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"Happy finale day!" Stella screamed the next morning as the lights turned on. 

"This is so mad!" Maura said through a yawn as the girls sat up in their beds. The group contemplated trying to get in some sun that morning, but decided it was probably better for them to just go ahead and get to packing. The girls scattered on the floor in the dressing room, folding clothes and just having good talks. 

Stella at one point just took her time and looked around. She knew Molly Mae and Maura would be her friends for the long haul. The way they had supported her in here was something she could never repay, and she was so lucky to not have only found love in the villa, but these strong bonds as well. 

"Y'alright love?" Tommy had come to the dressing room when he realized the other girls had left and Stella was alone.

"Yeah, just reminiscing," she grinned up at him, gesturing for him to sit with her. "I can't believe this experience even happened, I feel like I've dreamed it all."

"I know," Tommy murmured as he wrapped the girl up in his arms. 

"As much as I loved it, I cannot wait to get out of here," Stella laughed with him. "Sleep by ourselves in a bed without people around, have some time away from the sun."

"I don't think anyone has ever listed that as a good thing leaving the villa," he chuckled as Stella huffed. 

"Have you seen my skin? I don't know how I haven't been as red as a tomato this whole summer!"


"Oh my days," Stella exclaimed as the group entered the garden to see all of the day beds removed and replaced with production equipment, an audience and Caroline waiting for them. 

"Islanders, come on over and sit down," the producers gestured each couple over to a stool where they were to wait for the show to go live. 

"Viewers, six weeks ago, a group of single men and women entered the Love Island Villa. Since then, 32 islanders have come through those doors, and now, we are down to the final eight. Starting off the night we will bring over Amber and Greg to see their highlights, and to ask the hard questions."

Stella and Tommy grinned as one by one their friends went and sat on a couch with Caroline. Finally, Tommy led Stella over for their turn. 

"Tommy, Stella, the two of you have been in the villa since day one. How do you feel sitting here?"

"It is absolutely mad," Stella laughed. "Truthfully, I thought I would make it maybe two weeks and then be back home with my parents."

"Yeah I feel the same, you see those love island people who do come in and make it the long way, but you never think that will be you, especially when you never know who you will meet."

"And the two of you met each other. Let's take a quick moment and watch the highlights of your last six weeks."

Stella leant into Tommy's side with a smile as she watched the screen. Videos from the first time they met, their first kiss, the Lucie situation, Casa Amor and Tommy's return to the villa. 

"Been a pretty great summer hasn't it?" Caroline beamed at the two sitting across from her. "The two of you have been sort of the public's sweet hearts. How do the both of you feel about making the transition from Villa life to public life?"

"I think we have a pretty good plan for how to spend the next few weeks. I will be back in classes come September, so I feel like we have some time to spend together and with our families before I go back to school and real life really picks up."

"I definitely think Stella and I are both planners so, like she said we have plans for the next few weeks and even for when her classes start back. I have a lot of confidence that being outside of the villa is just going to make our relationship stronger honestly."

"You two," Caroline shook her head as the audience 'awed'. "So being in the final, do the two of you think you have a chance to win?"

"I don't care," Stella said nonchalantly, shocking laughs out of Caroline and the audience. "I came here to find love and I did. Thats what matters to me."

"Isn't she a charmer," Tommy pressed a quick kiss to her head. "Yeah, I mean 50,000 pounds would be pretty cool but the best part of me sitting here right now is the girl by my side."

"Well, now that you've turned the whole country to mush, why don't you two head back to your seats. The last count of the public votes has been finished."

Stella grabbed both Maura and Molly Mae's hands as she walked by, sitting back in her seat with Tommy resting his hands on her shoulders. 

"In fourth place, with 11.8% of the public vote, is Amber and Greg!" (sorry I don't think they deserved to win so they get last place by a landslide from me lols)

"In third place, with 24.6% of the public's support, we have Maura and Curtis!"

Stella looked wide eyed at Molly Mae next to her, and reached a hand up to grab Tommy's as Caroline opened the second to last envelope. 

"And this years runner up, with 26.3% of the vote, we have Molly Mae and Ovie."

Stella's mouth dropped open in shock, pitching out of her seat as Tommy laughed behind her. 

"Holy shit," she whispered as Tommy picked her up and spun her around. 

"And your winners, of this season of Love Island, are Stella and Tommy!" Tommy set the girl down, dipping her into a heavy snog, before pulling her over to where Caroline was waiting for them. 

"You both know the drill. You each have an envelope, one of you has 50,000 pounds and the other has zero. The partner with the money can choose to split the money, or keep it for themselves. Stella ladies first."

The brunette opened her card before she even had time to think about it, grinning in shock when she saw the writing on the paper. "I have the 50,000 pounds!"

"Ok now Stella, will you be choosing to share with your boyfriend?"

"Well, I have a lot of Student bills," Stella bit her lip in pretend thought. "So I do think I'm going to have to, share it with my guy."

"Folks, there you have it, your winners of Love Island, going home with 25,000 pounds each, Tommy Fury, and Stella Edwards!"


Guys im emo!!!! I will be writing an epilogue but wanted to check in with you guys. Would you rather see like a reunion episode? or maybe like an interview two years from their win? or Quick moments in the future (and if you'd like this, what do you want to see, getting a dog? engagement? first house?)

I want to give you guys the close on this story that will wrap it up in a bow so please let me know your thoughts!

And I know you have been waiting for it, but I will be putting out my LI 2021 book today or tomorrow :) Keep a look out for it!!

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