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It's not often Viserys found joy, but in that very moment with two scrolls in hand, he was the happiest he'd ever been. His two sisters were at the Magister's bathhouse, where they were being prepared to be presented to their future husbands. Jaehaerys might have been his least favorite little sister, and that's why he was sending her far away to the north in Westeros. She'd been dreading the trip, hating the idea of leaving her sister. Daenerys and Jaehaerys stood next to each other while the maids prepared their baths.
Viserys appeared in the room and smiled at his identical twin sisters. One could hardy tell the other from another, but Jaehaerys had the violet eyes of the Targaryen, while Daenerys had blue ones. He hoped Jaehaerys would be safe in Westeros, not exactly wanting his sister to be killed, but if it happened he had no reason to grieve. His sisters were providing an army for him, and he was ecstatic to be rid of them.
"Sisters! Daenerys, Jaehaerys!" Viserys yelled across the room while the girls had been staring out off the balcony. Their silver blonde hair cascaded down each of their backs, and from behind they couldn't be told apart.
"There's our brides to be! Look, gifts for both of you from Illyrio. Touch it. Come on. Feel the fabric. Mmmm. Isn't he a gracious host?" He held out two beautiful tulle dresses, both very loose fitting fabric with very little to the imagination. Jaehaerys lifted her hand to touch the fabric and it was soft, like a baby's bottom.
"We've been his guests for over a year and he's never asked us for anything." Daenerys told her brother, eyeing the gift with a watchful eye. Jaehaerys was the more quiet one. She allowed her brother to hit her without a word, while Daenerys fought with him.
"Illyrio is no fool. He knows I won't forget my friends when I come into my throne. You still slouch. Let me see." Viserys pulled Daenerys' gown from her body and then Jaehaerys' as well.
"You both have a woman's body now." He told them as he stroked one of each of their breasts. It disgusted Jaehaerys when his hands touched her, but she endured it for the sake of today.
"I need you both to be perfect today. Can you do that for me? You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?" He asked. Both girls shook their heads quietly and said, "No."
He turned to leave them in the bathhouse, but stopped at looked back at them.
"When they write the history of my reign, sweet sisters, they will say it began today." Jaehaerys rolled her eyes and stepped into the hot bath, with steam coming from the water. Daenerys followed, and the maids fussed over it.
"It's too hot, my ladies." She yelled, but both girls kept walking inside and paid no mind to the maids concerns.
Fire cannot kill a dragon, Viserys always said, the hot water is nothing to a Targaryen. Jaehaerys scrubbed the dirt from her body and smiled at her sister. Daenerys and Jaehaerys were very close, and both seemed to be adjoined at the hip. Neither of them knew how they would endure today, but they knew they would find their way back to each other eventually.
"I'm going to miss you." Daenerys told her sister. Jaehaerys smiled softly. Her purple eyes could dig a hole in someone's soul if she stared long enough.
"I will miss you, sister. I hope my soon to be husband likes me." Jaehaerys sighed and scrubbed under her nails, the dirt from her planting roses coming out from under them.
"He'd be a fool not to. You're beautiful. We're beautiful." Daenerys assured her sister. Jaehaerys knew her sister spoke with wisdom, and comfort.
"I hope he doesn't make me dye my hair, I love it so." Jaehaerys played with the ends of her luscious silver curls and Daenerys scoffed.
"I'll cut his balls off myself if he tries." Daenerys vowed and Jaehaerys giggled. It was the first time either of them had found laughter in the past few days after their brother delivered to them the news of their betrothals.
"Perhaps he will be kind." Jaehaerys hoped Robb Stark would be, for her sake. She hoped he was nothing like the stories she'd read in books about Westeros, the norther barbarians that cared more for fucking and fighting than love.
"Perhaps they both will be." Daenerys leaned her head back on the bath and closed her eyes, Jaehaerys doing the same.

Jaehaerys sat on the boat, eating a small piece of trout and listened to the sounds of the birds and water splashing against the boat. They would be at Dragonstone soon, and then be escorted to Winterfell, Robb Stark's hold.
Jaehaerys wondered how her sister was, and if the Khal had been fair to her. She had to admit that the Khal was generous, sending ten of his best Dothraki men to escort her and be her guard. Their new suits of armor made them appear Dornish, but Jaehaerys hoped no one spoke to them, for they'd discover their true identity.
The dragon eggs were a gift from Illyrio, and were sitting on a shelf in her cabin. The men of the boat were very kind, and most only speaking High Valyrian. She studied both Dothraki and Valyrian in her years, and was fluent in both.
"Kisha are chir rekke, Khaleesi.(We are almost there, Khaleesi." One of her Dothraki men, Drako, placed his hand on her shoulder and she looked out to see the shore of Dragonstone close enough she could smell the food cooking from it.
"Anha'm vo, Khaleesi.(I'm no Khaleesi.)" She told him, but the man chuckled and walked away, his long black braids swinging behind him. Viserys had hired a few handmaidens to tend to Jaehaerys on her trip to Winterfell, and her hair had been played with more on the trip than it had her whole life.
Jaehaerys hoped their journey on water was over, she had no intention of boarding another boat in her life. The seasickness she felt was worse everyday.
"Drako, Fetch tih zhavorsa eggs." She told the Dothraki commander who nodded and went into her cabin to grab the chest of eggs. Illyrio had gifted the twins three dragon eggs each, the years had turned them to stone, but they were still beautiful, and Jaehaerys would never sell them. She intended to try to hatch them if the opportunity ever arose.

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