a confesstion

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A few days had passed now, since Ceris had returned the group to frostbourne and everything was going well, there had been no attacks, things were just starting to clame down, over the last few days Charlie had been in the library nearly none stop, he had gathered a pile of books the hight of an enderman, all about various legends about anything really, scanning for anything about the red legion, it was book after book, he took a few breaks, spending a lot of time with Crystal, the two got on well. Charlie mostly helped with her adjusting to life in frostbourne. 

It wasn't much but it was nice, Charlie enjoyed her company, afterwards, it was back to the books, he read and read. he learnt of the legend of the ender falls and the lost world of nowhere, even its name was long lost, but what interested him the most of the story of the eternal night or was it, knight, the book used both. 

Charlie groaned as he start yet another book. "so this is where you've hidden yourself away," Charlie looked up to find Rain, standing over the table. "2 days and the only person who's seen you is Crystal," Rain said, taking the seat opposite him. 

"Oh moring Rain," Charlie said with a yawn. he place a bookmark on the page and closed it.

"Charlie, it's half 2 in the afternoon," Rain said, Charlie's ears darted to his watch.

"Oh," was all he was able to say. "anyway, how goes the Day?" Charlie asked.

"Patrick asked me to be his best man," Charlie face shot up. "But that also means we've got to plan the party, but that's a me problem," Rain said, he picked up one of the books, "Read anything good recently?"

Charlie sighed, "Some of these legends are so weird," he pointed to a lilac book. "That one was in a laughen I didn't know, so I had to translate it, and even then I'm sure that not true, A red eye of ender, as if," 

"and this one?" Rain asked holding a leather bond book. it was worn and well-read.

"That one, now that one confused me, Something about a cybernetic red panda, I didn't think you had red Panda here," Charlie explained. he picked up a third book. "this one is about a creature of ultimate power, that had fallen to darkness, his name cast way, to forever be known as Entity 303, there is nothing here about the red legion," Charlie Sighed again. "Anyway, so how goes the planning for Pazura wedding?" Charlie asked.

"Patrick has decided on a date, 5 days, the befit of having a genius and a strategist plan a wedding they very good at it, also dress code wear a suit," Rain informed him. 

"So I am invited? wasn't sure, so when are we getting a Rella wedding?" Charlie asked jokingly. Rain blushed slightly. 

"That's probably a little while off. me and Stella are happy as we are now, what about you?" Rain asked. 

"Me and getting married? don't be ridiculous, I don't even have a partner," charlie said. Rain gave him this really? look. 

"I've seen the way, you and Crystal look at each other, reminds me of how me and Stella looked at each other," Rain pointed out. 

Charlie stumbled out some incoherent, it was his turn to blush. "Don't be stupid, me and a relationship don't really go hand in hand, anyway we just friends, that's all," Charlie said. 

"that's what I use to say about Stella," Rain mumbled. "I wonder what appropriate ship name would be," he asked. Charlie looked about embraced.

"anyway I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the Party, I've got a fairly good plan for Patrick, it's sure to be funnnn," Rain said, Charlie arched an eyebrow.

"Sure, I've got a few things to do, Crystal wants a hand with something, let me when we start," Charlie said walking off, and out  of library, he headed off to his room. 

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