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Stella could feel her nerves as she sat in the back of the jeep that was heading to the villa. The Majorcan air had already caused a sheen to be on her skin even more than her highlight had already created. For the first day in the villa, the brunette had wanted to make a statement, choosing to wear a leopard print bikini with white shorts.

The girl thanked the driver when he pulled up in front of the house, jumping out and taking a deep breath as she looked up at the villa that would be her home for an unknown amount of time

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The girl thanked the driver when he pulled up in front of the house, jumping out and taking a deep breath as she looked up at the villa that would be her home for an unknown amount of time. She had been on lockdown in a hotel for a week before entering the villa, but she remembered her big sister's words as she had left her with a tight hug. Be yourself and follow your heart and this experience can bring you nothing but joy, Perrie had whispered to her younger sister as their family watched. 

Stella nodded before heading into the villa, excited to meet some new people. "Hiya," a brunette bounced up to Stella first, wrapping her up in a loose hug. "You alright?" Stella greeted as she saw four other girls approach with drinks in their hands. "I'm Amber," Stella accepted the drink Amber offered, before introducing herself. 

"Let's go sit and chat," Amy suggested, leading the girls all over to the fire pit. "So what does everyone do?" 

"I'm studying to be a nurse," Stella blushed as the girls all cooed at her, probably already seeing Stella as the innocent girl many people misconstrued her to be because of her sometimes timid nature. She was fascinated to hear all of the other girl's occupations, and the girls all chatted up until a wave of nerves came when they saw the infamous Caroline Flack walk around the corner. 

"Hey girls," the blonde came and joined them by the fire pit. "How's everyone feeling?"

"Very nervous," Lucie stated as all the other girls agreed, laughing as Caroline patted Amber on the leg from her seat next to her. 

"Not unexpected," Caroline looked at Stella from across the firepit. "So Stella, what are you looking for in the Villa."

"It sounds cheesy but I am truly here to find love," Stelle laughed as Caroline fake swooned. 

"Well then let's get on with it shall we?" Caroline led the girls over to the pool, lining them up. "Right now, is your first coupling. Get ready to meet the boys."

"First we have Anton," the brunette came around the corner with a confident smile. 

"Hello girls, looking good all of you," Anton cheekily kissed Caroline on the cheek as she rolled her eyes. 

"Ok girls, step forward if you fancy Anton." Stella couldn't help but applaud Amy when she stepped forward for Anton, resulting in the first couple. 

Stella hated that she didn't find herself stepping forward for any of the guys, not being pulled in by their looks or personalities in a romantic sense off the bat. "Stella, why've you not stepped forward," Caroline questioned. 

"I guess I just didn't get that romantic click on first sight," Stella tried to joke, but in reality, she was now already having doubts about the villa. 

"Well Stella and Sherif, you will be our last couple." Stella smiled at Sherif as they stood together, all listening to Caroline give her departure speech before heading off.

"Shall we have a chat?" Sherif asked the brunette as the couples all began to disperse to get to know each other. 

"Of course," Stella let him lead her to a day bed, the two of them settling in with their drinks in hand. "So where are you from?" The two chatted for a bit, getting to know each other and talking about how they were actually feeling about being in the villa. Stella definitely didn't feel a romantic with him yet, but she wasn't making any decisions yet. 

She left Sherif with a squeeze of the thigh as Amber came and grabbed her to have a chat with the girls. "How is everyone feeling?" Lucie asked as all the girls sat around the fire pit, chatting about the boys. Stella felt less guilty when she realized she wasn't the only one that was not feeling a connection with her boy yet. 

The Islanders took the rest of the day to get to know each other before getting ready for the first night in the villa. The girls all got ready together, just trying to become friends and get to know one another considering they were to be spending a lot of time together. Sophie chose to go all out for their first night, wearing a sparkly silver midi dress that brought out her tan. She admired all of the beautiful outfits the girls had whipped out, loving the chance to get dolled up. 

"You look fantastic," Sherif greeted her, smirking when the girl blushed as he offered her his arm. They all headed out to pop some champagne, watching Mike as he gave a toast. 

Stella pulled Sherif over to the kitchen, chatting as she filled up her drink. 

"So I just want to be blunt here love," Sherif tugged Stella around to meet her eyes. "You're a stunning girl, and I think you're a great gal, but I just don't know if  feel anything romantic here."

Stelle let out a silent sigh of relief before she responded. "No hurt feelings babe, I feel the same, you would be a great friend but I don't feel a lot of romantic connection there."

"Alright, so you won't be upset if I crack on," Sherif teased as he wrapped her in a loose hug. 

"Not at all hun, get your graft on," Stella winked at him before turning back to her drink. 

"What was that," Amber questioned as she came into the kitchen. 

"We just both agreed we didn't feel anything romantic there so we're gonna get to know other people," Stella laughed as Amber's eyes went wide, already scheming on who Stella should begin to talk to. The brunette stopped the girl's mind race as they all headed to the fire pit to play never have I ever. 

Stella was proud to say she did not drink for any of the raunchy bits, other than doing it in a club bathroom which she knew would make her mom cringe. The group all were having a laugh at Anton's threesome story when a phone went off. 

"I've got a text," Amber said with excitement shining in her eyes. 

"Islanders its time for the real games to begin, welcome your new arrivals #doubletrouble"

Everyone turned to the entrance from the house, and Stella felt a lot of relief when two men walked through the doors that turned to intrigue when she made eye contact with the bright blue eyes on one of the boys. 

"Hey babe," Stella greeted the paler guy after he had been passed around the group.

"Hey I'm Curtis," Stella giggled as he cheekily kissed her on both of her cheeks. Stella already had a good vibe from him. 

"You alright?" The tanner boy wrapped an arm around Stella's waist as he leaned in to press his lips to her cheeks. "I'm Tommy."

"Stella," she smiled up at him, impressed with his looks and his height. He was definitely intriguing to her. 

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