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After Joe and Fran were sent home, the whole villa made their way to be fairly quickly. Stella and Tommy had a quick conversation while in bed for the boy to make sure that Stella had no hard feelings about him wanting to save Lucie. The girl actually trusted Tommy and knew that he didn't save the girl for any sketchy reason, at the end of the day, he and Lucie were friends and that was that. 

The couples all woke up the next morning to a bright and beautiful day. Stella got dressed quickly in a simple black bikini before heading to the kitchen to make some toast. She was joined by most of the girls as they all made food of their own. 

"It's been quiet, where are the boys?" Maura wondered, and all the girls noticed that none of the lads were outside. 

"Are they all still inside?" Stella asked aloud as the girls all headed in to look for their partners.  

"They're not here!" Maura shouted from the dressing room as Stella grabbed her hair. 

"This is Casa Amor," she laughed in disbelief as the other girls groaned. "Fucking hell, I think Tommy and I weren't in the best spot and now he's gone off to meet the perfect girl."

"Shut the hell up," Maura shoved the girl to knock her out of it. "That boy is absolutely smitten for you, his head won't turn."


"My head won't turn," Tommy told the lads as they all sat at the Casa villa talking about whose options were open. "My options are shut tight, I have too much respect for Stella."

"Well, I'm on the prowl," Anton joked as he flexed and the boys looked at him in shock. "Molly Mae is a lovely girl, but I just don't really see that spark."

"Does she know that? Or are you going to be breaking her heart?" Curtis asked slowly. 

"We haven't actually said it but I think she knows. We haven't kissed in like a week," Anton laughed as Caroline walked in. 

"Hello boys, come on over to the fire pit please." The boys filed over and sat down. "Welcome to Casa Amor, before we bring the girls in shall we check-in and see who will be exploring their options the next few days? Tommy? How do you feel?"

"There will be no exploring for me Caroline, I'll be sleeping on a day bed waiting to see Stella," he grinned as the boys all laughed at him. She kept going around and it seemed that to everyone's surprise, Michaels's options were open. To no one's surprise, Curtis' were not. 

"Well then, let's bring in the girls!" Four girls walked through the door in bathing suits, and Tommy and Curtis could already see Anton and Michael drooling. "Welcome Belle, Joanna, Anna, and Leah. Girls, you have some time to get to know our islanders. At the end of your time here, the boys will be given the choice to recouple and bring you back to the villa or stick with their couple, in which you will be packing your bags. "

At that, Caroline left and the two 'single' boys headed right to the girls to get started. Curtis and Tommy stayed back, laughing as the boys already began to graft. Anna and Leah approached the boys, greeting them with cheek kisses followed by Joanna and Belle when they were able to escape the other two lads. The group all headed to the fire pits to chat. 

"Alright, so who is open to exploring new relationships then?" Anna asked the four boys, keeping her eyes on Tommy. 

"Not me, sorry girls," Tommy laughed as the girls all groaned. "My head is still all in with Stella and I have a lot of faith we'll both come back from this single."

"Well that is proper cute," Joanna cooed as the other boys then began to pipe up. 


"Hello girls," Caroline greeted as she approached the girls all laying on their bean bags. "Let's go over to the fire pit then."

Stella followed everyone, wringing her hands with nerves as they all sat down to listen to Laura. "Welcome to Casa Amour. Right now, the boys are in a separate villa with four new girls, getting to know them, and soon you girls will meet five new boys. At the end of this, you will have the chance to recouple with your original boy, or bring a boy from Casa Amour on as your new couple! So with that being said, lets meet your boys. Welcome Nate, Johnathan, Ovie, Marvin, and Jack!"

"You've got to be fucking mad," Stella gasped as she saw the last person she would've expected walk down the steps. 

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now