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It is the next day

With Jungkooks permission, Jin was getting ready to go back to his hometown to visit Yoongi. But he didn't like the fact that two vampire guards were gonna go as well to "escort" him.

But Jungkook insisted to send the guards along with him, saying it's for his safety. When Jin questioned what danger he'll be in his own peaceful hometown, Jungkook replied with the fact of him being the Kings lover.

Word spread quickly after a week of Jins stay. How this handsome and pretty human is nothing like a blood bag to Jungkook but rather like his lover.

The way Jungkook told him is still stuck in Jins head.

"I have never had a weakness before until now. I only have one enemy which is King Sehun from the Ezaqa Kingdom. If he comes to know about you, he'll target you for sure. Since I am weak when it comes to you. So please, petal. Let me protect you and stay safe."

Jins cheeks heated up a bit at the thought of how tender his words were.

He's so worried about me. And cares so much about me.

"Master Seokjin! The car is waiting outside"

"Oh, thanks Lily! And please don't call me master"

"It's ok dear, and it's His Majesty's order so I can't help it"

With that Lily left to do her other chores.

Jin went back to combing his hair.

"Jungkook ordered them to call me master? But why?", he thought out load.

"It's because your lover"

Jin jumped at the sudden seductive voice that just spoke right next to his ear.

Covering his ear, he felt his cheeks burn up as he stared at Jungkook from top to bottom. He was wearing black formal pants that were tight around his thighs, with a white blouse that had a few buttons undone, which shows his chest.

D-don't stare Jin. Ugh don't stare-

But he's so well built. I just wanna stroke my fingers on his chest and feel his thighs. And oh god I wonder what he'll look like without the-

"Done checking me out?", Jungkook said with a smirk.

Jin turned his head away in embarrassment.

Jungkook chuckled before giving a back hug to Jin.

Feeling the elders broad body against his made Jin feel something.




So many feelings were buzzing around in his heart but he did his best to stay still into the hug.

"Come back soon, please", Jungkook whispered as he buried his face into Jins neck and his grip around his waist got a bit tighter.

Jin noticed and turned around while still being in his arms.

He placed his hands on Jungkooks chest, while staring into his eyes.

"I promise I will", he said before giving a quick peck on Jungkooks cheeks.

His eyes widened at the sudden small kiss but immediately smiled.

He grabbed both sides of Jins waist and picked him up, holding him in the air. Thanks to his vampire strength Jin was really light for him.

"Y-yah kook! Put me down!", Jin exclaimed, afraid of falling as he gripped onto Jungkooks shoulders.

"Ooooh I love you so much! I can't wait for us to get married petal!", Jungkook kept saying as he slowly spinned them both around.

"Yes yes now please put me down! I have to go now"

Jungkook placed Jin back down.

"You said yes~ remember that!"

Jin huffed and pouted as he looked at Jungkook who had his bunny teeth shown in his smile.

He looks like a kid who just got the birthday present he wanted.

As Jin was about to leave he looked back at Jungkook once more. He couldn't take his eyes off the unbuttoned blouse he was wearing and how his chest was exposed.

He huffed before facing Jungkook and quickly doing his buttons.

"If we're getting married then no one else is allowed to see you like this"

A tint of blush formed of Jungkooks cheek. The way he's looking down at Jin who was buttoning up his shirt, gave him such a butterfly filled feeling.

Jin bid goodbye before leaving.

As Jungkook went out of the room himself he saw Taehyung who was floating right above their door. He's been eavesdropping ever since Jungkook entered the room.

"You better marry him faster or I will"

"Yah! What'd you say!?"


Jin just arrived at his village. It is still the same as before. Well nothing can change that fast in a month or two right?

Well it felt different to Jin. It felt, gloomy?

Once the car stopped he stepped outside.

Right after stepping out it was as if everyone's eyes were on him. It was a few seconds of silence until a young girl ran up to him and hugged him tight.

"Jinnie oppa!"


The little girl nodded her head. Soon other started crowding Jin as well.

"Jin dear!"

"You're back!"

"Are you ok?"

"What happened?"

"Are the rumours true?"

"Ugh he's back"

"Are you alright dear?"

"He's back, I bet the king got tired of him"

Jin was hearing many things at the same time from left to right. The elderly people asking if he's ok, jealous men and mostly women his age bad talking about him, and little children trying to hug him.

The two guards quickly got out of the car and was about to shoo all of them when Jin put his hand infront of them, indicating to not do anything.

Once everyone quieted down Jin spoke up.

"I'm fine, thank you all for asking. I'm here to meet my brother Yoongi but I can give time for you all as well. Now Yoongi is home right? Or did he go out today?"

"Oh Jin dear, Yoongi has been gone fore two days! And also", Mrs Lena, said before pausing. She looked left and right as if checking on something. The others were nodding their head towards her.

She flapped her hand to Jin to come closer. When he did she whispered in his ears,

"Y-your parents are back and are living in your home"

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