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POV Crystal 

I either just made the smartest dedication or the dumbest of my life, Attacking the Entity was stupid, very stupid. Even after that, I ended up teleporting him and the other way, I've as good as signed my death sentence. I watched as Charlie and the others left. I opened a portal, 'I can't follow, not now, there'll kill me as soon as look at me, I know exactly where to go,' I opened another portal.

I stepped out into a grass field a few birch trees, a half-burned house, two flows made of Stonebrinks, a few of the windows had been blown out, I walked to the door pushing it open, as I walked in and found the dusty front room, this triggered a memory. 

I was 6, and zombies were pounding on the door, my mother had grabbed her crossbow, then smash, one of the windows in the kitten had broken, zombies climbed their way through, she fired the crossbow, "Up the stairs, now Crystal!" mom called.

I climbed as quick as I could, I heard the door burst open, "After the girl!" A voice called. I turned as a zombie grabbed at me, I kicked at it falling at the top of the stairs. I rushed forward and tried to close the door of my room, the zombie forced it way past, gripping onto my arm. 

"Stop! let me go!" I yelled the zombie stopped, letting my arm go. I was confused for a moment then looked up. the Zombie was just standing there looking at me. 

"What is happening up there, It's just a girl...." Herobrine stopped, staring at the zombie and then at me, this was the first time I had seen him in person, I had heard the stories, mom had always told me about, that he was my father, and that I had to be kept away from him. "so she was lying to me," he said. he leaned down to me, and grabbed my arm, he dragged me down the stairs. "Blackbone hold her, the zombies might be unreliable around her,"

the wither Skeleton held my arms, in front of me, was my mother being held by two zombies, "You lied to me Sheila, you told me she was nothing," Herobrine ran his hands over my mother check. "But you know different, that's why you hide her," He raised his diamond sword, "I don't like people who lie," he placed the sword to her throat.

"Crystal close your eyes," mom said. tears rolling down her cheek.

Herobrine turned to his second in command, "Hold her eyes, I want her to watch," he ordered. I tried to close my eyes to look away, but I couldn't. I was forced to watch as Herobrine slit her throat.

I walked around my old home, this is where I would always go to escape, when I need to be away, I'm sure the Entity didn't know about this place, I went up the stairs as they creaked, I reached the top of the stairs, I had been back here 100s of times, never once did I come back up here, but if I'm going to move on then maybe I should. 

I stared at the door for a moment, then pushed the door to my old room, a bat flow out, flying around me for a moment, I put my arm out and the bat landed on it, "Hello little guy, What are you doing here?" I asked.

I rubbed the back of the bats head, "Well I can always do with new friends, well a friend, in general, would be nice," the bat flow up and landed on my shoulder, rubbing against my hair. "Yeah, you and me, don't worry if anyone comes looking for me I know what to do," I said. 

the truth was I inherited more of Herobrines powers than expected, I can control the undead, shot lightning, summon my diamond sword, and open portals to anywhere in the overworld. that last one, we're not sure where that came from. 

I went down to the floor and sat on the couch, or at least what was left of it, and I fell asleep. I dreamed of another memory. I was 10 now living in an underground set of tunnels that Herobrines undead army called home. It was around this time my father had become aggressive towards me, he would beat me and cut me when I upset him or if he was angry. I had been seeing the Entity in my dreams, he told me to run, and that he would save me.

one night I stole his diamond sword and escaped, but he was following along with commander blackbone, who had a brother I later learnt was a general in the nether, Charlie told me once how General Blackbone died, but that's not the point. I had made it out of the caves, Herobrine slammed me to the ground appearing from nowhere, he retrieved his sword from me.

"You ungrateful child," he raised the sword, and a crossbow bolt smashed the sword from his hand, Pillagers led by the pillager General, joined by Alula or Gwendolyn whatever she calling her self. "The red legion? why are you here?" Herobrine asked, Gwendolyn brought the diamond sword to me.

"We're here for the girl, Herobrine she belongs to us now," Gwendolyn teleported us away to the red legion base. 

I was awoken several hours later, thanks to the eternal night it was hard to tell what time it, I heard spiders, Vex and Pillagers. the bat flow up hiding at the top of the building, I summoned up my sword, slicing a spider in half when it tried to get a surprise drop on me. 

then the vexes, I know all too well how to fight them, I fired my lightning at them, killing them, unlike Charlie's weapon, my powers kill them not allowing them to rebuild their bodies later. as I stabbed a pillager, the Entity appeared, in Rain's body. 

I have to hold back, I can't kill Rain, they would never forgive me, Rain brought the ender great sword down at me, I dodged charging forward and slamming Rain into the wall, my elbow slamming into his stomach, Rain grabbed my arm, slicing my arm, I recoiled in pain, and Rain grabbed my throat smacking me into the sofa. 

"That's the thing, in this body, you wouldn't hurt me, because kill this body and Charlie will never forgive you," Rain grabbed my neck, slamming me into a wall, "Now Crystal What did I tell you would happen if you betrayed me?" Rain asked, unlike with Stella, The entity was using Rains voice. 

"I would make you hurt, I still need you," he squeezed harder, "hope that you remain useful to me, or I will kill you," The Entity said.

I smacked my arm on his, "Now, now, that is enough, We're going to finish what we start, whether you like it or not," my vision faded to Darkness. the last thing I heard was The Entity laughing.

when my vision returned I was chained to a wall, in the red legions base, and stood in front of me being a half slab with an ender pearl on it was. the Entity stood staring at me, "You know, I've long wondered what would happen if I were to mix my corruption magic, the blood of someone with your powers, and an ender pearl," he held the ender pearl his very touch corrupting it, as he walked me, he held up my sword and cut the top of my arm, I winced in pain as the blood dropped onto the pearl, it glowed red. "now let's see what happens," 

the Entity chucked it at a wall, expecting to teleport. but nothing happened. "Huh, I was hoping for anything, oh well, I guess this is of no use," he summoned a pillager into the room ordering him to dispose of the pearl. he turned back to me. "Now, Crystal my dear, dear Crystal, You are going to help, because if you don't well, I'll kill that human your so fond of right now," 

there was nothing I could do, no way out, why didn't he just take me over like he did Rain and Stella, what does he want from me? he ran the blade across my chest. and I screamed in pain everything going black again. 

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