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"You know, you didn't have to do that"

Jin said while eyeing Jungkook who was busy reading a book, pretending he can't hear him.

Jin ate his last spoon of mashed potatoes before gulping his drink. He set the tray of empty plates and glass aside and moved a bit closer to Jungkook.

"You, really didn't have to. I get it, you vampires don't have enough human blood so whenever you see one you all are ready to pounce and-"

"What the fuck are you saying? Just because that douche wasn't satisfied with his morning blood bag doesn't mean he gets to touch what's mine!"

"But was it necessary to throw him in the dungeon?"

"Yes. Very. Thinking about, I should have killed him instead. Let me do that right now"

Jungkook set his book down and was about to get up but Jin already grabbed his arm making him stop.

"Yah! Why are you going so far?"

"Because you are mine! How dare he touched the kings property!"

"But that's it! I'm just your blood bag. And you're the king. You could have as many as you want. And don't you have that women we voted out 2 months ago?"



"First of all, I don't give two shits about her I can send her back if I want. And second of all, when did I refer to you as my blood bag?"

"You keep calling me 'it' and 'your property'"

Jungkook sighed before sitting on the bed next to him.

"I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean it that way. I refer to you as my human. A person. Someone who I don't want others to have cause I'll get jealous and maybe even cause chaos"

"And why would you get jealous?"

Jin is honestly confused. Why would the king of vampires, someone he met today, would favor him so much.

"I'm being serious so, please keep in mind. I like you. I really do. When I first saw your picture I was mesmerized by you. And when I confirmed the rumours of the towns people who love you and call you their angel, I couldn't help but grow feelings. So please, petal, let me show you I care"

Jin gulped hearing the confession. Not only did the vampire king confess to him but he was looking hot as fuck.

Jin couldn't stop himself from covering his blushing face.

Jungkook chuckled at his adorable actions.

"Awwww is my petal shy? If you give me a chance I'll show you that I do in fact like you"

Jin peaked from hands, looking at a smiling Jungkook.

He looks like a bunny now. His smile, a bunny smile. And his eyes look so innocent.


Jungkook jumped in joy chanting yes as if he won a boss level. Well the boss level will most likely happen when he proposes but that's for the future.

Right when he was about to pull Jin in a tight hug, his bedroom door opened.

Both men looked that way to see a women wearing a nightgown. She has a resting bitch face and the way she wore he night wear was too revealing, as if she was ready to take it off right this moment.

"Don't you know how to knock?", Jungkook growled at her. He is annoyed that their moment was ruined by her.

She scoffed before averting her eyes to Seokjin who was sitting on the bed and still in his boxers and oversized shirt.

She raised a brow, recognizing that shirt as Jungkooks shirt. She walked over to the two, crossing her arms so her boobs showed.

"Kook it's time for your meal. And um, who is this"

Jin was taken aback by her tone when she asked about him.

I now get why Bongcha was voted out so quickly.

Back in the town everyone knew this girl as a flirt, and would aim for any handsome boy just to get a fuck. She even aimed for Yoongi once since the male was in a form of a tall man and looked buff. But Yoongi refused her and even told her parents about their misbehaving daughter.

But her parents themselves can't stand her anymore. Not only was she a playgirl, but she was a rude bitch to them and anyone else. Which is why they didn't cry much over the fact that she got voted out.

But oh boy was she happy. She thought it would be like a fanfiction, where the king would take her as a slave but would fall for her and later she'll become his queen.

And even tho Jungkook made it obvious he was not interested and on top of it, gay, she still tries.

"Alright listen here. I'm your king so you better address me like everybody else does and not with nicknames. Second i didn't give you any special rights for you to barge in to my room without knocking. Third of all, I never appointed you a fixed time for my meal so for you to come in right now is suspicious. Remember I'm a powerful vampire Choi Bongcha. So if you think you can fool me then you are dead wrong"

"Then what about him!", she screeched pointing at Jin. She intentionally came in the room when she heard their voices and the soft tone Jungkook was speaking to Jin with. Obviously she is jealous and thinks this newbie will take her chance away.

"Him? Well I'll happily break it to you that he is my future lover. I'll corte him till he accepts me", Jungkook said while placing a kiss on the back of Jins hand.

This made her even more furious. She is jealous of Jin now and even back at the village. Where everyone would love him, compliment him and shower him with gifts and affection. Even her family members compares her with him.

So as you can see, she hates his guts.

"F-fine. But I'll come back after dinner"

"No wait liste-", she already stomped out of the room.

"Ugh I wanted to tell her she's not needed and I'll send her back home or some other place"

Confused Jin looked up at Jungkook who had his hands on his hips.


"What do you mean why?"

"Well don't you need a blood bag? I-i'm sorry but I'm not gonna give you mine"

"It's ok petal. I'll wait for you. But that doesn't mean I'll go suck another women's neck, giving her the pleasure she's been craving for. That is only saved for you"

The younger imagined Jungkook doing it to him and immediately blushed.

"Awww is my petal shy again? Fuck I like you so much I could-"

Their moment is interrupted once again by the knocks on the door and now Jungkook is furious.

He took big steps to the door opening it harshly while his eyes glowed red.

The knight who knocked gulped before asking,

"Y-your majesty. W-what do we about those two now?"

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