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Jin was scared but mad at the same time.

Who the fuck does he think he is?! Well he is the king.... but still! I'm not a toy to be taken away and treated unfairly!

Forcefully Jin swatted his hand on Jungkooks hand that was gripping his chin. He stood up straight and glared at him. His actions made the royal guards who were present in the room shocked. No one, and I mean no one, has ever dared to even look Jungkook in the eye with that much rage.

"I am no ones. Not yours, not anyone's. Just. Myself"

Jungkook did nothing but smirk. Then he started laughing.

Jin got confused but remained his posture.

"Well aren't you a funny one? Normally all the 20 to 30 people who are brought here as blood bags comes willingly. They think they will end up with me. If not me some handsome vampire. But you my dear, oh you are a feisty one.

And that's what I like"

"Well guess what. I'm not like them. I want my freedom back. Not to be captured and claimed by some vampire who wants nothing but blood and pleasure"

The two stood there for a couple second until suddenly Jungkook grabbed Jins hips and threw him over his shoulders, one arm holding onto his waist so he doesn't fall.

His waist is so small.

Jin yelped at the sudden action. He started wiggling around, hoping the man loses his grip.

When they started walking out of the throne room he realized that his grip wasn't gonna lose carelessly. So he started hitting his back while kicking his legs.

"Yah! Put me down! Y-you monster!"

"Oh sweetie I'm only a monster in bed"

"Pervert! Just put me down!"

"Then do you want me to drag you along? I know very well you wouldn't budge once I put you down, judging from your attitude"

Jin groaned but continued hitting the males back.

Jungkook had enough of his weak punches so he spanked his round ass.

Once again Jin yelped. Embarrassment written on his face. His face was red and his ears burned.

"Y-yah! You can't just do tha- ah!"

His voice being shut down with another spank. Jungkook had a smug expression on his face. Loving his reaction. The way he body shaked from every smack. The way he becomes quiet and shy like an obedient sub.

"You can continue talking and I'll continue smacking your soft round butt"

Jin kept quiet the rest of the way, not wanting to be spanked again.

Ugh I know this is a palace but why the fuck is it so big?! We've been walking for so long!

Jin groaned at his thoughts. He didn't wanna be carried like a potato sack by this perverted but hot as fuck vampire.

"You know what"

"What", Jin groaned out.

"I'm going to settle on petal"


Jin didn't even notice they were both in a luxurious guest bedroom. His curious mind on Jungkook, as the male himself slowly places Jin down on the soft mattress.

Jins doe eyes on Jungkooks sharp but bambi ones, both staring at each other.

"Petal, because you are very light like a petal. Have a perfect body which makes you look graceful like a petal. But there is something else"

Jungkook softly placed a hand on Jins cheek, the human not minding and rather find this foreign feeling comforting.

"Red petals mean love. White petals truth or loyal love. Seokjin-"

The way Jins name breathed out of Jungkook, having being said so softly made his heart flutter.

Jungkook leaned in closer, his thumb rubbing his cheek softly.

"The first time I saw you I knew I've fallen at first sight. Strange right? Love at first sight? But I can't help it. Which is why I'll try to gain your heart as well. I am now a red petal. You are now a normal petal. I'm hoping you'll soon be red as well"

"R-red as in the petal or blood?"

Understanding what he meant the King replied, "Both if you want. I'm not gonna force you for my own needs. If you let me I will."

Jin calmed down, softly breathing in and out. Hearing the mans words made him, happy?

I just met him what the fuck. How can I already feel something? I didn't feel anything after all the blind dates I took. So why him? Why this vampire.

Jungkook noticed how deep in thinking Jin was. He placed a chaste kiss on his forehead. This made Seokjin eyes widen and blush profusely.

Jungkook left the room, closing the door on his way.

Jin let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding and let himself flop on the bed.

Soon sleep consumed him.


Jungkook left the human alone, now heading downstairs to his living room. He expected his friends to be there, as he called them earlier for lunch.

Thinking about it, he didn't have lunch now did he? Ugh you idiot! He must be starving!

Jungkook ran back to the guest room which now will belong to Jin. Taking big steps he arrived and was about to open the door. Upon doing so he saw, what to him was the most prettiest and cutest sight ever.

The human was sleeping, softly snoring. His eyes shut closed being able to see his eyelashes. His black locks covering his face. His hands in a cute fist as his body curled himself. His lips were in a pout as soft snores left from it.

He looks so peaceful.

Now the vampire has a different plan. To tuck Jin in comfortably.

He carefully picked him up as gently as he could. He laid the younger down on the soft pillows in the middle of the bed. While he was pulling the blankets up he heard,

"Aaa, hyungie. Yoongi hyung. I- *yawns m hungry. Want lobsterss", the last part came out as a whisper as he was falling into snores again but Jungkook was able to hear.

So he's a sleep talker and likes lobsters? Noted.

After he was done tucking him in he stared at his face for a while, admiring his beauty.

I can't believe you are just an ordinary human. If you told me you were a fairy I would have believed you. How can someone like you exist? Someone so, beautiful, handsome, pretty, and cute all at the same time. Not to mention you look so hot when you're mad, the way your eyebrows furrow.

What are you doing to me Jin.

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