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In the gathering light, the creature surveyed the decimation of dragon fire against, what once was a thriving green forest. With a calculating gaze, he admired the ashen twigs, blackened branches and the tall skeletons of trees standing as a hallmark to the cause of evil.

It was a welcome sight, Bolg decided, as his eyes drifted towards a white-capped mountain and the gathering grey clouds that surrounded the edifice.

'A fitting backdrop for what's to come' he thought with a satisfied, snarling smirk as anger burned like a hot iron against his chest.

The dwarves would pay.

They would all pay dearly.

"Prepare to march!" He called down to his captain, as his smirk widened.

Today would be a red day.

A day of blood.


"Let me go!" Thorin growled dangerously, twisting and arching his back, trying to break free from Dwalin's grasp.

The warrior, however, remained determined to keep Thorin's movements to a minimum. Locking his arms together, he effectively pinned the dwarf king to his chest, squeezing tightly whenever Thorin started to thrash too violently.

"Ye need to calm yerself lad," Balin remarked quietly, but firmly as he stepped forward. "No sense in getting worked up over something so petty."

Thorin's eyes flashed with indignation, "Petty?" he snapped, "You think her thievery was petty?! She betrayed me, or have you forgotten."

Thorin stilled, his eyes narrowing, "Perhaps you feel that same was as her? Think that...that...Halfling is better suited to rule this mountain than I?"

Even as those words left his mouth, something felt wrong with them. Lyla had done nothing (aside from her recent deception) to indicate that she wanted to rule Erebor or gain power.

She'd never been like that.

'Ah but she's deceived you with the arkenstone' the slithery voice murmured in his ear, 'what else might she be hiding?'

With a snarl, Thorin kicked one leg backward catching Dwalin in the shin. Arching his back at the same time, the surprised warrior found his grip breaking as Thorin's forced movements made Dwalin's body act instinctively against the onslaught of pain.

Thorin burst from the confines of his friend's grip and rounded on the warrior dwarf with a cry of indignation, landing a solid punch into Dwalin's jaw, sending the dwarf stumbling backwards.

But, Dwalin wasn't easily knocked from his feet. Regaining his footing, the massive, muscled warrior growled and launched himself at Thorin, arms knocking into the king's chest, sending Thorin tipping.

A swift knock to the cheek and with a flick of his arm, Dwalin managed to pin Thorin's arm behind his back.

The king rocked his head backwards, snarling indignantly.

"I warned ye," Dwalin huffed, tightening his grip on Thorin's arm, "If ye hurt her, I'd not be responsible for my actions."

"So you'd betray me too," Thorin remarked tossing his head backwards, connecting with Dwalin's nose, "You'd give up your duty to this kingdom for a...a hobbit!"

The pressure on Thorin's arm released suddenly and he whipped around in time to block another blow from the enraged dwarf.

"Have ye forgotten everythin'?" He snapped, sending another blow towards Thorin, this one connecting painfully with the dwarf's upper arms, "Ye've got yer life, yer mountain because of HER! She sacrificed..." Dwalin snarled and leapt forward, fist clenched tightly.

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