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"Good morning," Tommy's rough voice grumbled into Stella's ear the next morning.

"Hi," the brunette blushed as she rolled over to face her boyfriend. And wasn't that mad?! Stella had been so heartbroken in the past, and here she had this respectful, kind and loving man, and he was all hers.

"How you feeling?" Tommy asked the girl as she cuddled into his chest. He knew he had gone pretty hard on her the night before, considering the tension the last few weeks had had on them. 

"I'm alright love, might have a little limp though," Stella giggled as she sat up with a yawn. She grinned down at Tommy who was looking up at her with a soft face. "I am so excited to be a proper couple now."

"God me too," he grabbed her and yanked her down to his chest again. 

"When you're out in the real world, what are you like as a boyfriend," Stella whispered as she played with his fingers that were linked with hers on his chest. 

"I know this is something that's important to you, but I am truly loyal. I have only had three serious relationships but I never even thought about straying. I also am a giver, I like giving my girl little surprises whether its flowers or surprise dates."

"I'm quite the same," Stella sat up to face him. "My love language is physical touch and words of affirmation, so I definitely as you have probably seen am super touchy but not in a posessive way necessarily. I also love just expressing my feelings for what is happening and hearing the same from my partner."

"I think so far we have had pretty good communication skills so I think that is something that will be great to carry over to our relationship in the outside," Tommy joined her in sitting up, leaning on the head board. "When we leave after the final, what will be your first plans?"

"Seeing my family for sure, and meeting yours I think," Stella said shyly. "I know we may meet some family in here, but I want to meet your cousins and your nan and your great aunt Lucy."

"Oh yeah babe, I want to meet all of your people too!" Tommy grinned, he knew his family would love this girl. She was so down to earth, and so kind they would be mental not to. 

"What are your plans after the villa with schooling and everything?"

"I am 100% going back. I know a lot of girls have been able to leave their jobs after the villa, but I am so passionate about school and getting to go into the nursing field, I'm not ready to give that up yet. I would think about doing some work obviously, but only part time. What about you?"

"I'm the same. I am so glad I came here and even more happy that I met you, but boxing isn't going to stop being my passion any time soon. I have to keep going while I'm in my prime."

"So we're going to be a working power couple after the villa is what I'm hearing," Stella giggled as she finally got out of bed and grabbed her robe. 

"Of course we are love."


"Good morning," Maura basically screamed as Stella walked into the bedroom with Tommy's arm over her shoulder. 

The islanders all grinned as they watched the brunette girl basically tuck tail and run to the dressing room her cheeks flaming red. 

"Don't think you can escape us that easily," Molly Mae cackled as she corned her friend as she was putting on a swimsuit. "How was last night?"

"Mate," Stella whispered to the blonde and Maura who had joined her. "Best I have ever had by miles." The two girls screeched as Stella brushed her hair back. 

"He looked even more love struck than usual this morning," Maura teased the brunette.

"We had a really great coversation this morning about our plans for after the villa and it was just so great and it reassured me that we have the same priorities after this journey ends."


hey peeps, sorry this one is short, we are coming up on the final chapters!!! just for curiousities sake, if I did a LI 2021 book, who would we be feeling?

I have contemplated Hugo and Liam, I feel like there are actually a few hugo reads out there but I love Liam and can't help myself. 

Also pls reccomend any LI 2021 books you guys have read and liked! I need more :)

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