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For the rest of the night, Stella tried to keep all of her attention on Tommy. She truly had missed the boy more than she thought she would, and the two of them were being extra clingy as a result. "So did anything happen on your end with Casa Amor?" Stella asked the boy hesitantly as they were chatting. 

"One girl would not take no for an answer, but nothing happened and Curtis and I slept on the day beds every night," Tommy grinned sheepishly as Stella pecked his cheek.

"I am so glad we get to be back together now," Stella sighed as she relaxed into Tommy's side and glanced around the villa. She could see Maura and Curtis with Molly Mae and Ovie, and she didn't even want to know where Michael, Amber, and Joanna were, foreseeing the drama. She was quite unhappy though to see Jack making his way towards her and Tommy.

"Hey mate, I'm Jack, nice to meet you," the boy grinned, sticking out his hand and faltering when Tommy actually shook it like a gentleman. 

"You as well," Tommy nodded politely, taking a sip of his drink in disinterest. 

"Listen, just wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings, you know with Stella and I's past-"

"Yeah no," Tommy cut Jack off. "You're in her past so I'm absolutely not worried about it, but if you make her uncomfortable at all we will have a problem."At that, Tommy stood up and nudged Stella so the two walked away from the shocked boy and met up with Curtis and Maura.

"I missed you sunshine!" Curtis giggled as he wrapped Stella in a hug. "Now what's the deal with this dude?"

"He's a dick to put it simply," Stella giggled as Curtis glared at Jack who had walked back to join Lucie. 

"So we won't be playing nice with him, got it."


Stella and Maura were both in the dressing room getting ready for bed when Lucie walked in. Stella didn't acknowledge the blonde and continued removing her makeup.

"Stella, I did want to be upfront that I think your comment at the recoupling was completely out of hand and I think I deserve an apology," the blonde spoke, wringing her hands and looking at Stella in confusion when the brunette laughed. 

"Lucie you will be getting no apology from me. First, you went around telling everyone but me you were interested in my boy in this villa, and couldn't even own up to that when I talked with you directly about it. Then we go to Casa Amor and you just so happen to pick my ex to bring back here? You played like my friend for a few days but clearly that facade has gone. So no, you will be getting no apology from me. Hell, I don't even want to speak to you in this villa."

Maura stared between the two with wide eyes, her mouth parting in shock when Lucie just huffed and walked out of the room. "Stella," the girl whispered before breaking out into giggles. "That was tragic."

"I am not going to let her paint me out as the villain here, she made these decisions, she needs to stick to them," Stella shrugged as she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she was brushing, Tommy peeked in the bathroom and snuck over to wrap his hands around her waist to nuzzle his head into her neck. 

"Have I told you how much I missed you?" He asked, staring at her bum as she leaned over to spit out her tooth paste. 

"I'm not sure you have," she smirked as she turned around and looped her hands around Tommy's shoulders. 

"Well then," he murmured before attaching his lips to hers. The two immediately fell into the passionate kiss, Tommy wrapping his arms under her butt to lift her onto the sink. At that angle, Stella could feel his hard member pressing against her core through her thin sleep shorts and she whimpered at the sensation. She allowed Tommy's tongue to slide into her mouth and to stroke her own tongue while his hand began to massage her thigh, his other hand making its way to wrap loosely around her neck. 

"My bad," the two pulled apart at the interruption of Jack, who looked a little startled in the doorway of the bathroom. 

"No worries mate, we were just leaving," Tommy pulled Stella off of the counter, having her walk in front of him to cover up his very noticeable hard-on, the two giggling and making their way to their bed to lay down for the night. 


Stella woke up the next morning just so excited to be back with her friends together. She smiled happily when she caught a glance of Curtis and Maura tangled together on their bed next to her's and Tommy's as she gently moved Tommy's arm so she could go grab her breakfast and get ready. The kitchen was empty when she headed out there, grabbing the kettle to get it warm to make some tea. 

She moved around in quiet for a few minutes before hearing someone join her. "Morning!" Stella chirped while pouring milk into her cup. 

"Never thought I'd hear you greet me cheerily ever again," Jack joked as he moved in front of the counter to look at the now frowning brunette as she made her tea. 

"Does that surprise you?" Stella looked up at him and arched her brow. 

"C'mon Stells, you and I were great together! You know Tommy boys head will turn the second someone tickles his fancy-"

"Ok first of all, Tommy is not you, so I'm not worried about that. Second, I don't know how many times I have to tell you, we had a horrid relationship and you treated me like dog shit on the bottom of your shoe. So one thing you can be sure of is that in this villa and out, there is absolutely no chance of you getting another shot with me. Period."

Stella stalked away from the gaping boy, heading into the house and smirking when she saw Maura standing by the door, clearly having heard the conversation. "Good on you babe," Maura giggled as she grabbed Stella's hand and the two headed upstairs.


A/N: ok thoughts on me trying out a Luke M book after I finish this one??? Lemme know your thoughts, and if you think it should be a Casa Amor entrance for our lady, or an OG, or coming in maybe with Wallace and Demi??

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