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"I feel like it's so quiet," Tommy said to Stella as she was rubbing sun tan lotion onto his back. 

"I know, Anton was here from the beginning and was such a personality in here," Stella patted his shoulders as she climbed onto the bean bag next to him. As if the producers were messing with them, Maura's phone rang and the villa went still. 

"I've got a text," Maura called out. "It's a photo! Oh my lord, its my mum and dad!" Stella's heart went into overdrive as she realized this was the day their familes would be coming. 

Maura ran over to the foyer where her parents were waiting for her, closely followed by Curtis who's brother and Mom followed. Stella and Tommy watched from afar as their friends interacted with their own familes and their partners. To their suprise, Maura called our for them to both join the group. 

"It is so great to meet you," Stella greeted Mauras mom and dad with hugs. 

"We really wanted to meet you, you've been such a great friend to our girl," Maura's mom grabbed the brunette's hand as she grinned brightly. 

"You both raised such a great girl, she has been such a great friend to me," Stella teared up a little and hurried to wipe her eyes. 

"Stella quit," Maura welled up too as she hugged the girl. 

"Sorry sorry, emotions are high," Stella laughed as Tommy looked over to her in concern. She chatted with Maura's family for a bit longer before she left them to sadly say their goodbyes. 

"Who do you think will come for you," Stella asked Tommy as they watched Molly Mae and Ovie's family enter the villa. 

"Probably my mum and my brother," Tommy guessed. "Who do you think?"

"Definitley my mum, maybe Perrie if she isn't busy?" The two of them tried to keep busy as they saw Molly Mae and Ovie's family leave. Five minutes later, Tommy's phone dinged. 

He beamed at Stella when he picked it up. "It's my mum and Tyson," the boy grabbed Stella and pulled her over to where his mum was walking in with his brother. 

"Oh darling," his mum cooed as he hugged her tightly. Stella waited for them to have thei moment, until her phone pinged. 

The brunette squealed as she saw the photo of her mother and sister, running to them when the exited the building. "Oh my days," she sighed as she fell into her mother's arms. 

"Oh Stel, we missed you much darling," her mum wiped her own tears before wiping the ones on Stella's face. She quickly turned to greet her sister and screeched to a halt when she saw her rounded middle. (*yes perrie is pregnant in 2021 but idc deal with it :) )

"I think I may pass out," Stella screamed. "Are you kidding?!"

"I wanted this to be a suprise for you," Perrie wiped her own tears as she pulled Stella into her arms. "You get to be an auntie in a few months."

"Perrie I can't believe you've done this," Stella cried out jokingly as her mum wrapped her arms around the girls. 

"Come on, let sit down, and then you can meet Tommy," Stella guided the women to a day bed. "How has everything looked on the outside?"

"Oh darling," her mum grabbed her hand. "You have done wonderfully. Everyone loves you, and you and Tommy."

"What about the family?"

"Your nan cannot wait to meet the boy," her mum rolled her eyes while Perrie interjected. 

"Alex has been prepping his shovel speech for weeks," the girls giggled. Alex and Stella were super close and the girl couldn't wait to officially call him her brother.

"Hey Stella, can we come over?" Tommy called, leading his mum and brother over when Stella waved them on. "Mum this is Stella," his mum pulled her into a tight hug while Tommy introduced himself and Tyson to the other Edwards ladies

"Thank you so much," she whispered to Stella. "You have loved him so well and we are so excited to get to spend some time meeting you." 

"Mum!" Tommy yelled when he saw Stella laughing through more tears. 

"Thank you," she croaked as Tommy led her to who he believed was the safer family member. "Sorry Tyson, the tears are flowing, nothing I can do about it."

"No worries hun," Tyson hugged her before everyone sat down. "I want to make sure you guys know, the public absolutely adore you."

"Oh yes," Stella's mum agreed. 

"Have you been proud of us?" Stella asked timidly. She had in fact had sex multiple times on live television, but at the end of the day, she always wanted to make her family proud.

"Speaking for myself and the boys father, yes," Chantal assured the girl. "You have both treated each other so well, and we are so excited to get to welcome you home after this."

"You've both done amazing," Stella's mom praised as the producers began to usher their families off. 

"I love you so much," Stella hugged her mom and then moved onto Perrie. "Keep my little bean nice and cozy, I miss you already." She waved to the two of them and then hugged Tyson and Chantal before her and Tommy watched their families leave.

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now