~ 14 ~

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Jins mother scoffed and was about to defend herself when the both heard a familiar voice.


Jin tilted his head to get a better look.

It was his dad.

Memories of how his dad was the only one who acted as a parent came flashing back to him. How he played with him, helped him in studies, took him outside, and many more father-son moments.

He could feel the tears starting to form but he just couldn't let them out.

He straightened his posture and gave a blank face.

"What are you doing here? You both in my house?"

Jin could see his father's face was written in guilt, worry and even relief.

This got him confused.

"Seokjin, son can we talk?"

He looked at him for some time and looked back at his mother, who still had a bitchy face. He shaked his head before replying with a yes.

Back at the castle, night time

Jungkook was walking back and forth in his room. He didn't understand why Jin was taking so long in meeting his hyung. He had his doubts of course. And whatever Hoseok said about talking to him later made him even more anxious.

Hoseok never felt hesitant with me. He's a bright guy. Is he afraid of me? Afraid I'll be mad or something? But we're friends, he shouldn't even feel hesitant when talking to me. And then there's Jin. Gosh I should have went along with him. What if something happened? What if he never made it there? No Jungkook, stop thinking of the worst, he might be spending a little extra time with his hyung. Yeah. That might be it.

Jungkook took a deep breath to calm himself down. But the thoughts just kept coming back to him.

He decided to head towards the kitchen. Walking there he went straight for the mini fridge that's inside a cupboard. He opened it and took out a blood bag. He started drinking from it, to cool his anxiousness.

It has been a while since I last drank. But I promised myself I won't touch anyone but Jin, to prove my love and loyalty to him. So for now, I gotta work with these.

After finishing the whole blood bag he threw it in the trash and went to his room.

It's so damn boring without Seokjin. I already finished todays duties, checked the paper work and even bought new wooden swords for the knights training. Now what do I do?

Jungkook let himself fall on the bed. He sighed while saying with a pout,

"I miss Jin"

"You do?"

Jungkook shot his head up. His wide eyes were eyeing Seokjin as he stood by the door with a smile.

"Aww, who knew the most feared vampire king could be a big baby", Jin said as he walked over to Jungkook.

Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of him. The way Jin walked and traced his fingers on whatever just seemed so sexy.

Jin sat down beside Jungkook. He still had his smile, but seeing Jungkooks doe eyed face made him chuckle.

This made Jungkook even more in love. The simplest actions made his heart flutter.

He immediately grabbed Jin and gave him a hug.

Jin giggled as he patted Jungkooks back, "Now what's up with you? I only was gone for a day"

"Don't you have a phone?", Jungkook questioned instead.

"I left it back at my house. It's been there since you, well, took me?"

Jungkook pulled back and stared at Jins face with a serious expression.

"I'm gonna buy you the latest model right now. So the very first thing you must do is add my number and account everywhere. On all your social media and other platforms"

Hearing this Jin couldn't laugh. The way Jungkook held a cute but serious expression made him look like an angry but adorable child who wanted his toy. He cooed and started patting Jungkooks head.

"Guess you can be a big baby"

The next thing Jin knows he was being pinned on the bed, both wrists in grip of the vampire hovering above him.

"Who are you calling a baby?", Jungkook asked in a sexy way.

Jin face blushed up and his body started heating up.

"Y-yah! Lemme go!", Jin said as he tried to wiggle his way out, but Jungkook being a powerful vampire he is, didn't even feel the young humans struggling.

After some time of failing Jin stopped and glared at Jungkook, who was now showing his bunny smile.

He leaned in and started peppering Jins face with small kisses. His forehead, both his cheeks, his nose and finally his lips.

"You are just so, perfect"

Jin once again blushed at the compliment. He could feel his heart pounding and ears turning red.

Jungkook let him go and laid beside him.

He kept staring at Jin who also staring back.


Jungkook eyes widened a bit at the sudden nickname but decided to play it cool.


"C-can you help me find my hyung?"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Didn't you meet him today?"

"W-well, the thing is that, I never met him"

"Then, where were you all day?"

"I was there. Back at home. It's just, I met my parents and, had them explain to me"

Jungkook kept quiet. He didn't know that Jins parents didn't leave the Kingdom. He was a bit surprised to hear how they moved into Jins house, their old home even after abandoning him alone in the same place, along with knowing that their son was traded off so the house is empty. He stayed quiet a but longer  before softly asking, "Explain what?"

Jin felt like tears can form in his eyes. He felt terrible, hearing from his father the reason why they've done all this.

"E-explain why t-they left me like that. Why they traded me off to you without being hesitant"

It was then the tears started coming out, one drop at a time.

Jungkook leaned in as he wrapped his arms around Jin. Bringing each other closer he gently rubbed his back.

Jin didn't cry that hard, but still silently sobbed in Jungkooks chest. He didn't know what to feel. All he could do is let the little emotion he felt, out.

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine. Trust me", Jungkook said softly, trying to sooth Jin.

"B-but hearing what they said-"

"Don't think about what they said. They are awful people for abandoning you when you should've been their first priority. And pleas trust me, you got us.

You got me"

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