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After Michael went home, the islanders had an early night. The group was glad for it when they were woken the next morning by the sound of babies crying. 

"Oh my god," Stella squealed as she launched herself off of Tommy's chest and literally ran to the foyer. "Its the baby challenge!"

Stella searched for her and Tommy's name, cooing down at the little boy in the cot she found. She felt a body close in behind her. "Tommy meet our son!"

"Shall we name him and then dress him?" Tommy asked around a yawn. 

"Yes, thoughts on something like Terrence or Samuel?"

"How about both?" Tommy asked as Stella picked up the crying doll and began rocking him. "Terrence Samuel Edwards-Fury."

"Aw I love that."

The couple went and got the baby into a pair of pants and a white shirt, Stella holding onto the now quiet baby as Tommy got dressed. Then Tommy took Terrence with him to make some breakfast while Stella got dressed. 

Through out the day, the islanders just tried to keep the babies from crying. Stella and Tommy seemed to not have many issues, other than they realized Terrence did not like the water. Stella had tried to take him on a swim with her and it did not go well. 

The other couples tried to do races with the baby prams, and Anton ended up dumping he and Belle's little girl in the pool, which immediately lost them the challenge. 

"Islanders, the winners in todays challenge were Maura and Curtis, Molly Mae and Ovie, and Stella and Tommy. The losers were Anton and Belle, and Amber and Greg. Since a majority of couples won, tonight you will be rewarded with a cocktail party."


The islander's should have known that the cocktail party wouldn't come without strings. Thirty minuted after the champagne was popped, Anton's phone rang. 

"Couples please gather at the fire pit immediately."

Stella huffed as Tommy grabbed her hand and the two joined their friends around the dreaded area. Her phone rang after a few minutes of tension. 

"Islanders, as we approach the end of your journey, you have learned a lot about the couples around you. Tonight, each couple must vote for the couple they believe is the least compatible. The couple with the most votes, will be dumped from the island."

Stella's chest felt tight as she and Tommy headed for a day bed to make their decision. "So I feel like this is a bit of a no brainer," Stella said to him sadly. 

"Agreed," Tommy looked up at her with a frown. "Anton and Belle?"

"As sad as it makes me, yes," Stella closed her eyes and laid down. "I can't believe we had to do this."

"I know love," Tommy pulled her to his chest after he sent the text. "Can I tell you something, and I've been shitting bricks about it."

"Of course you can," Stella sat up to be able to see Tommy's nervous face. 

"I came in here, thinking I would take a chance and maybe make a connection. I never thought I would meet you, and you would agree to be my girlfriend." Stella grinned at Tommy as she welled up a bit. "And I feel like I just have to tell you, that I love you."

"You've set me off," Stella fanned her face as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "Oh Tommy, I love you too."

(brb im soft that was cute)


The next morning, Stella dragged Maura and Molly Mae to the terrace while they were getting ready. "Last night Tommy told me he loved me."

"OH MY GOD," Maura squealed as she and Molly Mae piled on top of Stella. 

"Oh babe, you guys are so cute," Molly Mae 'awed' as she saw Stella's blush. 

"I am just so lucky to have found him you know?"

"Stella babe, he is lucky to have found you!"


After Stella got her happiness out that morning, it was clear all of the islanders were walking around on eggshells after the vote the night before. She tried to ignore things and just spend time with Tommy, living in the moment. 

As the girls got ready that night, it was practically silent. A lot of the girls were mentally packing their suitcases honestly. Molly Mae, Maura and Stella shared a somber group hug before they headed to the garden. 

The couples separated and sat with their drinks while waiting for the dreaded text. It eventually came to Curtis' phone calling them all to the firepit. 

After a few minutes they heard footsteps and looked up to see Caroline. 

"HI everyone," she smiled softly at the quiet return of her greeting. "Last night, each couple voted for the other couple they believed was the least compatible. Can you all please stand."

"The couples that are at risk of being dumped tonight, are,

Amber and Greg

and Anton and Belle. Will the four of you please stand up here?"

Stella watched sadly as her friends basically approached the chopping block. "The couple that had the most votes, and will be leaving the villa tonight is,

Anton and Belle."

This will be my last update until I finish writing the final two chapters of this book :) hopefully that will happen pretty quickly considering my writing juices are rlly flowing right now!

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now