Fire and Fury

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Thorin could feel his ire rising.

He clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists.

Oh the nerve of that little...!

True, she had gained valuable information.

Information that could turn the tide in their favor.

Information that could bring about the demise of Smaug the Terrible.

But by Durin's grace, did she have a death wish?! Did she HAVE to risk more than she already had been by verbally sparring with a dragon?


That hobbit!

He peered down at the small upturned nose and the freckled cheeks, pointedly trying to ignore the wide imploring hazel eyes that gazed back at him.

Instead he focused on the singes on her clothing and in her hair, the smudge mark on her cheek.

And the blackened coat that lay in a heap on the floor.

Did she not realize...?

After everything...?

"Mahal help me, Mistress Baggins," He muttered, wrapping his fingers around her arms to hold her firmly in place as cries of an enraged dragon echoed around them, "Have you no sense to think to protect yourself?"

He received perturbed hobbit's glare and a pouting lip for that remark.

But his gaze stayed firm. He memorized every sweep of her lashes against her pale cheek, every small breath of air that escaped her lungs.

Even the way her eyes burned with a intensity and heat that rivaled the warmest of smith shops.

Could she not see that he found her to be of great importance?

More than that really. ..

But could she not see it? Did she care so little for his heart that she'd risk her life time and again?

Deep down he knew the answer. He knew her motives must have been out of compassion for the company.

But her method?

Oh Mahal...


Spirited little, stubborn nymph...

Dearest Givashel...

He exhaled slowly, trying to suppress the urge to shake the foolish creature.

She could rival even the most foolhardy dwarf!

What was he to do with her?


Thorin's grip tightened around Lyla's arms as the mountain shook and rumbled.

Smaug continued to howl amongst his treasures.

Lyla winced at the noise, certain that the beast would burst forth from his den at any moment in search of a cheeky little hobbit lass.

Eru, what had she done?

"THIEF!" Smaug's roar rattled her teeth and a massive crash jostled the rocks, sending the company stumbling.

A shower of dirt and pebbles cascaded around them.

"Well, Lass," Bofur remarked, stretching out his hands to steady himself, "Ye've made him angry that's fer sure."

The mountain rattled again, rocks groaning and cracking.

It was worse than the thunder battle.

And it was Lyla's fault for this blasted situation.

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