So Life Goes On

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" Speak!" Gandalf's voice was low, dangerous as he leaned forward, peering into the darkened cell.

He earned echoing, sinister laughter as a response.

Thranduil stared, unamusedly at Dain Ironfoot, confusion and suspicion warring within him.

What did this dwarf know?

"You cannot hide behind your simpering smirks," He remarked towards the cell, where Dain still sat, hair disheveled and wide grin upon his face, "You know something."

"I know nothing," Dain remarked flippantly, "I only know that the Halfling will bring about the downfall of this people. An ill guest, a deceptive witch."

"Your cousin was under the effects of the dragon sickness," Gandalf continued, "You would hold the hobbit responsible for her actions to protect him? You hold onto a petty injustice that saved his life!"

Dain narrowed his eyes and came closer to the bars, "Why should I listen to you, Gandalf, storm crow? You are nothing but a bad omen. Your coming is as the footsteps of doom. You , and that creature, will destroy my cousin and my people."

Gandalf leaned forward, so that his nose was nearly touching the metal bars of the cell, his eyes narrowed and his frown deepened.

"You are not yourself," He remarked, drawing away quickly, "A darkness has clouded your mind."

Dain only laughed again. But Thranduil saw something in the dwarf's gaze, before it disappeared beneath the nonchalant and callous mask.


Thranduil knew that the wizard's words were true. The first time he'd questioned the dwarf, Dain Ironfoot's eyes betrayed that something darker held sway over him.

He wondered how much control the dwarf had over his actions.

And he couldn't help but compare Master Ironfoot's actions to what Thorin's had been.




"I must see the head of order," Gandalf muttered darkly as they moved slowly up the stairwell, back towards the treasure room, the angered growls of Dain echoing behind them. "He is both wise and powerful. He'll know what power is controlling this dwarf." Gandalf gave Thranduil a small, resigned smile, "He'll know what to do."

"And think ye that he will also have answers concerning the hobbit?" Thranduil's curiosity was piqued. He wondered how vast the knowledge of the wizards truly was.

Gandalf only shook his head, "That I do not know. But, I have every plans to inform him of what has transpired and search for any clues during my time in Minis Tirith. There is much to answer and I fear not a lot of time in which to answer it."

The elven king watched the wizard hastily ascend the landing, muttering to himself all the while.

"Riddles in the dark," Gandalf's voice was soft, "Precious. hmm..."


"I'm fine," Lyla insisted as Dwalin pulled the blanket up higher before pressing a small cup to her lips.

She suspected a draught was mixed in with the athelas and water.

"Aye, ye've said that enough times on this journey for me te know yer lyin'."

Dwalin frowned at her, his eyes narrowing as he pressed the cup more forcefully towards her.

Begrudgingly, Lyla took a few sips, her guilt winning over her stubbornness. She did still feel the aftermath of from battle, even if it had been a week prior.

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