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"Oh I've got a text," Maura yelled from where she, Molly Mae, Stella, and Amber were sitting on the loungers while the boys and Lucie were swimming. "Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling where the Main Villa and Casa Amor will be given the chance to recouple with new partners or to stick with their own couples."

"Bloody hell," Amber groaned as the boys immediately got out of the pool to get their graft on. "I don't feel like entertaining them right now."

"Oh poor you," Stella teased as Johnathan came and pulled the girl for a chat. "Ah how nice it is to not have to worry about that."

"I just hope Curtis comes back alone," Maura worried. 

"Babe, I really think he will," Stella soothed as she saw Jack pull Lucie for a chat. "Honestly, I'm not even worried about Tommy, I surprisingly trust him. I'm more worried that Lucie is going to bring back Jack and I could just see it kicking off."

"I would probably prepare for the worst," Maura said under her breath.


"You nervous?" Anton looked towards Curtis and Tommy, both of whom had already said they planned to stick with their original couples, no matter how many times Anna had tried to come onto Tommy. 

"Nah mate, honestly cool as a cucumber," Tommy smiled as he buttoned up his shirt. 

"Even with that video of Stella you saw?" Michael asked with an arched brow, confused when Tommy laughed. 

"All of the exes Stella has mentioned to me have all been total mugs so that really does not worry me, and you guys could all tell she wasn't happy to see the lad."

"I am a little bit nervous, but I just hope that with Maura and I having to be apart with Fran that it will have made her excited to get back with me, because I know that's how I feel," Curtis confessed to the three boys, getting the attention off of Tommy.

"What about you? You think Amber will have decoupled?" Tommy asked Michael. 

"Yeah mate, I really do," all the boys could see that Michael was not confident in that at all. 


"Hello girls," Caroline greeted them after she had herded them to the fire pit and lined the boys up in front of them. "Tonight, you will get the chance to recouple with one of the boys in front of you, or stick with your original partner. If you stick with your partner, and they come back from Casa Amor single, you are back in a couple. If your partner comes back with a new partner, you are now single and at risk. So, with that being said, let's start with Molly Mae."

"Molly Mae, you were coupled up with Anton, how are you feeling now?" Caroline questioned the blonde. 

"Anton is a great guy, and we definitely had a connection but I think it truly just fizzled out."

"Alright, so Molly Mae, you have the chance to stick with Anton or recouple, what do you choose?"

"I want to recouple with Ovie," she grinned brightly as the boy darted across the deck to hug her and give her a peck.

"Alright, now lets see what Anton has decided." The group watched as Anton came out of the villa with a blonde on his arm. Everyone smiled at him as the two made their way to stand beside Caroline. "Anton, as you can see, Molly Mae also chose to recouple. How do you feel?"

"Molly Mae is an amazing girl and we had a fun time together. Im glad she and I have both found someone so we can just be happy."

"So sweet," Caroline cooed. "Now go sit down."

"Next we have Maura. Maura, you were single before Casa Amor but pursuing things with Curtis."

"Yeah, Curtis and I obviously were pulled apart, but I truly think that this is what we needed to see how strong we were together."

"Ok Maura, so are you choosing to stick or recouple?"

"I will be recoupling with Curtis." The group all watched with bated breath as the brunette came out of the villa, alone. 

"Oh thank god," Maura laughed as she and Curtis smiled widely at each other. 

"Curtis, as you can see, Maura is standing here for you. How do you feel?"

"I'm buzzing, I was hoping when I came back we could be a couple again and luckily I was right," he looked so happy that Stella cooed while everyone else laughed and Caroline nudged Curtis towards Maura. The boy picked her up before pulling her into a deep kiss and then the two were seated. 

"Next we have Amber. Amber, before Casa Amor you and Michael were in a couple. How do you feel about him now?"

"Him being away definitely made me realize that I did fancy him and I hope he comes back alone so we can move further into our relationship," Stelle grimaced when she saw the frown on Curtis' face and wasn't surprised when Michael exited the villa with a small brunette by his side. 

"Bloody hell," Stella said under her breath as she could literally see Amber's anger flare. 

"Micheal, obviously Amber chose to stick with your couple and you chose not to. Do you have anything to say to her?"

"I guess it just wasn't working on my end, and maybe I should have been clearer about that."

"Joanna, obviously this is a tough note to enter the villa on, what are your thoughts?"

"I definitely want to sit and talk with Amber because this is obviously a horrible situation and I don't want to make anything harder for her, "Stella could appreciate the girl's attempt at being diplomatic but she knew Amber would be having none of it.

"Alright you two, sit down. Next is Lucie. Lucie, you were also single prior to Casa amor. Will you be choosing to recouple or stay single?"

"I will be recoupling," Lucie avoided all of the girl's stares, and Stella cursed silently when she saw Jack's smile. 

"And who will you be choosing?" 

"Jack," the redhead practically sauntered over to Lucie, pecking her cheek before turning to Caroline. 

"Stella, how does this make you feel?" Caroline looked to the brunette while the boys from Casa Amor looked confused. 

"Honestly at this point, they're both snakes. But I'm here for bigger reasons than douchebags and fake people so I'll be just fine," Stella smiled right at the couple, both of whom looked shocked at being called out. 

"Alright then, Lucie and Jack take a seat. And lastly, we have Stella. Stella you were coupled up with Tommy. What is the decision you are making tonight? Will you stick with Tommy? Or recouple with one of the new boys?"

"I will be sticking with Tommy," Stella smiled brightly at Caroline.

"Alright, well let's see the boy then." Stelle held her breath as she saw movement by the door. When she saw him come out, by himself, she covered her eyes as she laughed. Tears formed as she heard him skip down the steps and she finally met his gaze with tears dripping down her face. 

"Tommy, as you can see, Stella has decided to stick with you. How does that make you feel?"

"I'm over the moon. I knew we would end up here, I'm just happy to be back with her," he grinned as Caroline let him go over to greet his girl. 

"I missed you," she sighed into his shoulder as he squeezed her, pulling back to drop a quick kiss onto her lips before sitting down to see Caroline off. "C'mon, let's go talk."

Stella walked Tommy over to the swing, ignoring Jack who had called out to her. 

"What is his problem?" Tommy asked as he looked at Jack who was laughing with his arm hooked around Lucie. 

"Well, when I talked about my horrible ex, it was him." Stella looked anywhere than at Tommy. "And now Lucie for some reason has ignored every issue I had with him, I  guess believing he has changed, and now he is here to literally torment me."

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now