~ 26 ~

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Needless to say, Jin didn't get any sleep.

When morning arrived Jin was knocked out, sleeping deep and soundly. Jungkook didn't bother to wake him up, knowing very well it was his fault for tiring him out.

He was just too happy to finally call him his.

With a smile on his face he pecked Jins lips before getting out of bed to start his day.

He took a quick shower and got dressed. Getting his belongings he looked back at Jin once more, seeing the man still fast asleep.

He walked over, pulling the blanket over his naked body. He gave one last peck before quietly walking out of his chambers.

The two guards at his door fixed their posture once the door was open.

Jungkook quietly closed the door before looking at one of the guards.

"Don't do anything that wakes him up. Let him sleep. Assign a maid to come over and clean him up gently and another one to prepare his breakfast once he's awake."

The guarded looked at Jungkook for a while but nodded before bowing to Jungkook.

Jungkook walked downstairs, disappearing halfway to teleport to his office quicker.

Once in his office he saw Taehyung and Namjoon already inside, waiting for him.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow while Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Jungkook scoffed before saying, "Y'all can't act like that. It's been centuries since I found a lover, and now that I did y'all roll eyes at me? Tch."

"We didn't say anything Kook", Namjoon said in a teasing way.

Taehyung started giggling while eyeing Jungkook.

"What's so funny?"

"Hyung, you have a hickey."

Jungkooks eyes widened before rushing to get a mirror.

"You are seriously getting a mirror? We're vampires you idiot, not human like your little lover."

Jungkook groaned before bumping his head with his hand.

"You have been really spending a lot of time with Jin huh?", Namjoon questioned.

Jungkook sat down in his chair, getting himself comfortable.

"Yes I have. The stories he tells me and the random chats we have together are enjoyable."

Taehyung melted at his brothers words. Jungkook seemed really in love, the tone of his voice and expression says it all. How bright his dead eyes get whenever they speak of Jin.

Glad hyung can be happy for once.

"So um, when are gonna do it?"

"Do what?", Jungkook asked as he scanned through the documents and organized the invitations he received.

Many royals were throwing balls, gatherings and party these months, and Jungkook was invited to every single one of them.

Jungkook teared open an invitation that was sent by his cousin, inviting him to her brothers wedding.

I think I should go, it would be rude to not, considering how close we are and how much they helped me.

"Turn Jin into a vampire?"

Jungkook stopped what he was doing and slowly looked at Namjoon.

"I'm sorry, say that again?"

Namjoon looked at him questionably before repeating, "Turn Jin into a vampire? You are going to do it right?"

Jungkook licked his lips as he furrowed his eyebrows. He totally forgot about it. But now that he's reminded, he really should do it, so Jin won't be a weak target to his enemies.

His eyes caught the invitation once more. Picking it up again he read it over.

......and Taehyung are invited. You know how long it's been since we last met so hope you could make it this time. Your friends are invited too, the more the merrier! And also, if you happen to find a lover yet, bring them as well! I wanna see who my big bad and powerful cousin is in love with.....

Jungkooks cousin Hari was a positive girl, who can make friendly relationships easily. She loves interacting with new people and enjoys the time she spends with his cousins, Taehyung and Jungkook as they hardly ever get to see each other.

Even tho she's also a vampire, she always has this cheery flowery vibes that leaves a good impression on anyone.

Jungkook thought about it. Thinking of all the pros and cons of going.

I have to go. But I can't leave Jin alone without me nor it would be a good idea to take him.

It took some time before Jungkook faced both Namjoon and Taehyung, who were patiently waiting for his response.

Jungkook straightened his posture, both hands on his table before saying, "We're going to a wedding. Jin is gonna be my plus one, so I have a favour. Please protect him if anything happens."

Namjoon and Taehyung looked at each other before giving big smiles and a thumbs up.

Jungkook smiles back.

How the cold and powerful vampire king would do anything for his human lover.


Jin groaned in his sleep, feeling his body stiff and aching. He rubbed his eyes, trying to see through his blurry vision.

He sat up, trying to wake himself up. A pout was formed as he looked around the room, doing his best to remember what happened before his deep slumber.

Once a few memories were shown, he blushed while letting himself fall back on the bed.

He squealed, now fully awake.

He took some time thinking before immediately opening the covers to check his body.

His jaw dropped.

From his inner thighs to his neck was covered in hickeys and bite marks. Fading red finger prints were on both sides of his hips, evidence on how strong Jungkooks grip was on him last night.

His inner thighs were little with bite marks, chest red and nipples swollen, his collarbone has deep purplish marks.

He tried to get up to head to the bathroom, only to fall down just as fast.

He groaned to himself, feeling the aching pain crawl through his body.

Just then a maid came inside, closing the door and rushing towards Jin.

"I'm the maid appointed to clean you up. Please head to the bathroom, I've already got a hot bath running and scented candles to help you relax. I'll be there in a minute to give you a massage."

Jin didn't question anything but got himself to stand with the help of that maid. She helped him walk into the bathroom and inside the tub.

Jin relaxed, loving the calming feeling and the stop to his pain.

After an hour of treating himself he got out in a white bathrobe.

Another maid was already there, preparing his brunch.

She bowed before smiling softly as she leads him to the balcony of the chambers, where a round table and chair was settled up with his brunch.

He thanked the maid before sitting down to eat.

He took and deep breath and exhaled. He looked at the delicious meal, seeing so many things to choose from.

There was so much delicious and fresh food that he couldn't help but think how loving this was.

He raised the teacup to himself, taking a sip of the wonderful smelling drink.

God I love him.

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