The Master

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"Well?" the dark haired man's voice held a bite to it as he narrowed his gaze at Lyla, "What have you to say then halfling?"

Lyla narrowed her eyes in return, meeting the challenging gaze that the man had thrown at her, "I am half of nothing." She muttered, "And as it is, I come on this quest by request of an old friend and in the aid of new ones."

And then she sneezed.

"And what is this quest you speak of. We've not had dealings with dwarves in quite some time," The man remarked, his gaze still narrowed, though curiousity shone in his brown eyes.

"You're a man from Laketown if I'm not mistaken," Balin interjected coming to stand at the head of the group as someone pulled her gently deeper into the folds of the company's collective embrace.

"What of it?" The man remarked contemptuously.

"Perhaps we can come to an accord of some kind?" Balin suggesting, playing the peacekeeping delegate role with perfection. His calm demeanor and kind eyes gave him an air of trust.

One that the man with his hair pulled back and eyes narrowed, didn't seem to approve of. He gazed at the white-haired dwarf cautiously.

"I do not know of any 'accord' that can be reached with a group of travel wearied dwarves who've got naught but a penny to their name."

"I believe what my companion means to suggest, is that we may have a similar interest, man of Laketown," Thorin's voice carried the air of authority and majesty Lyla had come to find inherent in his character, as he stepped forward next to Balin, while the rest of the company rallied behind him, shielding the hobbit from the arrow in the man's bow. "I am Thorin some of Thrain son of Thror, rightful king under the mountain."

"And what if," the man retorted, his voice dripping with contempt as realization dawned in his demeanor, "what if, Master Thorin, we are not aligned in a common cause? What if I simply choose to strike your company down now?"

Legolas, to Lyla's utter surprise, was suddenly in front of the company, his own bow drawn aiming at the bowman before him, eyes narrowed in contempt.

"Then you would die before your stroke fell."

Why was he protecting them?

"We come to reclaim our homeland," Thorin remarked unruffled by the growing tension between himself, Legolas and the dark-haired man, "Surely the people of Laketown could benefit from this quest as well?"

The dark haired man deflated at Thorin's declaration, a deep frown upon his features as he lowered his bow. "If you awaken that beast, you will destroy us all," He murmured, his eyes betraying the worry he must have felt. "Your coming, I fear, brings more harm than good to my people."

Lyla's heart hitched at the sight and she wondered, as she did in Thranduil's halls, if Thorin considered the possible repercussions his actions could cause. How many lives might this endeavor cost?

A shiver wracked her body and Bofur pulled her closer, rubbing his hand on her shoulder affectionately.

"I have a duty and a right to my home," Thorin remarked, his eyes narrowing slightly, a frown tugging at his mouth, "You cannot expect me to sit idly by and ignore the plight of my people. We deserve our homeland. The reign of the beast must end."

"And if you fail, what then?" The man asked, bitterness seeping into his voice as he stepped closer, "What happens if the dragon awakens and you are defeated? What happens if it wrath is inflicted upon the innocent of Laketown? Would you really send the guiltless to the slaughter?"

Lyla's worry spiked when Thorin didn't answer.

But the bowman was the only one who seemed to hold a wariness for the dwarves and their quest to reclaim Erebor.

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