what remains

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POV Patrick 

I stood here in the war room with Charlie, Ceris, Daryll, Azura, Lyria, Hilda, Kyle, Marc and a rather beat up enderman both Charlie and Ceris had called Endy, what can't be his actual name right, Ciara had left the room just after Charlie started to talk, Kyle helped to fill in the gaps. 

It wasn't good, Rain taken, Stella possessed, Kane...killed, the forbidden spell book stolen by Crystal along with the End Crystals, her betrayal it had clearly affected Charlie, he was doing that thing when acted like it hadn't hurt him at all. but he was hurting,  if I see her again, she will pay for hurting him. 

this threat, the Entity, he sounds bad, he controlled Pilliagers, spiders, vexes and if Crystal was telling the truth about being the daughter of Herobrine, likely the undead that have been attacking us as well. 

"The Eternal night, all I know is that it involved Corrupting a beacon, nether star, and 5 of the 9 end crystals, it's either stop the planet rotation or worse," Charlie explained.

'What's worse than stopping the planet from moving? you know what I don't want to know,' I thought, "So can you undo it?" I already know the answer but I had to cheek just in case. 

Charlie shook his head, "No, I'm smart, very smart, but some things are beyond even me," he said. He looked down, "Like letting Crystal slip through," he mumbled, I was certain Charlie didn't think anyone heard him. "but," he started. "I might know how we get more information, I'm going to need to go out of frostbourne...."

I had heard enough, "No, I am not risking it, not until we know more," I said as firmly as I could. going out they now would be certain death. 

"No? NO!" Charlie yelled, there it went his calm, it was only a matter of time, "you want me to fix this, and yet you won't let me go to find out more! for a strategist you can be awfully stupid," Charlie snapped. 

I tried not to offend buy this, I knew it was all this catching up with him, "Charlie you need to think, we lost 3 of our most powerful and skilled fighters in less than 24 hours, and with what happened with Crystal...."

"don't bring Crystal up this is nothing to with her! and for your information, I am thinking, I am always thinking unlike you!" Charlie yelled. that's it I took a deep breath. 

"Charlie, must I remind you that you are not in charge here, Now go and get some sleep or something, and we will continue this conversation later," I said, trying not to yell at him. 

Charlie rubbed his head, "You want me to go to sleep, why two of my friends are out there under the control of that thing? maybe someone should check your head because clearly, you aren't THINKING!" Charlie full-on yelled. 

I could Feel Azura eyes on me, telling me not to lose my calm, but I couldn't just have him yelling at me like this, here in the war room where I am meant to be in charge. "Enough!" I snapped, Charlie flinched back, "Consider yourself under guard, you are not to leave this citadel, without my direct order, now you are relived, go and get rested then I want you checked over by Nostra," I ordered. 

Charlie rubbed his tired eyes, he sighed, "Fine, I'm going," Charlie said, he turned and stormed out of the room. 

"Patrick, wasn't that a bit hash?" Azura asked, taking my hand. 

"No, he needs to learn that he can't just do what he wants," I hugged her, "I don't want to lose anyone else," I whispered to her. 

"umm, not to interpret this tender moment, but we still need to discuss defending frostbourne, from the constant attacks," Kyle said tuning in. Kyle was an alright person, well his downright great when compared to his predeceases from the nether. I think his best feature is he cares, he cares about charlie and he cares for life unlike anyone else in the nether. 

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