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"Let me just warn you mate, do not piss Stella off, the girl is scary when she's mad," Maura teased Stella who was cuddled into Tommy's side on the day bed while Curtis was getting Maura and himself some more water. 

"What did you do this time," he pinched Stella's side as she giggled. 

"Jack tried it with me again this morning and I wasn't having it," the girl shrugged. 

"Ok maybe I need to have a word with this guy, he needs to back off," Tommy huffed but relaxed when Stella sat up on her knees to place a hand on his cheek and kiss him. 

"I've got it handled love, don't stress about it," truthfully, Stella found it incredibly attractive how protective Tommy could be. 

"You just let me know the moment he gets out of hand because I will handle it," the boy promised Stella as she smiled softly and placed another kiss on his lips. 


That night, as the islanders were all having a swell night before Stella got a text. "All islanders please head to the fire pit immediately."

The girl grabbed for Tommy as everyone headed to get seated. No one was surprised when a few moments later Caroline came out of the villa. "Hello islanders, I hope you didn't get too comfortable after Casa Amor. Over the past few days, viewers have been voting on the couples they believe are least compatible. The couples with the lowest votes are vulnerable to a dumping tonight. Everyone, please stand."

"The couples that are safe, in no particular order. Michael and Joanna."

"Maura and Curtis"

"Stella and Tommy," Stella could've teared up when she turned and pressed a quick kiss to Tommy's lips and grabbed Maura's hand as soon as they sat. 

"Molly Mae and Ovie"

"Lucie and Jack, and Anton and Belle. Both of you are vulnerable. But, the final choice comes down to your fellow islanders as to who will stay and who will go. Safe couples, discuss your choice with your partner and please send your choice in."

The couples all scattered to talk over their decision, but Stella didn't even need the time to discuss. "You already know what I'm going to say," Stella did feel a little bad about her bluntness, but after her and Jack's confrontation earlier, she knew him being here would affect her experience as much as she wanted to deny it. 

"Lucie is one of my best mates in here, but I can't deny that I think Jack needs to go," Tommy frowned when he saw the tears welling in her eyes. "Hey love, it's alright."

"As bad as I wanted Lucie and me to be friends again, I just can't justify torturing myself by letting him stick around for a friendship where she hasn't exactly been the best friend."

"Stella, I don't care how friendly Lucie and I are. If this guy makes you uncomfortable, I would send Curtis home if it meant him leaving. You are my number one priority in here love," Tommy wiped away the tears from her cheeks before leaning in to peck her nose. The two-headed back to the fire pit, seeing most of the other couples had already come back and Lucie and Jack and Anton and Belle were standing by Caroline. 

"Jack and Lucie, Anton, and Belle. Your fellow islanders voted on one couple to save tonight. The couple with the least amount of votes will have 30 minutes to pack and say goodbye. Tonight, the couple the islanders have chosen to save is..... Anton and Belle."

Stella chose to stare across the fire pit instead of chancing a glance at Lucie and Jack. The rest of the group got up to say goodbye, most of them focusing their attention on Lucie. Tommy squeezed Stella's hand before standing up to head for Lucie while Stella headed to stand with Maura and Curtis. 

"Cmon, lets at least go up there while she packs," Maura coaxed her brunette friend to follow the other girls to their dressing room where everyone sat around to watch Lucie pack her bags. 

"Honestly, I should have left when Joe did," the blonde laughed tearfully. "It hasn't felt right in here since then."

Stella did her best to stay on the outskirts, removing her makeup and shoes while the other girls comforted Lucie. Maybe she should've looked to be the bigger person, but Stella had spent too much time forgiving people when they didn't even see that they had hurt her. So no matter how cold-hearted it would make her look, Stella did not give in.

She followed the other girls downstairs when the time came for the two to leave, sliding over to Tommy's side who threw his arm over her shoulder snugly. "Well, its been pleasure islanders," Jack laughed as he waved to the gathered group. 

"I'll miss you all so much," Lucie grinned sadly while the girls cooed. "I made some mistakes in here, and I know that but I truly hope to be friends with all of you on the outside."

Stella met her eye and gave the blonde a small smile as she finally turned and exited the villa.

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now