Epilogue & Thank You

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"Viewers, just under a year ago, you watched sexy young singles enter the love island villa. Love Island 2019 was one of the highest rated seasons of the show EVER! And that is why, today, we are bringing together some of your favorite islanders for a reunion."


"You ready gorgeous?" Tommy yelled from the living room. 

"One second please," he laughed at her frustrated voice. The two had gotten their event prep down to science of the past months, so he knew she was likely struggling with her hair or a necklace. 

"Ok, ready," Stella stepped out of the bedroom in a yellow silk mini dress. 

"You look good enough to eat," Tommy teased as he leant down to place a light kiss on her lips. "Let's go the car is down stairs." The two climbed into the black town car waiting for them outside of their now joint London apartment. 

The year following their Summer in the villa, while Stella had been in her third year of school and Tommy had returned to training, the two had separate apartments but spent most of their time together. After Stella had returned to the city for the summer for her last year of school, the two had decided to lease a town house together. 

"Maura said she's already arrived and there are a ton of viewers waiting outside," Stella informed the boy next to her. 

"I'm not surprised," he hummed. "Has she seen Curtis yet?"

Unfortunately, for Maura and Curtis the distance had been too much and the two had split. Stella was happy though, it was pretty amicable and the four friends were still able to hang out without a lot of tension.

"She hasn't said, she did say Molly Mae and Ovie were there as well." Being in London, Stella and Tommy had gotten to see the other islanders plenty over the past 10 months. 

"Here we are you lot," the driver called as they pulled up to the building the reunion was being filmed at. 

"Ready?" Tommy grinned at Stella. 

"With you?" She leaned over for a kiss. "Always." 


"Here with us now, is your Love Island 2019 winners, Stella Edwards and Tommy Fury!"

"Hello!" The two waved at the crowd and Iain who was the host of the evening. 

"How are you both?" he asked the couple as they got settled on the couch across from him. 

"Doing very well thank you," Stella smiled at him as Tommy echoed her statement. 

"So tell us, what have you both been up to after leaving the villa?"

"So, I said it on the show but after spending some time with Tommy and our familes, I returned to school for my studies. That has kept me extremely busy, but I have still been lucky enough to fit the interviews and some appearances in as well."

"Yeah I took a bit longer off than this super woman," Tommy chuckled. "I started back up training three months ago. After the villa I did a lot of publicity stuff on our behalf either with Stella or sometimes she would video in. Spent a lot of time with my family and just taking in my break, and then obviously spent a lot of time with this gorgeous girl."

"That is right, you both are based in London now?"

"Yeah, we actually moved in together in August." The crowd clapped for them. 

"And have you both watched the episodes back?"

"We actually did but not together," Stella laughed. "After we left Majorca, I went to see my sister and mum and they both wanted to watch with me. So I started watching and then Tommy yelled at me so I had to wait for him to catch up."

Love Island 2019// Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now