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*(At this point I am going to mess with canon a little bit so just beware)*

The rest of the day, Stella steered clear of Lucie, choosing to lounge in the pool with Tommy and getting into a chicken fight with Curtis and Amy. Stella made her way up to the villa and showered before getting ready with the girls, choosing a more low-key outfit for the night.

 Stella made her way up to the villa and showered before getting ready with the girls, choosing a more low-key outfit for the night

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Grabbing her shoes, she headed down the stairs before sitting in the boys changing room to strap them up. "Well don't you look stunning," Tommy came from the bathroom, seeing her struggling with the buckle on her shoe and crouching down to do it for her.

"Thanks, babe," she kissed his cheek as they both stood and headed to the kitchen. "Want a drink?" She poured both of them a glass of wine before heading to the swing to wait for the rest of the islanders. 

"How did your chat with Lucie today go?" Tommy probed as Stella frowned. 

"I just told her I would appreciate some honesty instead of this two-faced act she is putting on."

"Well, just to let you in on a little secret, I don't think you need to feel worried babe," Tommy wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest to place a soft kiss on her lips. 

A while later, the islanders were sitting around the kitchen when Michaels's phone pinged with a text. "Islanders, don't get too comfortable, a storm is brewing. Welcome your new islanders, Maura and Molly Mae. #hurricanemaura #monsoonmollymae." Stella was impressed to see Tommy didn't feed into the excitement of the other boys, simply choosing to laugh with them. 

Stella met both Maura and Molly Mae and was very happy that neither of them currently had their eyes on Tommy, but that they also seemed to be girls that Stella could vibe with. "You girls excited for tomorrow? I'm sure you'll get to go on some dates," she asked the blonde and brunette as they were upstairs removing their makeup before bed. 

"Yeah I'm buzzing," Maura squealed from the floor as Molly Mae giggled. Stella chatted with them some more before filling her water and heading downstairs. She was not at all surprised to come in and see Curtis and Tommy cuddled up in their bed. Rolling her eyes with a giggle, she slid in under Curtis' offered arm, leaving him between her and Tommy on the bed.

"I chatted with Maura a bit tonight," Curtis whispered, being mindful in case Amy came in the room. "Realized I DMed her on Instagram earlier this year." Stella gasped in shock but couldn't help but get excited. She hated to say it but her vibe check for Curtis and Amy had not come back very positive. "I think she's a fabulous girl, and I want to hopefully get to chat with her."

"Make sure you be straight up with Amy," Stella warned. "I could see her kicking off a lot if she even thought you were doing that."

"Yeah you're right," Curtis and Tommy agreed, Curtis leaving for his own mattress leaving the couple to sink into space he left. 

"Can I be honest," Tommy whispered, playing with her hair. 


"I saw Curtis and Maura chatting, and I do get a sense that they would be very compatible," he shared, keeping an eye on Amy who had entered the bedroom. 

"I completely agree," the two of them schemed about Curtis's love life for a bit longer until the lights went out, the two sharing a kiss before laying down to sleep. 

The next morning, Stella woke up, not at all surprised that Curtis was cuddling with Tommy waiting for her to get up. "Morning boys," she yawned, kissing Tommy on his cheek before getting up to go to the dressing room. She was putting on her sunscreen when Tommy came through the door with a cup of tea.

"For you love," he winked and walked away as all of the girls cooed.

"What a man honestly," Maura sighed as Stella giggled into her cup. The girls were all in the kitchen when Maura's phone buzzed.

"Maura, please choose an islander to take on a date today," she giggled before looking at Stella. "Can I just take Stella?"

Everyone laughed as Tommy let out a sound of discontent. "Pipe down Thomas," Maura joked as she grabbed Stella and dipped the girl for a kiss on the check. 

"Oi hands-off," Tommy came over and grabbed Stella, faking out a lunge at Maura who squealed and ran away. 

Maura chose to take Curtis on the date, surprising everyone except Tommy, Lucie, and Stella. Molly Mae also got to take someone on a date and chose to take Anton. Stella stuck with the guys that day, knowing that Amy would be kicking off about Maura and she wouldn't be able to hold her tongue about these girls talking about her best mate in the villa. 

That night, Stella pulled Maura after they were dressed for the night to talk about her date. "He is such a gent," Maura gushed. "I have always thought he's attractive but I really do think I want to get to know him." Stella was so happy for her, but as she walked over to sit with Tommy and saw Amy heading to sit with Maura, she knew this attraction for Maura wouldn't come without consequences.

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