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Bard's grip on his bow never loosened as they slunk towards Laketown. His gaze was wary as he peeked around, suspicious and terrified of being spotted. He would never forgive himself if carelessness lead to innocents losing their lives.

Especially children.

He was certain that any sentries on patrol would know that Bard was supposed to be escorting the dwarves and their hobbit into the mountain. He had no reason to be heading towards Laketown.

And that would set the suspicious creatures on high alert.

No. It was far better to remain hidden.

And he supposed that they were fortunate that no one spotted them on their entry into the outer lying banks of the river near the town, though he figured that Legolas and keen-eyed companions had something to do with that.

But as he gazed from the marshes towards the banquet hall, the sun setting lower into the sky, he knew that they could not remain hidden for long. Patrols would find the bodies of their comrades. The crows would more than likely report back to their master and the word would spread like wildfire.

They had to hurry.

"How many do you see?" He whispered to the elf prince, well aware that his eyesight was not comparison to that of Legolas.

"Eight at least. I cannot tell how many more are inside." The golden-haired creature murmured lowly, his eyes narrowed and assessing, "It would appear that this master of your is no stranger to deceptive tactics."

Bard wanted to snort. Of course The Master wasn't easily fooled.

"Still, though, if Tauriel and the others arrive soon, we might be able to launch an attack without much clamor or chaos."

Bard nodded his head in agreement.

Clamor and chaos would certainly not be advisable at the moment.

Of course, though, when evil has its sights set on you, it's hard to shake them from detecting your presence.

One of the Elven guards spied the bird too late.

A mighty cry went up from its feathered throat, even as an arrow was dispatched to silence the winged creature.

It was enough to cause a stir among the men.

"Go!" Legolas hissed lowly at his companions, "Shoot!"

Six elves rose, bows drawn, eyes narrowed.

The men of Rhun let out fierce cries and launched themselves forward.

Arrows sliced through the air and with deadly precision, embedded themselves beneath armor, sending the warrior men tumbling.

Three fell in a flash.

But three more were advancing, this time with shields raised in a protective manner.

The elves readied their arrows.

But Bard noticed the other two were not assisting their companions. Instead, one was pulling forth an object-a horn!

And the other was silently darting towards the banquet hall.


"Legolas! Horn!" Bard thundered, charging from the marshes and towards the banquet hall drawing his own bow forth.

He released an arrow with a loud *thwack*as the echoes of a solitary horn blast filled the air


Thorin didn't hesitate to insert the key-pulled from the folds of his great coat-into waiting keyhole as the last bright rays of the sun filtered past the faces of the company.
The key slid in easily and with a slow turn, a lock clicked and an outline of a door appeared as Thorin pushed on the rock, making Lyla's eyes widen.

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