration. She held her tongue, however, as paranoia swept over her. She didn't know who was watching, or listening.
Slowly and silently, she sank to the ground and cradled her head in her hands in frustration.

What was she to do? It was obvious that she needed to help the company. She was the only one who really could. But, how were they to escape with doubled patrols?
Not to mention the fact that she didn't even know where her friends were being held.

'It's a lost cause' the sinister voice in the back of her mind whispered, 'You can't save them. Why bother trying? It's a fool's mission.'

'But if I don't help them, then they'll remain here. They'll never recover their home. They'll never truly be happy.'

'You aren't even a dwarf.' The menacing voice retorted, 'You don't owe anyone anything. You aren't really a member of this company.'


No, that was not true.

She WAS a member of this company.

Her gaze hardened and she forcibly pushed those negative thoughts from her mind.

And as Bofur had said, 'being a part of this company made you as good as family.'

It wasn't a lost cause. They'd made it this far. They'd escaped from trolls, fought wargs, orcs, spiders, hunger and fatigue.

They could get out of this too.

They had to.

She'd make sure of it.


She hoped.


Thorin Oakenshield sat rubbing his wrists gently, contempt written on his face as he glared out his cell door.

Oh how he despised the elves

They had no right to keep him from his quest. They had no right to try and stop him. It was his homeland! His heritage, his life. He could do what he wished.

He understood the risks involved with trying to retake the mountain and the possible danger to others. He'd weighed the options. He's stewed over the possible outcomes.
But he still knew that his quest was right. That he was right.

However, another concern gnawed at him.

Where was his company? Had Thranduil's men captured them as well? What had happened to his nephews? Or Dwalin? If he had harmed ANY of his company in any way...!

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