~ 9 ~

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As Jin was letting himself be covered in the sparkling fairy dust, he didn't notice the way some of the guards were looking at him.

Most of the guards knew the Kings warning to them. Word of the vampire who got punished for touching the human got around the castle quickly, alerting every knight and maid and other staff.

But there would always be one arrogant among thirty others.

While Jin and Jimin were doing their own thing, the guards were taking their break, eyeing the two friends at the same time.

Some cooed at them, others complimented them but some still lust over Jin. Since everyone by now knows Jimin the fairy is the Demon Kings boyfriend. So of course no one dared to disturb him.

And since Jin came in recently and as a human, some don't believe in the Kings words.

"I swear I need to know what his skin feels like"

"Who are you talking about?", Jason asked his friend Mark.

"That human. He's handsome and pretty at the same type. He also got such a nice body and did you see that ass? He's more than I could ever want in a person."

"I think he's more than anyone could ever want in a person"

"Which is why I must have him"

"What?! Dude were you under a rock the past couple weeks? He belongs to the king! Rumour has it he even might be his-"

"Lover yeah yeah I already heard that bullshit. Now listen. Since when did the King ever care about humans? Or anyone when it comes to love?"


"But what? If the King doesn't care about his blood bag, Bongcha, getting fucked by his knights then why care now"

"He gave everyone a warning! He literally punished the other guard for just touching him. If you do something to him Mark, I won't be able to-"

"Listen. Nothing will happen. Now watch as this weak but beautiful human fall for my charms"


But it is too late. The egoistic knight was already walking away from his friend who was trying to warn him. In his mind, he's loyal to the King in battles. But when it is inside the palace, the King wouldn't give a single shit about humans so why need to obey the fact that they are his 'blood-bags' when he doesn't even care.

Mark is now infront of the crowd, waiting for his chance.

Once Jin started floating in the air he giggled, liking this new feeling.

Everyone stared in daze, mesmerized of him. The way he was shining in the sunlight can make anyone think he's an angel.

An angel sent to brighten up the vampires gloomy lives.

Unfortunately for Mark, he didn't notice the King and the Prince looking right outside the window.

So when he gestured his powers towards Jin, yanking the young human to float towards him so he can be in his arms, the whole atmosphere felt as if it went dark.

Chills ran down everyone's spine, including Jins.

Jimin immediately placed his feet on the ground, feeling the dark chills as well.

Marks arms were still wrapped around Jin, frozen in place. He felt as if it was all meant for him, the moment he touched the human.

Thousands of thoughts were running through his head, mostly regret.

Regret for not listening to his friend, regret for touching what belongs to the king, regret for thinking he could actually pull a stunt like this out in the open and so much more.

No one had the time to process what's going on as the source of all the dark chills is standing right infront of the one who caused it.

Jungkook, The vampire king is standing infront of Mark who still had Jin in his arms.

His eyes are dark red, his veins were showing and he held an expression no one knew that could exist.

Jungkook used his vampire speed to get there in a second, which is why Jin was shocked on how could the vampire get here in a blink of his eye.


Before Jin could say anything he was yanked away from Mark, crashing into Jungkooks broad chest.

He looked up at the elder only to see his focus directly on Mark.

He wasn't even blinking. His red dark eyes showed rage.

"Y-your majesty I-"

"Jimin", Marks words were interrupted as Jungkook called out to his friend.


Even Jimin is scared. After years of being friends with Jungkook he still can't help but fear the mans anger. He is a delicate fairy after all, not too common on blood or violence.

Then again who will believe that, being the lover of the Demon King, the ruler of hell.
(Minjoon baby ಠ◡ಠ)

"Take Jin to my room"

Jimin nodded and started tugging on Jins arm.

"Come on Jin, let's go"

But the latter couldn't help but feel as if his feet is rooted to the ground.

His heart was pounding.

He feared of what Jungkook might do, worried for the guard.

"You are gonna go easy on him, right?"

It was silent for a few seconds before Jungkook spoke,



"Jimin!", Jungkooks raged voice called out.

"C-come on Jin. You don't wanna mess with him when he's angry"

"But that guard-"

"It's his own fault! Now let's go"

With that Jimin was able to pull Jin along with him, but the humans eyes were on Jungkook and the guard.

Night time (Jungkooks bedroom)

Where is he?

Jin is nibbling his nail while pacing back and forth around the big bedroom.

He is waiting for Jungkook to return, hopefully quickly as he can't imagine the punishment that knight will get.

He just hugged me which is bad obviously, he could've had sexual harassment in his mind.

But Jungkook won't kill him right? Like he did to the last guard.....

He did give a strict warning to everyone, but he didn't listen to it. So it's his fault right?

But I don't want him to get badly punished, Jungkook was there before anything could happen.

Oh god Jungkook please just hurry up and-

Speak of the devil, a knock was heard at the door.

Jins head turned so fast he almost broke it.

He ran to the door immediately opening it.

Upon doing so he looked up. There was a bloodied Jungkook towering over him. Hair messy, blood spots on his clothes and a few drops on his face. His eyes still glowing red. His fangs and sharp nails were shown. And he had a cold expression.

But the sight of Jin made him soften up a bit.


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