Chapter 7

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There was an inexplainable dread the moment I stepped past the gates. After the discussion yesterday, Jan and Hector walked with me to school. Everything felt fine until I walked past the school gates. The surrounding silence was filled with muttering and terrified gazes sent our way. Unsurprisingly, Jan and Hector also picked up on the atmosphere.

"Jan." A boy called out. From the looks, he was pretty much a typical jock. With a jersey and a nice build, not as good as Alectos, he was instantly labelled as the typical jock leader in my head. Jan clicked her tongue and turned back. Although this school does have humans attending, the majority of the students are from the pack. I suppose most of them already knew about my existence.

"What do you want Richard." She snapped, showing obvious hostility towards the male. There seems to be some tension between them. There was a visible flinch, but apparently, Richard was ready to double down.

"You should hang out with people less... dangerous." He said, giving me obvious side eyes but not addressing me directly, "There have been some unfavourable rumours."

I couldn't help but flinch slightly at the sound of rumours. This can't be good. They haven't learned about it, right? It has been 10 years since that event but one look at this Richard and I had my answers.

"Please don't tell me that you believe in them," She sighed. "You, of all people, should know better than to believe in those rumours. Especially since he will be in charge of you in the near future."

"As if I'll let a murderer be in charge of me!" He exclaimed. "It was reported on the papers!"

Audible gasps could be heard. Some scrambled to get away from me, others pulled out their phone to check the information.

I am screwed.

The one thing I was trying to keep hidden is now out in the open.

I quickly tore myself from the group and ran to the classroom. I don't think that would be a good idea but right now I didn't know where else I could go. Jan jabbed her fist into Richard before chasing after me with Hector right behind her.

I sat down, further seat to the back, taking a breather. I can't let myself panic. Jan was still muttering curses and profanities when she stepped into the class while Hector offered a sympathetic look.

"I can't believe what that idiot is saying!" Jan complained as we strolled down the hallway, not that she stopped ever since class ended. "You are technically the next Luna yet he dared to show such blatant disrespect."

I just shrugged, but I knew the reason why others would act that way. Just as I expected, most of the students started avoiding me like a plague. Some even cried when I walked too close to them, muttering things like 'spare me' or 'don't kill me.

"Hector, did you manage to find anything," Jan asked, disregarding that I was listening to the whole conversation.

"Yeah, I did. Although it is pretty stupid of anyone to assume that you did it. Putting together what I know and what is described, there is no way Shade would have been involved." Hector seethed, clearly annoyed at the situation. "People should actually take the time to read and analyze instead of blaming others aimlessly."

Stunned, I couldn't help but ask, "You knew about it all along?"

"Yup." Hector simply replied.

"Aren't you, scared?"

"Why would I be? Yea, your shadow is dangerous but it's not like it's a gun. They found bullet marks, not slash or piercing marks." Hector stated as a matter of fact. "Moreover, there is no way my sis would survive if you were a murderer."

"What is that supposed to mean? That I would lose to him?" Jan exclaimed, clearly offended at being called weaker. Hector just smirked and didn't reply which made her fumed even more.

The day passed the way I expected. No one else besides Jan and Hector was willing to sit in any proximity near me. Al least no one was trying to bully me or anything. Or so I thought. Like a typical bullying scene from the shows, my locker was filled with hate letters. I picked them all up and dumped it in the nearest bin.

Jan and Hector had to stay behind for their club activities but they informed me that Alectos was already waiting at the gate, which I was grateful for. If any of them had seen the letters, no one would be getting away from them easily without a few injuries.

"Alpha, I hope you would think twice! This concerns the safety of the pack!" The familiar voice of, you guessed it, Richard.

"Are you saying that I had not thought of the safety of the Pack?" Alectos just deadpanned, making Richard stutter on his own words.

"Of... of course not, sir. Apologies if that sounded like a challenge to your position." Richard apologized with his head hung down.

"As I have informed during yesterdays meeting, one of the Four King, Spade, was the one responsible for that event. So may I know the reason for you blaming my mate for something he didn't do?" Alectos demanded. Even from where I am at, you can see Richard emitting fear from the way Alectos was staring down at him.

"But alpha, the curse..."

"Blaze and Rain, two Elementals has vouched for him. Do you question their judgment?"


"Go back home and I don't want to hear this coming from you again." Alectos declared and sent him on his way. Richard quickly scampered away into the forest and out of view.

Alectos quickly wiped the serious look off his face and rushed to where I was, taking me into his embrace.

"Now then, let's forget about that idiot and go on our date?" He suggested, picking me up easily into a bridal style. I yelped and cling onto his shirt, blushing hard that I was lifted up so easily while trying hard not to fall off from the position.

"Are you that happy to see me?" He teased before carrying me to his sleek black car and placing me in the shotgun seat.

"Should I inform Rain about it?" I asked meekly, looking into the car mirror to avoid his passionate gaze.

"Let's not do that, he's probably going to say no again, that asshole." He muttered. I smiled that him and relaxed into the seat.

"You have a great smile, you should smile more often." Alectos commented as he pulled out of the parking lot. I just blushed at what he said but didn't comment on it. I was actually looking forward to this date that he was planning to bring me on. Hopefully, it would be able to wash away my negative thoughts of today.

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