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Stella woke up for her first full day in the villa feeling excited. The night before, as the islanders were getting to know each other more and meeting Curtis and Tommy, they had gotten a text that the two boys would be coupling up with the girls of their choosing the next night. Stella had refused to admit it to anyone, but she had definitely felt a little giddy at the thought at maybe getting to know Tommy. 

The girls all got ready together, and Stella was hesitant to give in to the chat considering the drama that had already come up the night before with Lucie, Amy and Anton. Stella had never been a fan of drama or being a part of it, probably because of the spotlight her sister was in. So she listened as all the girls talked, piping in every once in awhile as she put on a high waisted white bikini.

 So she listened as all the girls talked, piping in every once in awhile as she put on a high waisted white bikini

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She giggled as she watched some of the girls go all out, putting on a full face of makeup and curling their hair. They laughed right back when they saw her put on sunscreen and lip balm and she was ready to go. Stella was a water baby, she loved boating, swimming, the beach, the pool, so she couldn't be bothered to get all dolled up when she knew she would be in the water. 

Stella grabbed Lucie and made her way down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. "Morning babe," Stella greeted Tommy who was standing at the stove cooking. 

"Hey girls," he blinded the two girls with his smile. "Want some breakfast?"

"I'd love some thanks," Stella went to make her morning tea while Lucie headed over to meet up with Joe who was sitting on a day bed. "So how was your first night."

"It was mad," Tommy kept stirring the eggs he was cooking. "How about you, you've got a full twelve hours on me, how ya feeling?"

"I'm obviously coupled up with Sherif, but we both decided we're not very into it," Stella grinned as Tommy brought her a plate with her food. "Thank you."

"I hear ya," Tommy leaned against the counter across from her. "You got your eyes on anyone else then?" 

"Maybe maybe," Stella smirked at him, giggling as he rolled his eyes at her. "What's your type then?"

"Definitely all about the personality for me, love to be able to have a laugh with a girl and feel like she's going to be loyal and committed to me," he crossed his big arms over his check and Stella sighed dreamily, leaning her chin against her palm. "What about you, what strikes your fancy?"

"I feel the same about personality, I want someone to be able to just be there for me and I love a bit of cheek," Stella grinned as Tommy leaned in closer. "And looking fit wouldn't hurt," she winked as he threw his head back and chuckled. 

"I definitely would love to chat more," Tommy winked as Lucie called out for Stella. 

"Me too," Stella laughed as she walked over to the girls, feeling Tommy's gaze on her back. 

"So how are you girls feeling," Amber asked as the girls all laid together on the day bed. 

"I think Joe is lovely," Lucie blushed as the girls cooed over her. 

"Anton is just not it for me, but I do think Curtis is really sweet," Amy grinned as the girls squealed having seen the two chat the night before. "What about you Stella?"

"Well, Sherif and I are officially in the friend relationship so," Stella laughed as the girls all frowned at her. "But Tommy has definitely caught my eye."

"You two would be such a good couple," Lucie gushed as Stella hid her face from the girls who were all chirping at her. 

The girls all chatted for a bit more before moving over to the sun to sunbathe for a bit. 

"Can I grab you for a chat Stella?" A shadow covered her body as she opened her eyes to see Tommy grinning down at her. 

"Of course," Stella tried to haul herself off the bean bag and Tommy just grabbed her and yanked her up, pulling her into his chest with a 'hmph'. "Alright then," Stella laughed, slapping his chest as she stepped away from him.

"Let's go over here," He ushered her to a day bed, the two of them getting comfy on the bed facing each other. "So tell me about yourself."

"Well, I'm 20 and I live in London at the moment while I go to school."

"Oh alright, what are you studying then?" Tommy liked the idea of her being close to him outside of the villa. 

"I'm studying to be a nurse," Stella loved her studies. She had always wanted to help people, and she was very good with science so Nursing had seemed like the profession for her. 

"Ah, so you could patch me up after fights then?" Tommy grinned at the brunette as she blushed. 

"Well maybe you should be winning so I don't need to be patching you up," Stella grinned as he made a sound of indignation. "I'm just winding you up, how about your family?"

"Well obviously I've got an older brother," Tommy looked awkward talking about it but Stella pressed on. 

"How is that?" Stella tried to be gentle, but she did know how the boy felt.

"Going in deep already are we?" Tommy joked before turning serious again. "When I was younger it was a lot harder because I felt like I was living in his shadow, but now that I'm more mature I've come to realize how lucky I am."

"That is great," Stella smiled softly, reaching over to pat his thigh gently. "That can't be easy, but meeting you now you seem like a fantastic guy so clearly you did something right."

Tommy laughed before turning on his side to look at Stella. "What about you, what's your family like?" 

"Well-" Stella was prepared to out herself but was cut off when Anton jumped up, announcing to the Villa that it was time for the first challenge.

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