Unleashed and Released

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The mountain shook as Lyla darted further from the treasure and the dragon, her heart racing.

'Not far enough' she thought dismayed, 'Not nearly far enough.'

She could hear the echoing roars behind her, making her feel as though something were chasing her.

And though she didn't think it very likely to be true, Lyla hazarded a glance behind her to reassure herself that nothing was, in fact, following her.

And nothing was.

But another powerful rumble sent the hobbit tripping through the doorway with a cry of surprise.

She stumbled with an 'oomph' into someone's arms, her nose squished against a broad chest, the both of them tumbling down, the torch and goblet flying from her grip.

The mountain shook again and Lyla squeezed her eyes shut, wincing at the noises the rocks made.

"Lyla, what in Durin's name did you do?!"

The hobbit's eye shot open and she realized, with embarrassment, that it had been Thorin who had cushioned her fall.

And it was Thorin who was peering at her, his eyes wide with curiosity and worry.



The roar had her stiffening, eyes going wide.

Someone was pulling her to her feet as Thorin rolled to his side and rose as the mountain shook again.

"By Mahal," Balin whispered, and Lyla looked up to see that the white-haired dwarf's gaze was turned outward, his head tilted up towards the sky.

Lyla's heart stopped.


She heard the roar again as the giant silhouette of a dragon darted through the clouds.

Eru help her, it was searching for them.

'Some burglar!' she thought dourly, fear lacing up her spine at the image before her.

"Move!" Thorin shouted, "Into the cave! NOW!"

He wrapped his hand around her arm and all but dragged the stunned hobbit back into the tunnel, the other dwarves clamoring behind them.

"Get the door shut!" Dwalin shouted ushering the rest behind him, "Dori help me with it!"

Thranduil stared at the sky, watching the massive red beast sail through clouds, flame spewing form it's massive jaws as a roar of fury shot through the air.

And while the beast was still at a safe distance from Esgaroth, the elf king winced as his sensitive ears picked up the growing fury in the dragon's timbre.

Stealth had, clearly, not worked for the dwarves and their hobbit companion.

'Unsurprisingly' He thought derisively. 'And Gandalf had such faith in them'

And now the fury of the dragon had been unleashed.

They had to evacuate the city.

"Retreat!" he called quietly to his guardsmen, "Retreat to the woodlands. Get everyone out. Now."

His guards did not hesitate to follow orders. They quickly dispatched their weapons, catching the men off guard, and retreated back towards the outskirts of the city, their eyes darting to rooftops and their swords contending against the now startled men gazing up at the sky.

Some of the others were shouting, pounding on doors and calling to the city folk inside.

"We need to leave!" they shouted at windows, "Evacuate the city! The dragon approaches."

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