That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates

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"Master Baggins!" Nori's face appeared beneath the webbing she removed, a relieved smile lighting his features. "You truly are a burglar and how I thank Mahal for that! How on earth did you get past the spiders?"

"I didn't," Lyla snorted as she worked to get some of the webbing off the squirming bundle next to Nori, "Not really. I just got lucky that there was only one skittering around."

Nori chuckled, "Well whatever happened, I'm much obliged to you."

"Master Baggins!" Gloin's face held utter relief as Lyla removed the sticky substance from the dwarf's eyes, nose and mouth, "I'm mighty glad to see you lass."

"Yes well, let's be mighty glad when we're all safely away from this place." She smiled kindly at Gloin, "I'll help you get free and then we'll get the rest of the company down, yes?"

"That'd be a lovely treat, that would," Gloin agreed heartily returning the smile "And here I thought that women were bad luck on journeys. Seems we can't survive without you lassie."

Lyla felt the heat rise to her cheeks. "Yes well..." She trailed off flippantly, but nodded her head and started to carefully cut away at the sticky fibers surrounding the ginger dwarf, mindful of his long bushy beard. She knew dwarves were...particular about their hair. Thankfully, though, she made quick work of the webbing. In a few short minutes she's made it past Gloin's neck and shoulders and was close to freeing his arms.

However, she should have been more observant.

She really, really should have.

"Master Baggins!" Nori shouted as a something large and painfully solid connected with Lyla's back, knocking her off balance, sending her tumbling from the branch. With a grunt she connected with one of the lower lying branches, scrambling to keep her hold on the rough bark, her sword nearly slipping from her grasp.

She hazarded a glance upward and saw, unsurprisingly, a massive spider, standing guard over the web-bound company, its massive jowls snapping, its legs clicking against the wood as it slowly advanced towards her, its numerous round dark eyes staring her down, challenging her.

Her eye twitched in annoyance and trepidation.

She had to do something. She had to get that massive, hairy brute away from the company.

"Gloin!" She shouted, jumping carefully down to a lower branch, "try and get free and help get the others down if you-"

Another knock from a giant leg, sent the air from her lungs and her sword tumbling from her hands as Gloin and Nori's voices shouted her name in alarm.

Bebother it all!

Now what?

She jumped to another branch, swinging downward. She had to get to the ground. She had to get her sword back.

She was dead if she didn't

She stopped for a moment and gazed upward again and let out a groan of annoyance. The spider wasn't just guarding its prey anymore. Its long spindly legs were skittering down the tree at an alarmingly rapid rate, its giant pincer-mouth snapping and spitting at her.

It was coming for her.

"Splendid" she muttered darkly.

She ducked as the spider tried to strike her again, and felt the air 'whoosh' above her head as the massive leg connected with the tree bark, sending splinters flying.

She hazarded jumping down the last fifteen feet, landing with a soft tucked roll, grabbing her sword just as the giant hissing spider leapt down nearly on top of her. One of its legs pinned Dwalin's cloak to the ground as it loomed over her, saliva dripping in her face. She struggled to get the clasps undone.

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