the question

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in the time since the Nether war ended, things in frostbourne had started to return to normal or at least what charlie assumed was normal, Rain and Stella had moved in together, and Charlie was given his own place to live, 221 leaving him to be able to work at night, without fear of waking someone up, and a bed that always nice.

No sleep not tonight, too many nightmares, ever since his near-death experience at the hands of Naeus, Charlie hadn't been able to sleep, one night it would be Abigail and the next the nightmares of the void of darkness, that corrupted version of him, the feeling of never-ending falling, Charlie sat on the sofa, playing with a bit of technology, it was the remains of an energy shield bracelet.

He put down the bracelet and picked up his cup of tea, he sipped as he took a moment, the lack of any proper sleep was already catching up to him, his eyes were heavy, he was about to drop off when, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK,

Charlie was too tired to use his skills of deduction to determine who was knocking on his door, he check his watch, '2:00' who was knocking at 2:00 am in the morning, he groggily walked over to the door, opening it, Patrick was stood, dresses in a lovely black suit, with a back tie, his hair was tied and neat, Charlie didn't need his skill to tell he had just come from his date with Azura, "it's two in the morning, what on gods green earth do you want?" Charlie asked.

"It's Azura, she gave me this," he said holding up a note.

"what does it say?" Charlie asked, Patrick guested to the writing on the page.

"that's the problem I don't know it's in code," Patrick said. Charlie took the note. tilted his head.

"Well that's new, it coded in a different language and then in some kind of cypher," he went over to his table, he pulled out his journal and turned to a blank page, he pulled out a pencil and started to write. 

"Well that doesn't make much more sense, just letters" Patrick complained, Charlie smiled.

"It's so much more than just 'letters' those letters are probably some kind of cypher, I can't decipher it on my own, so your best bet is probably going to the library and founding a book about cyphers," Charlie picked up his mug, and drunk from it.

"me? don't you want to get to the bottom of this too, come on it's a big mystery," Patrick asked, he know how to convince Charlie, Charlie smiled placing his mug back down spinning around to his hat stand and grabbing his new blue coat, wrapping it around him.

"thought you'd never ask," Charlie rapped his multicoloured 4th doctor scarf around his neck and headed for the door.

Partick was now at one of the few tables in the library, as Charlie dropped another three books down, making a total of 6 on the table, "an hour of searching and I think that's all of them," Charlie sat opposite Patrick, "Tell now the wars over can we get this placed organised?" Charlie asked. Frostbourne had the greatest library in the overworld, containing a copy of nearly every book ever written in the overworld, taking up most of the ground floor of the citadel.

"I may just agree to that, I nearly fell asleep while you were looking," Patrick said, he yawned and stretched his arms, "So one of these books should allow us to figure out what Azura wrote down?" Charlie nodded.

less than ten minutes on and Charlie had become aware of someone watching the two, he tapped Patrick on the shoulder taking him out from the cypher he was checking, "I need to check something," he said, Patrick nodded and went back to his book. Charlie got up and walked around a few book isles acting like he had seen nothing until he was behind the person watching them. "And what do you think you're doing?" he whispered to them.

Stella jumped back, as soon as Charlie had whispered in her ear, she whacked his arm, "Don't do that," She said, Charlie smiled to himself.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be spying on people," Charlie answered suddenly Stella was embraced by the fact Charlie had realised that, "Let me guess," Charlie paused for a moment all part of the act, "Azura, guessing that Patrick wouldn't be able to solve this on his own, had you follow him to see if he asked for help, What of course he done by asking the smartest person in Frostbourne," Charlie theorised.

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