~ 13 ~

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Yoongi groaned as he slouched back against the wall of the castle.

The news of Jin who left for the village came to his ears too late.

And now he doesn't know what to do.

He was in his real form but in a knights armour. Thinking of a new plan he suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

He stood up and was ready to encounter whoever it was, but got shocked instead.



Both males had mouths gaped at each other, minds in utter confusion.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that. What are you doing here?"

Hoseok groaned before sighing.

With a wave of his hand both were teleported to his room in a blink.

Hoseok closed the door, locking it as Yoongi looked around the room.

Instantly recognizing the magic books, and wizard items and Hoseoks natural aesthetic around the room he grew even more confused.

"You live here?! In the vampire kings castle? And you never told me?!"

"I know I know it's a lot to take in but listen. I never told you because I didn't want a problem between us"

Hoseok sighed before continuing.

"When you first told me your dislike over King Jungkook, I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I didn't want you thinking the bad way you think of him, especially when it was just our fifth date together. Now Yoongi, I'm actually friend with him. Close friends really. And before you think of anything just know that Jungkook is actually a really nice person. Yes he seems cold on the outside but once you get to know him, you'll see he's just like everyone else"

Yoongi kept quiet. He didn't know how to react. His boyfriend is friends with the vampire king he hates. The King he knew is a ruthless vampire who kills many for no good reason. So to hear his boyfriend talking about him as if he's a good person really made him shook.

"I-i'll think about it Hobi"

"Ok, now tell me why are you here and in Jungkooks knights uniform", Hoseok questioned with a serious face and arms crossed.

Now Yoongi got embarrassed. Here he thought he'll make this awesome cool rescue of Jin but here he is now.

Scratching his head Yoongi started off, "Well the thing is that, you know my dislike over King Jeon right? Now remember the younger brother I always tell you about over the phone?"

"Yeah how could I forget? You talk about Seokjin almost all the ti- wait a minute!"

Chuckling nervously Yoongi continued, "Yeah he's um, the same Seokjin that your friend took. And the reason I'm here is to, um, rescue him."

And just as expected Hoseok started laughing.

Yoongi looked down in embarrassment. He knew Hoseok would make fun of his failed plan and tease him how he tried to be a 'hero'.

After a few minutes of Hoseok laughing and making comments he finally calmed down.

"I guess I could just introduce you to everyone now, right"

"What! Why?"

"Oh come on! We're not even in our kingdoms, no ones gonna press charges against us for dating a different supernatural. And won't it be better to introduce you as my boyfriend to everyone? You could be friends with my friends, get to know Jungkook better and even see Seokjin!"

Yoongi thought of it for some time before agreeing. It was the best option right now and he really can't wait to get back to Seokjin.

He still does have one more secret he's gotta reveal.


Jin was stomping his way to his old home. The home he lived in since he was born. The same place he got abandoned. The same place he met Yoongi. And the same place where he held many memories.

The two vampire guards were right behind him, given orders to protect Jin at all costs.

Right when they were front of the door Jin stopped. He turned around to face the two vampire guards.

"Listen, this is not that serious. Just a family issue. So I would really appreciate it if you two are both standing outside"

The two guards gave each other a look before nodding their heads. They bowed towards Jin before having their backs facing the house, now guarding it while Jin will be inside.

Jin turned to face the door. Taking a deep breath he rung the doorbell.

After a while he rang it again.

At the second ring he can hear footsteps coming to the door. His heartbeat increased as he realized how tough and emotional this will be.

So many thoughts were zooming around his mind.

They are my parents. But they abandoned me. They never cared to see how I was. Now they came back? After trading me to a Vampire King everyone knows as cruel and cold king? I'm lucky he's not like that, but what if he was. Do they really not care for me? Why-

"Aaah Seokjin dear! Come in come in"

Jins thoughts were caught off by the sound of his moms voice. He looked right at her. Still the same, just a few strands of gray hair and is still shorter than him.

He sighed before going inside.

Taking off his shoes he looked around.

Nothings changed, except the house feeling a bit empty. But where did Yoongi hyung actually go?

Jins mom suddenly grabbed hold of Jins arms. "Seokjin dear, it is really kind of you to visit us, your poor old lonesome parents. You know we really missed you, and would like to start keeping in contact again-

"I'm gonna stop you right there", Jin said as he yanked his arm away. Hearing his moms words was started getting to him. He realized this women was still the same. She's gonna spit out sweet words, gather his sympathy and make him get money for them, It's always been like after he turned five. Then always taking advantage of his innocent looks and cute face.  And now after literally leaving him on his own at a young age they suddenly waltz back to his house and just welcome themselves in?

"I'm here for Yoongi hyung not you. Where is he?"

"Ugh how am I supposed to know about your boy toy? I can't believe you became a whore and started letting other men live here while we're gone"

Jins eyes felt rage. He never felt so mad in his life, always staying calm and handling situations peacefully.

"Wha- you guys left me! You both abandoned me when I was a kid! And yet you have the audacity to come back here, make yourself at home and insult me? For your information Yoongi hyung is like an older brother to me, someone who took care of me while my so called parents left me for money"

Jins mother scoffed before yelling as well.

"We didn't leave you for money! We-"

"You what? Aren't you guys the one who traded me off to the king? Your own son who you never cared about for years?"

"You should be thanking us! Look at you, in a nice car, nice clothes, with guards and even living in a palace!"

"Thanking you?! I'm thanking my handsome self or else the king wouldn't even bat an eye towards me. You sold me off knowing very well that he's a ruthless cold king. You guys didn't give a fuck and rather did it for the money"

"Why you little brat. Leave! Get out of my house!"

"Oh no, it's you who will leave. You've left this place a long time ago. This is my house now. So I want you both to leave, and never show up in front of me again. I'll have you know I'm not the naive boy you raised anymore."

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