Abigail and the master

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Abigail sat in the Master's TARDIS, waiting, she knew that time was running out, 'Ironic, a master of time is running out of it,' she thought, the eternal night was coming, despite the Master's attempt to stop it, Abigail knew that a legend like that could not be stopped. The Master had left, she didn't know what he was doing and she didn't care. she reflected on when she had met the Master. 

Naeus had removed the Nether star from her, it was in the middle of healing her dying body, but he took it from her. casting her body into the lava flow, Days stretched to weeks, and Abigail floated down the lava, she was screaming in her head, after what felt like a lifetime her body snagged on a soul sand breach. 

after days, She had started to lose hope, "now, what here could send out such a scream that my Ship was dragged off course," a man called, She felt a hand brush across her face, "Now that's interesting, you're in between life and death, somehow never of them," the man said. "let's get you back to my ship,"

she awoke in a dark room, she had been placed in a bed a very comfortable bed at least compared to the excuse of a bed she had in the nether. "Hello?" she asked, she could hear doors open, blinding white light filled into the room, and a man walked in, he clicked his fingers, and overhead lights came on. 

"Ahh, you're awake my dear," the man said. everything about the way he looked to his voice seemed nice and caring, but Abigail couldn't shake the feeling of dread and horror she felt when the man spoke.

"Who are you? and where am I?" Abigail asked, getting out of the bed she intended to get answers.

"My dear, there's no reason to be so hostile, I saved your life," the man said. "But I suppose you deserve some answers, I know I would if I woke up in a strange place, walk with me and I'll explain," he said. Abigail nodded and the two started to walk down hallways with pure black walls with roundels.

"I am known universe, as the Master, I found you in that pocket universe, the nether I do believe, you were half dead, I brought you here to my ship and healed you," 

"Why heal me? you're human, you must know who I am, why heal me?"

"that's where you're wrong my dear, I'm not human I just look it, and I do know who you are, but your mind was so powerful that it screamed and somehow connected to my ship, I felt like I had to help you,"

"Master, what is this ship?" Abigail asked, the master opened a door into the control room, the same black doors, with centre controls. four pillars lead over it. 

"This ship is my TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, it's a long story but put in basic it's a time machine," the master explained. Abigail looked around amazed, "now my dear, what do you want?" the master asked. 

"Rain, I want to see Rain," she didn't even hesitate when she answered him, her mind had cleared since the last time.

"Ahh, I might have to disappoint you," he went over to controls and activated the scanner, "I recently went to the witches coven I sought help to stop what is to come, I was too late they had been killed, by a nether soldier, then I saw this," the master pointed to the scanner.

There he was Rain, but he wasn't alone, a girl, with Lavender hair, in a black dress wearing a witches hat, hugging him, and Rain was hugging back. Abigail's heart seemed to break a second time. and then she recognised her. "I know that women, from my dreams, the one that will burn wild through the overworld," 

"your dream, you Mrs Crysteffor truly are unique, visions of the future, and why'll half dead, and powerless your mind was still powerful enough to send a message to my telepathic circuit," the Master explained, Abigail wasn't listening she was still staring at Rain.

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