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That night Maura crawled in bed with Stella as she was chatting with Curtis and Tomy who were standing at the end of the bed. "What did Amy say?" Stella whispered as Molly Mae crawled in to listen as well. 

"She was basically like crack on but I'm going to win," Maura rolled her eyes while Stella scoffed. 

"Let's be honest we all know who would be the winner," Stella kissed Maura's cheek as she left and Tommy slid in. 

"What did she say?" Tommy whispered as the lights turned off and they were staring at each other in the dark. 

"She likes him and Amy was basically like go on and go for it but he isn't going to go for her," Stella informed him. "Do you think Curtis would like her?"

"I think he definitely does, but you and I both know I don't think Amy is the right one for him so," he admitted. 

"Well I love Curtis not only because he's your best mate, and I do think she would be good for him," Tommy hummed as she ran his fingers through his hair. 

"I can see it," he said as he closed his eyes and pressed a kiss to her forehead before settling in for sleep. 

The next day the islanders participated in another challenge, and Stella was not at all upset to see Tommy doing physical activity. The rest of the day passed quickly, the islanders all just basking in the sun. That night everyone chose to just relax, knowing there would probably be some spin the next day. 

The next morning, the islanders made their own entertainment playing soccer with one of the big yoga balls. After they had eaten lunch and were now all just hanging out, Anton got a text.

"Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling where the boys will choose the girls that they would like to couple up with. The boy who is not chosen will be dumped from the island," Anton read off, causing tension in the villa. 

"Who's do you want to choose ya?" Stella asked Maura sarcastically as they sat on the day bed. Obviously she knew who the brunette fancied.

"I'd like to talk to him first but I would like Curtis to pick me," Maura admitted, causing Stella to squeal as Maura then left to go have a chat with Curtis. 

That night, Stella was relieved to feel like she was going to have no drama with the recoupling that night. Her and Tommy were really getting along and there is no one else that she could possibly think of him choosing considering the way they were getting on. She giggled when she came to the stairs and saw that she and Tommy were coordinating in their outfits. 

"This might be some foreshadowing," she teased as he pulled her into a hug at the bottom of the stairs

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"This might be some foreshadowing," she teased as he pulled her into a hug at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh really?" Tommy asked as he pulled back and pressed a kiss to her forehead before grabbing her hand to lead her outside. Stella headed to Maura, Lucie and Molly Mae. 

"How did your talk today go?" Stella winked as Maura blushed. 

"He played his cards very close to his chest," she whispered. "I think he's trying to be respectful because he also said to Amy he would like to get to know me as well. But I am nervous for sure"

"What a gent, I think he'll make the right decision," Stella cooed as the four girls headed to the kitchen when Tommy's phone went off. 

"Islanders, please gather at the firepit," Tommy read off, instantly looking up to look at Stella who was staring at him with a grin. She waited for him at the bottom of the steps and grabbed his hand to walk over to the firepits. They parted ways as the girls went to stand in front of the fire. 

Michael went first and chose Amber. Then Anton chose Molly Mae. Then it was Tommy. "I would like to couple up with this girl because she has such an amazing personality. Every day we're together I get to know her a little more, and I truly feel like she and I have an insane connection. And she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen other than my mum," he winked at a blushing Stella. "So the girl I would like to couple up with is, Stella."

She hugged Maura before practically skipping to hug Tommy tight. "That was a pretty alright speech," Stella teased softly as the two sat and Tommy wrapped his arm around her hip. 

"I hope it was more than alright, I was shitting myself, babe."

Joe chose Lucie, and Yewande and Sherif were the next couples, before it came to be Curtis' turn. "I would like to couple up with this girl because I felt an instant connection with her, and I think she has a big heart behind her even bigger personality and I really want to try to break through her walls. So the girl I would like to couple up with is, Maura."

Stella grabbed Tommy's thigh as she tried to hold back her squeal of excitement, especially when she saw Amy's sad face. Even though she wasn't all that close to Amy, she chose to get up and approach her first.  "You're gonna find your Prince Charming love, and lets be honest, there is no one pretty enough in here for that title," Stella wiped Amy's tears before handing her off to Amber.

"Can we go on double dates now," Stella whispered to Tommy as they stood and watched Amy leave the island.

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