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Stella woke up the next morning to find that Tommy had become the little spoon while they were sleeping, and she could see Maura just laying straight on top of Curtis in the next bed. "Morning," she whispered as Mauras little head popped up with a grin. Curtis was still asleep, as were the other islanders, so Maura popped out of bed and laid so Tommy was between the two girls.

"How was your first night in bed together?" Stella questioned Maura as she rested her head on top of Tommys. 

"Very nice," Maura winked as Stella felt Tommy begin to stir. 

"Well thats a terrifying view to wake up to," Tommy's rough voice teased. 

"Oi," Maura yelled, waking up the other islanders as the lights turned on. "Don't be mean I can steal Stella from you."

"She's not wrong," Stella giggled as she got up to walk to the dressing room. 

"Good luck with that babe," Tommy's voice followed her giggles as she headed upstairs with Maura. The girls all chatted as they got ready and changed, and Stella smiled when she saw Tommy peak in with a cup. "Tea for you love," He offered up his cheek for a kiss as she thanked him and walked out. 

That day was another casual one in the villa, everyone just hung out in the sun. Stella ended up with Tommy on a day bed in the shade whining about a nap. "Can we please nap together," she pouted as Tommy was thinking about joining the boys for a workout. "You made me the big spoon last night I deserve a cuddle."

"How can I say no to that," Tommy sighed as Stella clapped and laid on her side and felt Tommy cuddle up behind her. The two of them napped for about an hour before they were awoken with freezing cold water. 

"Curtis," Stella squealed as she began to ring out her hair as the brunette ran away. Stella decided to delay her revenge, heading to sit in the sun as it went down to dry off before going to get ready. She chose to go casual and flowy that night, laughing with the girls as she got ready, excited for a night of relaxation. 

"Look at you," Tommy whistled as she walked out into the kitchen

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"Look at you," Tommy whistled as she walked out into the kitchen. "You look stunning babe," he wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Thank you," she grinned as he handed her a drink and walked to the swing. "You're precious," she ran her hand through his hair as he grinned.

"I really do fancy you Stella," he admitted as he stared into her blue eyes. 

"Me too, you're literally my dream guy," she moved over to cuddle into his lap, looking down at him. "You are so good to me, and I can't see myself cracking on with anyone else in here."

He searched her eyes for another moment before grinning and tangling his hands into her hair and bringing her down to meet his lips. She wrapped her arm around his neck, scratching his scalp with her nails causing his mouth to open in a moan and their tongues to meet. Tommy wrapped her up even further in his arms before a cough interrupted them and they jumped apart.

"Yous must have missed it but we gotta go to the fire pit," Maura said as Curtis grinned as the blushing couple on the swing who got up to follow them quickly. 

The couples all laughed as they saw Stella and Tommy sit down sheepishly, Stella burying her head in Tommy's chest when she felt everyone looking at her. The laughter abruptly stopped when Curtis's phone went off. "Islanders, tonight each couple will vote for the two couples they believe are the least compatible."

Everyone looked at each other in silence before Anton stood up and lead Molly Mae towards a day bed to discuss their decision. Tommy and Stella stayed at the firepit, and Stella could feel her heart drop at the thought of this decision. 

"Ok, should we rule out who we know we can't vote for first?" Tommy gently coaxed, knowing Stella would be nervous about this decision. 

"Yeah," she sighed. "Curtis and Maura are a no."

"Agreed, and Molly Mae and Anton?"

"Again, no, they actually really get on in my opinion."

"Yeah, Amber and Michael?"

"They are also super strong, I think they could be the real deal."

"Lucie and Joe?"

"I don't want you to think I'm saying this just because of her behavior, but I do think they are extremely different," Stella frowned, worried about potentially looking like a mug. 

"Babe, don't worry, I agree with that," Tommy wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"So Yewande and Sherif?" Stella asked quietly. 

"And Joe and Lucie," Tommy frowned as Stella let out a heavy sigh. "It's going to be alright love, you still have me."

"That's all I need," she smiled softly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now