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The man was pulling her to her feet before she had time to register just what was happening.

Lifting her by the scruff of her jacket until her feet dangled, he sent her a sickeningly bright smile.

Lyla tried to suppress the memory of her dangling in a similar manner with a pale orc sneering in her face, but found the task rather difficult.
Her heart started hammering.

"Yes indeed," the man crooned at her, in an almost childlike voice, "You've made this so wonderfully easy. The Master and I certainly thank you for your consideration."
Lyla started to struggled, kicking her feet, teeth chattering , arms reaching out grasping onto the man's arm, soaking his sleeve with her dripping hands.

The man gave her a little shake, growling in annoyance, his beady eyes narrowing into a glare.

"You stop that you little rat," he hissed, "Quit your jerking about. You're dripping onto my clothes."

"Oi let her go!" A strange voice erupted behind the man and then...


A surprised look crossed the man's face as his grip loosened and Lyla dropped back downwards. She rolled away as the man crumpled to his knees with a groan and Lyla gaped in surprise at the young boy who stood behind the guardsman, a large pole in his hands.

"Are you Mistress Baggins?" he inquired, his green eyes wide and anxious, his dark curly hair catching the falling snow.

Lyla nodded her head and scrambled to her feet, distancing herself from the guard who had stilled momentarily.

"Who-whose asking?" she muttered through chattering teeth.

The boy shook his head and eyed the guard warily, "I'll have to tell you on the way. We best hurry."

The boy made to grab Lyla's arm, but she pulled back hesitating.

She'd much rather find her companions.

"I've had quite enough of gallivanting off with strangers if it's all the same to you," she muttered gazing upward at the lanky youth before her.

He stood like awkwardly, his tattered clothing and too big boots making him appear far more filled out than he actually was.

The boy sighed, "I'm Bain. My father, he knows Legolas Greenleaf, as do you. Now please, we need to go."

"Hey! Stop!" Lyla jerked in surprise as another guardsman barreled towards the two of them.

The boy, Bain, grasped her wrist and tugged her along, causing her to stumble momentarily.

"Begging your pardon miss," He murmured politely, "But we need to go."

Lyla didn't argue this time. She just focused on keeping her footing firm as Bain tugged her along, darting down narrow walkways past empty, shuttered homes and shops.

"Get her! We need the girl," She heard a guard shout from behind them. The footfalls were getting louder.


Lyla followed blindly, panic welling in her chest. She was completely confused and utterly lost by this point.

So intent were they on getting away from the ever looming guardsmen, the pair nearly barreled into the dark shaped the leapt from the rooftops.

Arms encircled Lyla, pulling her backwards as Bain was pulled into the grasp of the shadow.

Bard's shadow.

Lyla struggled and kicked a terrified shriek squeaking from her mouth.

"Let her go!" Bard thundered as he released Bain, "She's of no use to you! Release her."

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