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The islanders spent the rest of the night chatting and drinking together. Stella was intrigued when she saw Lucie pull Tommy for a chat but she didn't think anything of it until Joe sat next to her on the day bed. 

"How do you feel about that?" Joe sipped on his drink, gesturing to where Lucie and Tommy were chatting at the fire pit. 

"I mean, she hasn't said anything to me so I don't think I need to feel some type of way, and plus its literally the second day," Stella tried to reassure both herself and Joe who seemed to be getting wound up about it. 

"She told me yesterday she was interested in getting to know him," he admitted, which honestly confused Stella considering since Tommy had shown up she had been pushing her to pursue the boy. 

"Babe I don't think you have anything to worry about, she is really into you," She reassured Joe, choosing to leave him in the hands of Michael and Anton and she went to sit with Amy and Curtis. 

"What's with that face hun," Amy asked as Stella wrapped a blanket around herself and sat with them.

"Joe's just come up to me in a tizzy about Tommy and Lucie, and I thought nothing of it until Joe said that Lucie has been saying she want's to get to know Tommy," Stella felt validated when Amy's eyes widened a bit. 

"Now don't come for me here girls, but what is wrong with that?" Curtis asked carefully, and Stella jumped in before Amy could. 

"Honestly there wouldn't be anything wrong with it, except that Lucie has been telling me to go after Tommy and how cute we would be," she explained. "I don't care if she wants to get to know him, but now it feels sneaky because shes telling everyone one thing and me another."

"Mate, I really think Tommy does have his eye on you," he reassured making her shrug. 

"It really isn't even about that, its more about the way she's going about things," Stella chatted with the two of them for a few more minutes before she noticed Tommy approach her. 

"Wanna have a chat?" Tommy nodded towards the bar, leading her when she stood to go with him. "So I did want to make sure you knew what was happening, but Lucie did just pull me and say she wants to get to know me."

"Yeah thats fine babe," Stella was feeling worse and worse about this situation. 

"But I do have to be honest, I think I'm feeling this more than is probably expected for the second day in the villa," he grinned at the girl as she beamed back. 

"Oh are ya?" Stella teased as Tommy reached down to pull her chair closer. "Honestly, I could care less if she wants to get to know ya, that's not a problem. The problem is, is that she has been the loudest girl telling me to go after you and then she goes around telling everyone she's feeling you except for me."

"Oh so you needed a kick in the arse to come after me?" he tried to lighten the mood seeing that Stella was getting frustrated. 

"Nah babe, I was coming, but she was there encouraging me and I don't appreciate the fakeness," Stella rolled her eyes, contemplating if she wanted to pull Lucie when she felt his hand on her neck. He had stood to come between her legs and was looking down at her. 

"Don't worry about other people hun, it's you and me now," he winked before leaning down to drop a soft kiss to her lips, pulling away before she even had time to close her eyes. 

"Come back," she pouted, placing her hand on his chest and puckering her lips as he chuckled before kissing her again. This was much different than their kiss during their challenge, it was unhurried and truly brought butterflies to her tummy. They pulled apart and Tommy wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her into a hug against his chest. 

The two joined the rest of the islanders for the remainder of the night before all heading in to get changed. "Anyone dressing up tonight?" Amber teased, looking at you, Amy and Lucie specifically. 

"Nah babe, shorts and a jumper all the way," Stella assured as she took her makeup off. She got dressed before heading into the bathroom to brush her teeth. To her pleasure, Tommy was in the shower and winked at her when she walked in. He stepped out in his towel and she was glad she was in the middle of brushing her teeth because otherwise her jaw definitely would've dropped. 

After finishing up and filling her water, she walked into the bedroom to see Tommy already in bed. She grinned when he patted the bed beside him, taking off her slippers and sliding in facing him. "Hey," she whispered as his hand came up to play with her hair. 

"Are ya excited to be sharing a bed with me?" He teased as she rolled her eyes, pinching his side. 

"More excited to just get to know ya," Stella smiled as he leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead before pulling her to his bare chest as the lights turned out

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