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They say that if another woman can steal your man, he wasn't even a real man in the first place. Jaehaerys had walked around the camp, her dragons flying with her.
There were bodies upon bodies on the battlefield, and Robb was covered in blood. She sighed deeply, awaiting for him to leave Roose Bolton, and heard a screech above her. The men glanced above, scared out of their minds.
Robael had grown to the size of a tent in just under a fortnight.
Jaehaerys noticed a woman tending to the wounded and she wondered where she came from. Robb had several nurses, and she'd been introduced to them all, except this one.
As Robb walked over to the foreign girl, Jaehaerys turned away. She'd been waiting for a while to speak to him, and she knew he saw her.
Her silver hair swooshed behind her as she turned sharply on her heel and walked to their tent.
Robb had been neglecting her. And she wasn't sure if he was avoiding her, or if he was stressed. Her nights were spent with a cold bed and Grey Wind. Who now barely spent any time with her anymore either. She sighed sadly when she heard Lyanna's cries.
Jaehaerys reached over the crib gently and shushed her daughter. But as she whipped out her breast to feed Lyanna, she felt a sudden wave of nausea and set the babe down gently before grabbing her bed pan and relieving herself from it. She leaned against the bed frame after and heard someone enter the tent behind her.
"Are you alright, Your Grace? I heard the babe crying and..." Jaehaerys turned to her lady's maid, Sarah. She sighed and turned away.
"I'm fine." Jaehaerys said coldly and felt another wave of nausea hit her.
"I'll get the Maester and King Robb, your Grace." Sarah was scared. As anyone would be when someone was passing blood through their mouth. Jaehaerys could feel it dripping from her lips like a vampire having its first drink.
"Jaehaerys?" She heard Robb ask. He kneeled next to her and panned her hair back against her head.
"What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong." He pleaded. His eyes held worry for her. She squeezed her eyes shut as another wave of nausea hit her and a sharp pain hit her lower stomach.
"Your Grace! When did she start the vomiting ?" The Maester asked. Sarah shook her head wide eyed and Robb caressed Jaehaerys face softly.
"She's bleeding out." The Maester said and when he lifted Jaehaerys off of the floor, he noticed the arrow sticking out of her back. Robb gasped and felt the tears swell in his eyes.
"How did she get shot? She's been in the tent. I don't understand." He was pulling at his hair. Jaehaerys was incoherent and Sarah sighed sadly.
"She was waiting for you, Your Grace. She walked to the battlefield to congratulate you on your victory." Sarah told him. That's when Robb remembered seeing her standing there. And he closed his eyes trying to remember if he saw anyone holding a bow.
"Is she going to be alright?" Robb asked the Maester. The Maester gulped and looked down at the blood pooling beneath her legs.
"I'm afraid she was with child as well, Your Grace. The arrow is causing her to lose the baby. There might be too much blood." He told Robb. Robb felt his heart clench and a sob form in his throat.
"I should've been there. She wouldn't be hurt if I had paid attention." Robb was talking to himself.
"Sarah, I need milk of the poppy, and my tools." The Maester turned to the lady's maid and heard the baby crying.
"And get the baby out of here." He said. Sarah lifted Lyanna in her arms and went to gather the items he needed. Robb watched as the Maester ripped open Jaehaerys dress, exposing her wounds. The arrow was stuck inside her.
"Jaehaerys, my love?" Robb laid his head on her chest and sobbed loudly.
"She can't die. She..she can't. Please don't let her die." Robb was hysterical, and GreatJon Umber heard what was going on and entered the tent.
"Get King Robb out of here." The Maester ordered. Greatjon grabbed Robb and led him outside.
The dragons that were flying above were now sat outside the tent hissing at anyone who came near. Robael landed beside Robb and allowed the man to rub his head, like he watched Jaehaerys do several times.
"She's going to be okay." Robb told the dragon. Robael hissed at Greatjon who stepped back anxiously.
"We caught a straggler. He was trying to kill several of our wounded with a bow." Greatjon explained. Robb snarled and followed Greatjon to the cages where a man was chained to a post.
"My wife is innocent. You shot her, did you not?" Robb accused angrily. The boy gulped and looked down.
"I'm afraid I hit her by accident." The boy defended, but Robb wouldn't listen. He only saw red, and as Robael landed behind him, the boy gulped.
"You will pay for your crime." Robb told the boy. He was angry, murderously angry and Greatjon seemed frightened at the look in his eyes.
"Bring him out of the cage and tie him up. I'll let Robael, Arys, and Rhaegon burn him alive." Robb stated and walked away.
He wanted to check on Jaehaerys. He couldn't fathom the thought of her dying.
"Your Grace, she's lost a lot of blood. The wound killed the babe, but if she survives the night, she should be fine." The Maester explained and then left the tent to give him some privacy.
"Oh gods. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, my love." He whispered and clasped his hand in hers.

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