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A couple days later

"Your majesty I bring news!"

"Go ahead then."

"So our spy sent a letter last night regarding King Jeon"

"Mm hmm"

"He said the King has brought in what seems to be his future lover"

"Ugh please. He sent a letter to state that?! Everyone knows he has someone as his blood bag every year."

"But your majesty here's the thing! The person who was chosen as his blood bag was in the palace since a few months ago. This person is, well, a male. And he has been brought to King Jeons palace by his own order"

"Huh. Well maybe the bastard wanted a second blood bag"

"Well another thing it says here is that, he is protective of him, doesn't let any guard look at him, let's the young human male to come into his room and also seems very gentle with him"

".....guess he finally has a weakness. You may leave"

The royal messenger he set up for his spy to send messages to him bowed down before leaving.

The Ezaqa Vampire King placed one leg over the other before going into thought.

So Jeon has an interest in this human. Makes sense since he's a male. (everyone knows he's gay) Will he be Jeons lover? Did I finally find a weakness to take him down with.

Sehun smirked evilly, already coming up with different plans to defeat Vampire King Jeon Jungkook.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jins thoughts after getting kidnapped and being confessed by the Vampire King was,

Since I'm here lets have some fun!

And that's exactly what he's been doing.

Jungkook being the King and owning a palace has many advantages.

Whenever the human is hungry he'd go to the huge kitchen and cook something up. It's obvious his favorite room would be the kitchen. Having varieties of foods he can add together and make something delicious.

He even let the others try his cooking to which they all loved.

Right now he was writing down the recipe and ingredients for todays dinner.

Peering from his shoulder was the royal chef and his assistants, all curious as to what the handsome human is writing.

"Aaand done. Here you go. After you're done re-creating an example make sure to call me so I can taste it. We don't wanna displease his majesty now do we?", he said with a soft smile.

All the kitchen staff nodded their heads in eager, loving the humans kind behaviour.

Handing the paper he wrote the recipe in he patted the royal chefs back before heading out.

On his way to the bedroom he could see faint sparkles. He chuckled before calling out,

"Alright Jiminie hyung, come out. I already now you're here"

Right after saying those words the fairy appeared with pouty lips.

"Not fair! It's not my fault I'm too excited to see you", Jimin said with his wings fluttering as he hugged Jin.

Even tho the fairy is older than Jin, he acted like a baby around him.

"I'm happy to see you to", Jin said smiling. Jimin being his first friend was what made him happy. Yes Yoongi was more like his first friend but Jin likes to take him as his brother. To him Jimin is his best friend.

"Seokjinnie I'm gonna teach you how to fly before dinner!"

"F-fly? I can't fly. I'm a human remember"

"Oooh don't worry about that. Follow me"

The two males started walking down the hall. After a few turns here and there they reached a room with a big door. Opening it Jin gasped.

"It's your first time visiting the training ground right?"

Jin nodded in excitement. They were both outside, the sky being bright but dark at the same time, the feeling of being outside felt foreign but calm.

"It's been so long since I've been out. I'm normally an outside person, walking around all day. So for me to be inside for so long kinda affected me"

"Awww well now you're out! And we're gonna fly now!"

Jimin pulled Jins hand while giggling.

All the royal guards noticed the two immediately. The captain telling them to stop practice as it seems like the two males will be here for a while.

Everyone is Jungkooks palace knew about Jimin very well. The fairy being lovers with the Demon King, Kim Namjoon and very good friends with Jungkook, so no one dared to do a move on him and treat him with respect.

But with Seokjin, it was different. Since it's been a couple days the human beauty was here, not everyone heard about his position. Many knew he was King Jungkooks love interest so they didn't dare to have dirty moves on him. But others didn't really believe the rumour and thinks he was only a second blood bag.

Which is why some were already having dirty thoughts of him once he entered the scene.

All the knights were standing in the side, minding their own business but watching the two friends as well.

"Now just stay still"

Jin stood straight with a determined smile.

Jimin giggled at his cute expression before fluttering his wings a bit, making himself hover a bit above Jin.

He twirled his hands a few times before sparkling Jin with his fairy dust.

The man was covered in so much sparling dust that he let out a cute sneeze.

Many cooed and many held their heart, acting as if he was the cause of their beating hearts.

The sneeze also went noticed by Jungkook and Taehyung, the two vampire brothers who were watching them from their window.

"Jin really is cute", Taehyung said with no flirty intentions.

"Yeah", Jungkook replied.

To him Jin is just, magnificent. The way the male is human but seems like an angel. An angel without his halo. Jin is kind to everyone, helps his servants, makes them delicious food, expresses his passions openly and is just the sweetest to everyone makes Jungkook wonder. And his looks, his looks are the best.

The way his body has that beautiful hour glass shape, the curves, the soft, smooth and milky skin, his plump lips, his does eyes and his gorgeous smile. Jungkook can look at that smile all day and won't get tired of it.

The way his cheeks and ears turn red when he's shy, his wind shield like laugh when he cracks a bad joke, and his confidence in himself.

The sparkles which Jimin was showering Jin with just made Jungkook rethink if he's an angel in disguise.


"Huh?", Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts.

"It's been two weeks. And you're whipped"

".....well maybe I am"

"You're not even denying it! I can't believe it! My brother, the King is whipped for a human! Jeon Jungko-"

Jungkook zoned Taehyung out, going back to admiring Jin.

But when his head turned back to watch outside, his eyes turned red.

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